Respiratory disorders Flashcards
What are the signs of Nasal disease?
Facial swelling or distortion
Sneezing, Snorting, Rubbing face along surfaces
Nasal discharge - serous, mucoid, mucopurulent, bloody
What are the possible causes of Nasal disease in dogs?
Distemper KC complex Aspergillus spp Foreign bodies Neoplasia Trauma
What are the possible causes of nasal disease in cats?
FURD - feline upper respiratory disease Chlamidophyla Foreign bodies Neoplasia Trauma
What is epistaxis?
Nose bleeding
What can be used to diagnose nasal disease?
History Clinical exam - facial symmetry? Blood tests for coagulation MRT/CT scan Nasal Flush - cell harvest for cytology, fungal/abnormal cells Bacterial/fungal culture Biopsy and histopathology of masses
What are the possible treatments of nasal disease?
Tumor removal Medical treatment of fungal/bacterial infections FB removal Supportive care of viral infections Radiotherapy/chemotherapy for neoplasia
What are the nursing care requirements for patient with nasal disease?
Depends on cause Keep patient clean Medicate Warm food to encourage palatability hand feeding 'Balls" of food Humidify the air Barrier nurse if infectious cause
What are examples of Laryngeal disease?
Laryngeal paralysis
What are the possible symptoms of Laryngeal disease?
Coughing/gagging when barking or purring
Exercise intolerance
What is Dysphonia?
A change or loss of vocal ability
What breeds are more prone to laryngeal disease?
Ageing medium to large breeds
also seen in small breeds
What are possible cause of laryngeal disease?
Laryngeal folds motor nerve supply degenerates (neuropathy)
What would the treatment be for severs laryngeal paralysis?
What does dysphonia mean?
Change or loss in vocal ability
What is Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction?
A over long soft palate which extends too far caudally and obstructs the larynx
What usually causes Laryngeal Oedema?
Mechanical trauma to tissues
most often seen in cats after repeated attempts to intubate
How can we prevent Laryngeal Oedema?
Ensure adequate local anaesthetic and efficient visualisation of area before attempting intubation
What nursing care should be provided to a patient with laryngeal disease?
Use a harness or head collar for exercise
Avoid excitement
Keep cool
Oxygen therapy if indicated
What emergency equipment should be prepared for a patient with laryngeal disease?
Tracheotomy kit
What is the definition of Sinusitis?
Inflammation of one or more sinuses
What is the definition of rhinitis?
Inflammation of the nasal lining
What is the definition of epistaxis?
Bleeding from the nose
What is the definition of Laryngitis?
Inflammation of the larynx
What is the definition of Tracheitis?
Inflammation of the trachea
What are signs of Tracheal disease?
Tracheitis Tracheal collapse/ trauma Honking noise Dyspnoea Dry hacking cough exercise intolerance
What breeds are most affected by Tracheal disease?
Small breeds
especially yorkies
What makes up the lower respiratory tract?
What first aid measures should be taken when presented with an animal with acute respiratory disease?
Provide oxygen in the least stressful way possible
Minimal restraint to reduce stress
Make sure collar is loose
Support in sternal recumbency
What are possible causes of sudden onset of acute respiratory disease?
Ruptured diaphragm
pulmonary haemorrhage
What are possible causes of decompensation of an ongoing problem in acute respiratory disease?
Pneumothorax, haemothorax, pyothorax, chylothorax
Pulmonary oedema
What equipment should be prepared for an animal in acute respiratory distress?
Tracheostomy kit ET tubes with ties Oxygen and anaesthetic circuit forceps (crocodile/whelping) Laryngoscope Thoracocentesis equipment Crash box
What nursing and home care should be provided to a patient with respiratory distress?
Keep animal cool Stress free environment limit exposure to strong aerosols Short steady exercise compliance with drug therapy use a harness instead of lead owner to take resp rare and check MM colour and CRT High energy diet
What are causes of chronic pulmonary disease?
Pulmonary oedema or haemorrhage Lungworm Feline asthma Neoplasia Bronchitis Pneumonia
What is Angiostrongylus vasorum?
Dog lungworm
What is A. Abstrusus?
Cat lungworm
What are the symptoms of lungworm?
may also be asymptomatic
How can chronic pulmonary disease be diagnosed?
Thoracic radiographs
Haematology and biochemistry
Bronchoalveolar lavage to send for culture and cytology
Faecal analysis if lung worm is suspected
smear of mucus on ET tube - microscopy can reveal lungworm larvae
What nursing care should be provided to a patient with respiratory illness?
Provide rest and a calm environment oxygen therapy if needed monitor hydration status as they breath out fluid when tachpnoeic coupage on VS prescription monitor all vital signs
How should owners introduce the inhaler to their asthmatic cat?
Gradually, increasing contact time to 20-30 seconds before attaching the chamber, then once comfortable, adding the medication
What does Extrapulmonary mean?
the problem is outside of the lung tissue, but it affects their function
What are examples of Extrapulmonary conditions?
Diaphragmatic rupture
Neoplasia of the thymus and lymph nodes
ascites due to right sided heart failure
What are examples of infectious respiratory diseases in dogs?
Kennel cough complex
What are examples of infectious respiratory diseases in cats?
Feline upper respiratory disease
how are infectious respiratory diseases passed?
Via inhalation of viral/bacterial particles
What is the clinical name of Kennel Cough complex?
Canine Contagious Respiratory disease
What is the treatment for Kennel Cough?
no treatment usually self limiting
What strain of Kennel Cough is vaccinated against with a nasal vaccination?
Bordatella Bronchisepta
how is canine distemper virus spread?
Aerosol droplets, urine, faeces, saliva, vomitus and ocular discharge
What are the clinical signs of Canine distemper virus?
Depression, anorexia, rhinitis and conjunctivitis.
Hyperetatosis of the nose and footpads
What is Myoclonus?
Involuntary twitching of the muscles
What neurological signs can be present with Canine distemper virus?
Optic neuritis
What nursing care should be provided to a patient with Canine distemper virus?
Should be barrier nursed .
disinfect the environment
vaccinate all other dogs in the household
How long can the distemper virus be shed post infection?
90 days
How long is the incubation period for distemper virus?
7-21 days
What does FURD stand for?
Feline Upper Respiratory Disease
What viruses cause FURD?
Calici virus
Herpes Virus
Chlamydophila felis
What symptoms would the normal strain of feline calicivirus produce?
Ocular/nasal discharge sneezing gingivitis and Stomatitis Oral ulceration Inappetance and depression
What symptoms would viral systemic calicivirus produce?
Oedema and ulceration on limbs and feet
hair loss and lesions on head
high mortality
when is the feline herpesvirus type 1 shed?
intermittently when stressed any time after infection
What are symptoms of feline herpesvirus?
conjunctivitis with ocular/nasal discharge paroxysmal sneezing anorexia depression pyrexia can develop pneumonia
What bacteria can transmit from dogs to cat and cause FURD?
Bordatella Bronchisepta
What can bordatella Bronchisepta cause in cat?
bronchopneumonia and death
What are the nursing requirements of a cat with bordatella bronchisepta?
Barrier nurse
provide warmed palatable food
IV fluids and meds as directed by VS
What animals are most at risk from bordatella bronchisepta?
very young/old/ immunosupressed animals
What is chlamydophila felis?
an intracellular parasite, present on mucosa of infected cats
How is chlamydophila felis transmitted?
Close contact/grooming of infected ocular/nasal discharges