Respiratory Flashcards
General overview with a patient with DIB
positioning - tripoding
respiratory effect
Lip pursing
hands,eyes and tongue colour change
IPPA - inspect
inspection - resp rate,effort and depth,scars,brusinsing/injuries,colour and accessory muscle use inspect the back
IPPA - Palpation
Palpation - tenderness,symmetry,masses,equal chest rise,subcutaneous emphysema
IPPA - Percussion
Percussion - tapping the chest,listening for resonance hyper or hypo
Hyper-resonance – excessive air in pleural space/lung
Hypo-resonance – indicates fluid/consolidation in lung/pleural space
IPPA - Auscualte
using a sethocoape to listen to breath sounds on front and back
what observation can you do
spO2,Peak flow,ECG and Capnography (EtCO2)
What is peak flow
Measurement of the force of expiration,used in the long-term monitoring of asthma
PEF <33% = life threatening asthma
PEF <50% = acute severe asthma
What is the End tidal carbon dioxide
provides quick feedback on the gas exchange process. Provides a measurement of expired CO2.
Normal value = 4.6 – 6.0 kPa (35 - 45mmhg)
What is asthma
Expiratory wheeze & chest tightness
Triggers such as exercise, weather and allergens
What the red flags of DIB
Accessory muscle usage,tracheal tug,respiratory echaustion,loss of wheeze,stridor,bradypnoea
What is the management of asthma
Oxygen,Salbutamol,Ipratropium bromide,Hydrocortisone,Adrenaline
What is COPD
Progressive disease causing breathing difficulties and cough
Frequent chest infections
Often caused by smoking
Chronic bronchities symptoms
Chronic productive cough
Purulent sputum
Mild dyspnoea initially
Cyanosis (due to hypoxaemia)
Peripheral oedema
Crackles, wheezes
Prolonged expiration
Emphysema symptoms
Minimal cough
Increased minute ventilation
Pink skin, pursed lips breathing
Accessory muscle use
Hyperinflation, barrel chest
Decreased breath sounds
what is pack years
1 Pack = 20 cigaretts x by years
What is Pulmonary embolism
A pulmonary embolism is when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in your lungs risk factors - surgery,trauma,pregancy
Presentation of Hyperventilation Syndrome
chest tightness