How many ATP are produced per glucose in glycolysis and kreb cycle
2ATP each
How many molecules of ATP are there per glucose molecule in Glycolyis and in the kreb cycle
2ATP each
How is the ATP formed in glycolysis and the kreb cycle
Substrate level phosphorylation
How many molecules of NAD and FAD do we form
What happens during oxidative phosphorylation
1) Reduced hydrogen carriers from the 10 reduced NAD and 2 reduced FAD enter oxidative phosphorylation
2) During oxidative phosphorylation, the electron pairs from reduced NAD and reduced FAD pass through the electron transport chain
3) Energy from these electrons is used to establish a proton gradient
4) This proton gradient is used to generate ATP by chemiosmosis
using the enzyme ATP synthase
5) at the end of the electron transport chain, the electron pair is accepted by oxygen forming water
This reaction takes place for every electron passing through the electron transport chain
When does oxygen get used in aerobic respiration
At the end of oxidative phosphorylation to form water
What is oxygen called by accepting electrons at the end of the electron transport chain
Oxygen is acting as the final or terminal electron acceptor
What happens if the level of oxygen falls below a certain point in OP
Then there will not be enough oxygen to accept electrons , this means that electrons will stop moving through the electron transport chain
The electron transport chain is shut down
Now the proton gradient is no longer formed
No ATP is produced in chemiosmosis
No ETC means red NAD and red FAD cannot be oxidised back to NAD and FAD
Levels of NAD and FAD fall very low
All reactions require NAD to make ATP and form