Respiratory Flashcards
Oxygen transport
Nose –> pharynx –> larynx –> trachea –> main stem bronchus –> main bronchi –> lobar/secondary bronchi –> segmental/tertiary bronchi –> terminal bronchioles –> respiratory bronchioles –> alveolar ducts –> alveolar sacs –> alveoli
Subjective assessment - upper airways
- Ear, nose, throat discharge
- Blocked nose
- Sinus pain
- Trauma
- Epistaxis (nosebleeds)
- Allergies
- Smell
- Mouth/throat pain
- Sores/lesions/ulcers
- Hoarseness/change in voice
- Lumps/swelling in neck, mouth, throat
Medication use, smoking, environment
Objective assessment - upper airways
- General inspection
- colour of skin/mucus membranes
- ease of breathing/voice - Inspect & palpate external nose
- deformity, asymmetry, deviated septum
- patency of nostrils (close one) - Inspect the mouth
- lip moisture, swollen tongue, mucus production - Inspect the throat
- tonsils, infection
- pharyngeal wall (lesions, exudate)
Right lung vs left lung
Right: - shorter (liver) - 3 lobes (upper, middle, lower) - shorter, wider, more vertical bronchus Left: - narrower (heart) - 2 lobes (upper, lower)
Subjective assessment - lower airways
- Chest pain with breathing
- Cough (phlegm, sputum, blood)
- History of respiratory infection
- smoking history
- Environmental exposure (work/cigarette smoke)
Peripheral vs central cyanosis
Peripheral - bluish discolouration of nails - arterial/venous obstruction, reduced CO = lack of oxygenated blood reaching periphery Central - bluish discolouration of lips - gross lack of oxygen - emergency
Objective assessment - lower airways
- General inspection
- colour of face, nailbeds, lips, mouth, earlobes
- quality of breathing - Inspect, palpate, auscultate posterior chest
- shape, position to breathe, colour, bruising
- symmetrical chest expansion, tenderness - Inspect, palpate, auscultate anterior chest
- accessory muscle use, intercostal space, RR - Pulmonary function
- forced expiratory time
- pulse oximetry
Respiratory rate
Eupnoea: 12-20 breaths per minute Tachypnoea: >20 Bradypnoea: <12 Apnoea: no respiration for >10 secs Orthopnoea: difficulty breathing when lying flat (supine)
Breathing pattern involving fast shallow breathing, followed by slow heavier breathing, and then moments of apnoea.
Auscultation of lungs
- Lower lobes heard best at back
- Upper lobes best at front
- Middle lobe (right) only heard from front
- Turbulent air moving through upper airway obstruction
- Generally on inspiration
- more common in children
Nursing management of respiratory distress
- Positioning: Fowler’s/High Fowler’s/Tripod
- Encourage deep breathing and coughing
- Encourage hydration
- Suctioning
- Oxygen therapy
Oxygen therapy indications & precautions:
Indications: - correcting tissue hypoxia SaO2 <95% - antidote for CO poisoning Precautions: - Patients who are not hypoxic (>95%) - End-stage COPD (SaO2 88-92% target)
Define consolidation
Increased areas of density due to fluid, mucous and oedema on chest X-ray
Define haemoptysis
Coughing bloody sputum