Respi SAQ Flashcards


Uncommon respiratory diseases, but with distinctive featuers as clues to their dx
* 10 year old patient with bronchiectasis
* 38 year old smoker with emphysema
* Difficult asthma, eosinophilia + central bronchiectasis or lung shadows + skin rashes or neuropathy

  • 10 year old patient with bronchiectasis –> cystic fibrosis
  • 38 year old smoker with emphysema –> alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
  • Difficult asthma, eosinophilia + central bronchiectasis or lung shadows + skin rashes (vasculitic rash can be painful) or neuropathy –> allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, eosinophilic granulomatous polyangiitis
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  • Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) affects mostly women of childbearing age (can coexist with tuberous sclerosis)
  • Post transplant obstructive disease: bronchiolitis obliterans
  • Suppurative sputum –> think Kartagener syndrome (Dextrocardia + bronchiectasis)
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Diffuse micronodular shadows
* Lymphangitis carcinomatosis
* Miliary TB
* Silicosis
* Others e.g. sarcoidosis, pulmonary haemosiderosis

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30 yo women with known SLE and lupus nephritis admitted for SOB. How to find out her cause?

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  1. Mixed restrictive (both FEV1 and FVC reduced to similar extent and also reduced RV, TLC) and obstructive pattern (as FEV/FVC ratio < 70), lung parenchymal disease with decreased DLCO
  2. ABG, CT thorax, echo for cor pulmonale + ECG
  3. Stop smoking, stop exposure to construction site, refer DH chest clinic for consideration of pneumoconiosis compensation
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chronic smoker, months of SOB, 5 years of dry cough, 3 years of whitish + occasionally yellowish sputum + a few episodes of fever and sputum, says pneumonia; referred to SOPD clinic. PE: prolonged expiratory phase, LLZ coarse crackles, also raised JVP, bilateral ankle edema and central cyanosis. FEV1 1.3L FVC 2.4L FEV/FVC 54% CXR hyperinflated lung fields;
1. 2 most likely ddx
2. 1 Ix to differentiate the two
3. What complication from PE. Explain physiology of complication
4. Definition of reversibility on bronchodilator change

  1. COPD, bronchiectasis
  2. HRCT thorax
  3. Cor pulmonale due to pulmonary hypertension as a result of obliteration/occlusion of blood vessels. VQ mismatch hypoxia –> polycythemia –> hypervolemia causing increased cardiac output and causes pulmonary hypertension and increases RV workload –> resulting in congestion –> elevated JVP, peripheral edema
  4. Increased FEV1 >12% by bronchodilator/ >200ml increae in FEV
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a) Respiratory acidosis as there is hyperventilation to compensate for the dead space. This is type 2 respiratory failure: wasted expenditure of energy.
b) Drugs: Short acting inhaled salbutamol +/- ipratropium bromide with spacer. Corticosteroids (hydrocortisone 100mg iv q6-8h or oral prednisolone 30-40mg daily). Steroids discontinued after the acute episode (e.g. 5-10 days)
Non drugs: supplemental oxygen (start with 1-2L/min by nasal prongs) to maintain spO2 88-92%. NIV to relieve dyspnea by decreasing work of breathing: consider when respiratory acidosis (pH<7.35), severe dyspnoea with signs of respiratory muscles fatigue, persistent hypoxemia despite supplemental O2 therapy)
c) cigarette smoking, occupational exposure to dust/fumes, indoor biomass combustion (wood, coal –> not in HK)

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a) severe asthma, non responsive phenotype, poor inhaler technique, poor adherence, ongoing exposure to triggers, inadequately controlled comorbidities (rhinitis), misidagnosis
b) house dust, pollen, animal danders
c) Bronchodilator as reliever, increase to medium dosage ICS. Can add LABA if not well controlled (formoterol).

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a) aspiration pneumonia due to impaired consiousness caused by stroke. Given IV because patient may be unable to swallow well.
Ampicillins and cephalosporins (apart from 2nd gen cephalosporins) don’t cover anaerobes which is needed in aspiration pneumonia

aspiration pneumonia pathogens
Gram +ve: strept pneumoniae, staph aureus, alpha hemolytic streptococci
Gram -ve: haemophilus influenzae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, e.coli, klebsiella pneumoniae (DM+ elderly)
Anaerobic: bacteroides, peptostreptococus, fusobacterium

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A 27/F found unconscious on the street. Respiratory rate 8 breaths per minute. Pinpoint pupils. The blood gas shows the following (pH 7.25, PaO2 low, PaCO2 high, HCO3 12, BE +2)
a. Interpret the blood gas findings
b. Most likely diagnosis
c. What drug treatment would you give for the diagnosis
d. Three alternative causes for the blood gas picture


a. Type 2 respiratory failure: hypoxia + hypercapnic due to hypoventilation (this is a ventilatory failure) + respiratory acidosis. There is no renal compensation as HCO3- is low (insufficient time to compensate).
b. Opioid intoxication (inability to dilate pupils)
c. Naloxone
d. GBS/ myasthenic crisis/ BDZ overdose

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Bronchiectasis exacerbation with Gram-negative rod cultured
a. 2 typical features of bronchiectasis on CXR
b. Name one other confirmatory investigation
c. What is the Gram-negative bacteria cultured likely to be?
d. Three groups of antibiotics for the above bacteria
e. Name one evidenced based drug which has been proven to reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations, 2 adverse effects to monitor associated with long-term use


a. tramline opacities, thickened and abnormally dilated bronchial walls, parallel linear densities
c. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
d. Fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, at least 3rd gen cephalosporins, carbapenems, extended spectrum penicillins
e. immunomodulation by macrolide (azithromycin): takes at least 6 months for effect. AE: hepatotoxicity, ototixicity, QTc prolongation

Other immunomodulation
Inhaled antibiotics for PsA colonizer: inhaled gentamicin
Intermittent IV antibiotics

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a. 2 types of cells affected by HIV
b. 3 groups of drugs in HAART
c. Pneumonia picture. Diffuse haziness on CXR. Give 2 ddx
d. CD4 140. AFB smear of sputum negative. What is most likely dx?
e. Name 1 Ix to confirm dx?
f. What drug treatment for dx?


a. macrophage, dendritic cell, helper T cell (CD4+)
c. PJP, miliary TB
d. PJP
e. BAL with methanamine silver stain
f. Septrin (cotrimoxazole). If G6PD+ve –> give pentamidine.

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A 54-year-old man, with diabetes mellitus for 10 years and chronic alcoholism for 20 years, presented with high swinging fever, cough and greenish sputum for 1 week. He had no recent travel for the past few months. He attended A&E Department with temperature 39°C, blood pressure 130/85 mmHg, pulse rate 120/min regular, and bronchial breath sounds with coarse crackles in the right lower chest posteriorly. Initial blood tests revealed WBC 25 × 109/L (75% neutrophils), urea 10.5 mmol/L (N: 3– 8.8), and creatinine 97 umol/L (N: 67–109). Sputum Gram stain showed Gram-negative bacilli. Chest x-ray showed right lower zone consolidation.
(a) What is the most likely causative microbial agent for his medical illness?
(b) Name two appropriate choices of empirical antimicrobial drug.
On the third day after hospital admission and empirical antibiotic treatment, he complained of right pleuritic chest pain and persistent fever. Physical examination showed decreased breath sound and stony dullness in the right lower chest. Chest x-ray showed a moderate right pleural effusion.
(c) What is the most appropriate diagnostic procedure to be performed?
(d) Explain how four investigation results of the above procedure can help in making your diagno- sis in this case.
(e) What additional therapeutic procedure may need to be performed after the above diagnostic workup?


a) klebsiella pneumoniae (most associated with DM)
b) augmentin (+ azithromycin), ceftriaxone/ceftazidime/cefotaxime
c) pleural tap (thoracentesis)
d) Biochemistry (LDH, protein to use Lights criteria), micbio (gram stain and C/S), cell count (bacterial/TB, fungal), glucose, pH
e) pleural drainage via chest drain for complicated pleural effusion/empyema (if multi loculated pleural collections –> may need intrapleural fibrinolytic to decompress

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Madam Fung has a diagnosis of asthma for about 4 years, when she was 25 years old. The diagnosis was made after spirometric testing when she had protracted nocturnal cough. Her asthma symptoms, which were only mild and intermittent several years ago, has become worse with increased cough and some shortness of breath in the past three months. She was previously on short-acting beta-agonist MDI on a demand basis, and she subsequently bought the medicine over the counter. She now needs to use it at least once daily.
(a) She is now referred to your clinic. Name three investigations you would do and their purposes in this patient.
(b) List six possible factors you have to exclude for the worsening of symptoms in her case.
(c) Your working diagnosis is asthma, what further medication is appropriate at this point and
(d) Name two further instructions / explanations you need to provide, other than writing out the
medication prescription for the patient.


a) PEF to confirm dx (with reversibility upon bronchodilator) and deteremine if there is nay airway obstruction
CXR to rule out other ddx and look for any complications (e.g. pneumothorax)
Skin atopy to advise on allergen avoidance
b) poor compliance, wrong technique, home environment (allergens), wrong dx, smoking, infection
c) ICS because she has frequent exacerbation
d) Home monitoring with PEF, home modification, correct technique of using bronchodilators

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a) pulmonary embolism due to unexplained desaturation with minimal clinical/CXR findings. Underlying hx of advanced CA colon + bilateral leg swelling. T1RF pattern (suggesting a ventilation/perfusion mismatch) on ABG. Sinus tachycardia on ECG
c) LMWH, ABC, morphine PRN
d) IV fluid resuscitation, IV thrombolytics +/- catheter directed thrombolysis or even embolectomy if refractory
e) Warfarin, VKOR1 and reducing the production of factor 2,7,9,10

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A 50-year-old man, previous smoker but quitted for one year, who worked in the gem industry polish- ing precious stones for over 20 years, was admitted for sudden haemoptysis of about 10 mL of fresh blood. He has been told previously that he has some “occupational lung disease”. He also has mild dia- betes mellitus, and urticaria to shrimps and crabs. He has no symptoms of acute illness or other signifi- cant respiratory symptoms preceding this presentation, though he had non-specific constitutional symptoms of malaise for several weeks.
(a) Based on this history, list two top differential diagnosis for the cause of hemoptysis in his case, and explain your choice.
(b) CXR showed a cavitating lesion in right middle zone. Name and explain the rationale for three sputum tests that you would order as an intern.
(c) The medical officer asked to see his blood glucose and renal function test results. Briefly discuss how each of these two tests may relate to his lung condition.
(d) Three days later, the three previous test results you ordered came back but did not yield any diagnosis. You think he needs further thoracic imaging for the CXR lesion. Name two and explain the rationale and the information you will get.


a) CA lung (likely underlying silicosis), TB: increased risk in silicosis
b) Cytology, AFB smear (ziehl neelson stain)/ culture (Lowenstein Jenson culture), gram stain C/ST
c) Poorly controlled DM, renal failure = predisposes to TB. Renal failure also causes bleeding tendency probably relevent in treatment of CA lung as well
d) contrast CT thorax: contrast enhancement >25HU likely malignant, other features including pleural tethering, spiculating shape, eccentric calcification, irregular border
Bronchoscopy/CT guided biopsy of the lesion


Ms. S Leung is 38 years old and works as a cashier in a restaurant. She smokes about 5 cigarettes/ day for I0 years. She has a history of systemic lupus erythematosis, given immunosuppressants. For the past 6 months, she has only been on prednisolone 5 mg daily for lupus nephritis. She was told that she was having more proteinuria, but otherwise still stable, at her last follow up about 4 weeks ago. She present- ed this time with progressive cough and scanty mucoid phlegm for past 2 months, associated with mild malaise.
Physical examination did not reveal much significant findings except percussion dullness and decreased breath sounds at right base. CXR showed a right pleural effusion up to about one third of the hemitho- rax, and lung fields were otherwise clear.
(a) List three possible causes, in priority of likelihood, of the right pleural effusion. Chest tapping was done and 30 mL of straw coloured fluid was aspirated.
(b) List the tests that need to be done with the pleural fluid and explain how each test would help you to make a diagnosis of the suspected underlying cause of the effusion. 


a) Parapneumonic effusion, lupus serositis, TB
Biochemistry: lights criteria (exudative if pleural fluid LDH >0.6, protein >0.5, LDH >2/3)
Low pH, glucose suggestive of empyema, lupus serositis
Micbio: gram stain, C/ST. AFP smear, culture, ADA (if > 70 suggest TB)
Cell count: lymphocytosis (TB, SLE), neutrophilia (parapneumoic effusion, empyema), eosinophilic (blood air, absestos, EPGA, PE)
Cytology to look for malignant cells


A 40-year-old salesman with history of renal transplantation 2 years ago for chronic glomerulonephritis was admitted with low grade fever, non-productive cough and progressive shortness of breath for one week. He denied any upper respiratory tract symptoms. His renal function was normal. CXR showed normal heart size and diffuse ground glass abnormality in the lung fields. Temperature was 38°C. Chest: few crackles bilaterally. BP 140/90 mmHg, pulse 90/minute. Oxygen saturation on room air was 90%.
(a) List four salient features in his medical history and how they would assist in making a differen- tial diagnosis to the cause of his respiratory problem.
(b) Name the two microbes which are likely aetiologic agents in this clinical setting.
(c) Name two further investigations that would be indicated to help in making a definitive diagno- sis and briefly describe how they can help


a) renal transplant on immunosuppressive drugs –> note intracellular pathgens. low grade fever, non productive cough, SOB –> not typical pyogenic pathogens
no URTI symptoms: unelikely flu
b) pneumocystic jirovecii, TB
c) sputum AFB culture/smear
Induced sputum/BAL/lung specimen for microscopy under silver stain: cyst/alveolar casts in PJP


You have been asked to review a 57-year-old diabetic woman who moved to the UK 2 years ago from Washington DC. She presents with a 15-day history of fever and cough productive of green sputum. On examination her respiratory rate is 22, pulse rate 120 with BP 110/65. On auscultation she has bronchial breath sounds on the left. Chest x-ray reveals left lower lobe consolidation. You decide to treat her for community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia.
(a) What 3 microbiological tests would you like to perform in order to confirm your diagnosis?
(b) Which 4 groups of adult patients would you consider to be at higher risk of contracting pneu- mococcal disease?


a) sputum gram stain, C/ST, urine antigen test (for legionella), blood culture
b) >65y, chronic disease, AIDS/ cancer/ splenectomy/ institutionalized, smoker, cochlear implant, CSF leaks


Patricia is a 38-year-old housewife. She was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 4, but her symptoms completely disappeared by the age of 17. She and her family have recently moved from London to the Cotswolds. The house is very old and in spite of Patricia’s best efforts a little dusty. However, the move has been a great success. Patricia is now able to enjoy horse riding in the local woods and meadows, a new hobby she has started in order to keep fit. Her 8-year-old twin girls have been given a Labrador puppy, which makes them very happy. Patricia’s husband is also pleased with the move as he is now able to indulge his lifelong interest in exotic rabbits and smoke cigars in their new games room. However since her move to the country Patricia has been complaining of persistent dry cough, shortness of breath and occasional wheeze.
(a) Please list 6 potential asthma triggers in the above scenario.
(b) What 4 factors would you consider in a patient with asthma who fails to improve with appro- priate pharmacological treatment?


a) pollen, house dust mite, cigar smoking, animal fur (dog, rabbit, horse)
b) compliance, inhaler technique, trigger avoidance, alternative dx


A 40-year-old man consulted you at the outpatient clinic, complaining of heavy snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness affecting his daily activities. Your working diagnosis is obstructive sleep apnoea.
(a) Name one essential feature you must look for in his occupational history, in relation to his day- time sleepiness.
(b) Name two important clinical measurements you should obtain at the outpatient clinic (the two should give different clinical information).
(c) Describe briefly three important pathophysiologic consequences that occur with recurrent ob- structive breathing.


a) driving/operation of heavy machinery
b) BP (secondary hypertension), BMO
c) daytime sleepiness leading to accidents and poor quality of life
HTN, cor pulmonale, polycythemia (OHS)
Coronary artery disease, metabolic syndrome, stroke


A 60-year-old woman presents with sudden onset of severe chest pain at rest associated with shortness of breath. She had a surgery over her right leg 2 weeks ago after a car accident. On examination she has tachypnoea and cyanosis. Her right leg is swollen on plaster cast. Her blood pressure is 100/50 mmHg with oxygen saturation of 89% on room air. Her heart rate is 120 beats per minute and the jugular ve- nous pressure is elevated to 6 cm. The apex beat is not displaced and is in normal character. On auscul- tation, there is a loud second heart sound without any murmur.
(a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
(b) Briefly outline the investigations to confirm your diagnosis.
(c) Describe the management of her condition.


a) massive PE complicating right DVT with acute right heart failure
b) ECG: S1Q3T3, sinus tachycardia, RBBB
CXR: enlarged PA, focal oligemia (westermarks sign), hamptons hump (wedge shaped infarction), Fleischners sign (pulmonary artery enlargement)
Echocardiogram (D sign of right ventricular strain)
ABG: T1RF (ventilation perfusion mismatch)
Urgent CTPA for confirmation

4-6L O2
BP/P RR SpO2 q1h.
IV volume resuscitation
Give LMWH (UFH not given unless in CCU/ICU)
Morphine PRN
Consider IV thrombolysis due to haemodynamic instabiloity, catheterd directed thrombolysis or embolectomy if failed
Treat anycomplications, incl mechanical ventilation if refractory. Bridge on warfarin on day 3 till 3mo.


A 42-year-old woman, non-smoker, working as a restaurant waitress, came to your clinic complaining of persistent cough with scanty mucoid sputum for about a month, both in the day and especially at night. Cough was worse if she was exposed to heavy pollution or temperature change. She did not no- tice any associated wheezing. She has rhinitis which is seasonal but she denies any post-nasal drip caus- ing her to cough. She is not on any medications. There were no abnormal physical findings.
(a) Name four possible causes for her cough, and put the most likely diagnosis as the first. For each differential diagnosis, name two further clinical features on history taking that will support the diagnosis.
(b) What are the two essential investigations you will request at the clinic? Name the specific fea- ture(s) which you are looking for.


a) asthma: prolonged expiratory phase, diffuse polyphonic phase
GERD: acid regurgitation, heartburn
TB: haemoptysis, chronic constitutional symptoms incl weight loss, low grade fever, TB contact
CA lung: haemoptysis, constitutional symptoms

b) postbronchodilator spirometry: 12% +200ml increase in FEV1
CXR: any lung mass, hilar LN, pleural effusion


A 60-year-old man has had a cough with sputum production for the last 5 years. He used to smoke 20 cigarettes/day but stopped 3 years ago. He has developed pleuritic chest pain and has coughed up a small quantity of blood on two occasions.
(a) Describe your differential diagnoses.
(b) What physical signs would be of particular interest (give up to four)?
(c) Describe your initial plan of investigation


a) CA lung (metastasis to lung), chest infection (i.e. TB), suppurative lung inffection including bronchiectasis (rarer), lung abscess. Pulmonary embolism
General exam: vitals (temp, spO2, BP, P), finger clubbing, calf swelling and tenderness of DVT/PE, ankle edema, LN
Resp exam: resp distress (accessory muscles), poor chest expansion, stony dullness if pleural effusion/empyema, auscultation (decreased breath sound, bronchial breath sounds, crackles, prolonged expiratory phase)
Signs of pneumothorax: reduced chest expansion and breath sound and hyperresonance on one side

c) CBC, L/RFT, clotting. Sputum C/ST, cytology. AFB C/ST, ECG, ABG.
CXR. Contrast CT thorax +/- PET/CT or CT T + A for staging


You are the intern at a medical ward, and you were called at about 10 pm to admit a 30-year-old lady with a history of asthma. She had just been transferred in from the observation unit of Accidents and Emergency Department, which she attended in the morning for low grade fever, myalgia, nasal catarrh and sore throat for two days, together with increasing shortness of breath this morning. The nurse said the patient looked “not well”.
(a) Outline your management of this patient in the first hour of ward admission, including four most important items and the relevant information you are seeking in each of the following areas: (1) history, (2) physical examination, (3) investigative / monitoring tests.
(b) Your working diagnosis is that she has acute severe asthma, list four essential treatment items you would give or “plan” in the first hour.


provisional dx: URI triggering asthma exacerbation, chest infection
Hx: symptoms (OPQRST), triggering factors, previous medications, PMH (previous intubation/ICU/frequency or severity of previous attack), TOCC

PE: general (vitals: BP, P, temp, RR), cyanosis, resp exam (respiratory distress, siulent chest), CVS
Ix: spO2, pulse, BP, T, RR
Peak expiratory flow rate
Bloods: CBC/ABG (if will guide treatment), electrolyte
CXR (exclude pneumothorax)

b) consider admission to ICU if requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation. high concentration o2 to maintain spO2 >90%
Nebulized short acting b2 agonist (salbutamol) with oxygen repeated in short interval.
IV hydrocortisone/methylprednisolone or oral prednisolone


a) FEV1/FVC =53.8%. Increased lung volume = air trapping. Obstructive lung defect. Acute on chronic T2RF –> respiratory acidosis with inadequate metabolic compensation. Overall suggestive of bronchiectasis exacerbation with cor pulmonale

ABC. Prop up, low salt diet, fluid restriction.
BP/P RR SpO2 q4h
O2 by cannula/face mask, aim spO2 at 88-92%
Broad spectrum Abx with pseudomonal coverage, usually tazocin (course: 14d)
IV lasix for underlying HF
NIV with biPAP if refractory


a) FEV1/FVC is around 90% indicating that it is a restrictive lung disease. It also has reduced total lung capacity. Decreased residual volume so not obstructive.
Gas profile: acidosis, hypoxemic, hypercapnic with increased HCO3 so inadequate metabolic compensation. This is advanced ILD, acute on chronic T2RF. Secondary polcytyhemia, cor pulmonale

b) heart failure: upper lobe venous diversion, bat wing opacity (oligaemia), lower zone reticulonodular density, honeycombing
cx of asbestosis: mesothliom (pleural mass/ effusion), CA lung (lung mass)


FEV1/FVC = 40%
Increased lung volumes
Low normal DLCO
Compatible with obstructive lung defect likley COPD
ABG: acute on chronic T2RF: resp acidosis with inadequate compensation (as still acidotic with increased HCO30
Hbhct high = polycythemia
Imp: COPD complicated by acute on chronic T2RF and polycythemia and cor pulmonale

Ensure ABC
Fluid restriction and low salt diet, prop up on bed, vitals q4h
O2 by nasal cannula first, aim spO2 88-92%
Nebulized ventolin +/-atrovent +/- aminophylline
CXR to r/o other causes of acute deterioration
Otherwise, manage as ADHF
If stable BP, IV lasix, morphine, nitrates
NIV with BiPAP if refractory


A 35-year-old man was admitted through the Accident and Emergency Department with a history of fever, chills, headache and muscle pain for 3 days. He then started to have some cough non-productive of sputum. On examination, he had a temperature of 39.5°C. He was mildly dyspnoea but no other abnormalities were found on admission.
(a) What are the 3 important questions that you should ask to help you in the differential diagno- sis?
(b) What are the first 3 important initial investigations?
His chest x-ray showed some infiltration in the right lower lobe.
(c) What other investigations would you carry out at this stage?
(d) How would you manage (investigate and treat) him during the first day?


a) Travel history, occupation, cluster, contact
PMH (underlying resp disease, immunosuppressive diseases)
b) CXR, NPA for viral Ag detection, IF/EIA, PCR. Sputum C/ST
c) CBC, L/RFT, ABG. Serology for influenza, mycoplasma, chlamydophila, urine for legionella antigen and streptococcal antigen. Blood culture, sputum AFB/smear/ culture
d) ABC, DAT, bed rest
BP/P RR SpO2 q4h
Ix as above
O2 by nasal cannula if necessary
Empirical Abx by augmentin +azithromycin. If poor response, substitute macrolide by doxycycline (high rate of resistance for mycoplasma pneumoniae in this locality). Oral oseltamivir despite >48h onset because severe and hospitalizes. Treat the complications e.g. arrhythmia, respiratory failure


a) FEV1/FVC = 89%, reduced lung volumes and DLCO compatible with restrictive lung defect with diffusion impairment, suggests dx of ILD
CBC: polycythemia
ABG: chronic RF
ECG: cor pulmonale (RVH, RAH)
CXR: asbestos plaque, reticulonodular shadwos, honeycombing
HRCT for ILD features e.g. ground glass opacity, tramline, honeycombing, tractional bronchiectaasis
c) advise avoid further occupational dust exposure, pneumoconiosus usually has no specific Tx, avoid smoking, chest physio if necessary. Flu, PPV23 vaccination. Advise on increased CA lung and TB risk, discuss compensation (occupational lung disease)


A 19-year-old female student has had recurrent episodes of bronchial asthma for 8 years. She presents to the emergency room breathless, distressed and unable to speak.
(a) What are the most important therapeutic measures required for her management in the next 6 hours?
(b) List 6 important measures that you would consider for long term management of this patient.


a) ddx: asthma exacerbation, lung collapse, pneumothorax
Asthma exacerbation: diffuse polyphonic wheezes with prolonged expiratory phase +/- silent chest
Lung collapse: dull percussion note, ipsilateral mediastinal deviation, reduced AE
Pneumothorax: hyperresonance, reduced AE +/- contralateral mediastinal deviation

If proven asthma exacerbation then this is likely to be severe due to distress +inability to speak
Enure ABC, monitor vitals, spO2, PEF, ABG
Look for life threatening features e.g. PEF < 1/3 predicted, silent chest, hypotension, cyanosis, confusion. Consult ICU if so.
Give O2 by nasal cannula/mask, aim spO2 88-92%
Immediate inhaled ventolin with spacer 4 puff q4h + PRN
Oral prednisolone up to 50mg/d for 5-7d
Inhaled atrovent with spacer 4 puff q4h.

b) trigger/allergen avoidance. Education on action plan with asthma attack. Optimize asthma medication esp the controller. Reinforce importance of drug compliance. Consider referrral to specialist.


Post bronchodilator FEV1/FVC = 46.9% < 70% diagnostic of COPD
Increased lung volumes with reduced FVC compatible with emphysema
DLCO reduced, compatible with emphysema with destruction of capillary bed. High Hb indicates polycythemia, likely a reaction to chronic hypoxemia

ABG: pH low normal, low pO2, high pCO2. chronic T2RF pattern which has resp acidosis with adequate metabolic compensation