MBBS VI Medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Benjamin Chan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (101)

How do you monitor a gbs patient ...,
What b blocker used for hyperthyr...
2  cards
Cardiology handbook
What is management of nstemi 1,
What is specific drug treatment f...,
What are high risk features in ns...
39  cards
Gastroenterology and hepatology handbook
Ascites, UGIB, Peptic ulcer, IBD, GERD, Acute pancreatitis, Acute liver failure
57  cards
Haematology handbook
What are the investigations at dx...,
What is initial management of pat...,
What are the medical emergencies ...
34  cards
Immunology and allergy handbook
What is the clinical criteria of ...,
What is management of anaphylaxis 2,
What is management workflow for a...
24  cards
Nephrology handbook
What hx taking for hyperk and nee...,
What is the ix and rx for chronic...,
What are the causes of hypercalce...
59  cards
Neurology handbook
What are ix for acute stroke 1,
What is clinical presentation of ...,
What is dx of gbs 3
37  cards
Respiratory handbook
What is management of primary spo...,
What are the indications for surg...,
How is the dx of pleural effusion...
41  cards
Rheumatology handbook
What is the clinical features of ...,
What is the dx of gout 2,
What is the management of acute g...
41  cards
Geriatrics medicine handbook
What is the history taking and pe...,
What is the ix and mx for altered...,
How to assess the mental competen...
50  cards
General internal medicine handbook
What is treatment for bdz overdose 1,
What is the treatment of opioid o...,
What is the treatment of paraceta...
56  cards
Endocrinology handbook
What is the diagnostic criteria f...,
What are the investigations for d...,
What are the ix for dka to keep m...
22  cards
What are the typical and atypical...,
What are the common and uncommon ...,
In the initial dx of cap what nee...
45  cards
General medicine knowledge
What are normal cbc values 1,
What are normal clotting profile ...,
What are normal electrolyte profi...
66  cards
Cardiovascular system
Atrial fibrillation, Heart failure, CAD, Valvular heart disease, Cardiogenic syncope, Hypertension, Myocarditis, IE, Rheumatic fever, Congential heart diseases, Aortic dissection, DVT, PE
387  cards
Cardiology notes
Give some ddx for chest pain sob ...,
How may pulmonary embolism presen...,
How may aortic dissection result ...
122  cards
Cardiovascular health
Which dm drugs have been found to...,
What is recommended drug therapy ...,
What is the role of lipoproteins ...
16  cards
Respiratory system
Define asthma 1,
What is the assessment of severit...,
What are asthma associated syndro...
244  cards
Respiratory notes
What are discharge medications fo...,
Blood gases ph 737 2,
How do you assess history of exer...
75  cards
Respiratory imaging
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
38  cards
Respiratory graphs
Media 1,
Media 2,
In asthmatic patient with non rev...
3  cards
Gastrointestinal system
What are the general features of ...,
What are the rf for hav infection 2,
What is the pathogenesis of hepat...
334  cards
GI notes
What is serology done for ulcerat...,
What can an axr show in ulcerativ...,
Indications in suspected ulcerati...
58  cards
GI images
Media 1,
Media 1,
Media 2
3  cards
Nephrological system
What is the definition of ckd 1,
What is the classification of ckd...,
Compare the features of acute kid...
97  cards
Nephrology notes
What are the indications for emer...,
How can serotenergic syndrome aff...,
What are the prognostic factors o...
51  cards
CNS system
What is gcs components 1,
What to assess in the muscle tone...,
How is musle power graded 3
338  cards
Autoimmune and demyelinating diseases
What is the etiology and pathogen...,
What are the clinical subtypes of...,
What is the course of ms 3
20  cards
Diseases of peripheral nervous system
What is ddx hx pe and ix for cns ...,
Define radiculopathy plexopathy a...,
How to classify diseases of the p...
53  cards
Seizures and epilepsy
Define seizure 1,
Define epilepsy 2,
Pathogenesis of seizures 3
30  cards
Neurology notes
What information does the interna...,
What is the ddx of hyperthermic s...,
What is the ss and management of ...
86  cards
How to classify intracerebral hem...,
What ct features can predict the ...,
What points should be included in...
11  cards
Locate lesion of stroke
What are the location of tracts i...,
What level is the brachial plexus 2,
What level is the lumbosacral ple...
36  cards
Haematological system
What are the red cell indices 1,
How is the dietary intake and abs...,
What are the types of iron defici...
177  cards
Haematology notes
What is the mutation involved in ...,
Before giving iv iron supplements...,
What is the classification for am...
103  cards
Infectious diseases
What is the pathogenesis of hsv i...,
What are the clinical manifestati...,
What are the biochemical tests fo...
74  cards
Infectious disease images
Media 1,
Media 2,
Where best to obtain biopsy of hsv 3
4  cards
What are the rf for osteoporosis 1,
What is the classification for ca...,
What are the types of bone and th...
175  cards
Rheumat notes
What causes falsely high esr 1,
What is the serology for msa myos...,
What are the anti synthetase auto...
55  cards
Endocrine system
What is the classification of dm 1,
Comparison between t1dm and t2dm 2,
What are the rf and criteria for ...
235  cards
Endocrine notes
What are the causes of hypok 1,
What are the indications for scre...,
What screening and confiramtory t...
102  cards
Endocrinology imaging
Graves opthalmology what structur...
1  cards
What are the layers of epithelium...,
What are the 3 layers in skin 2,
What is the function of the epide...
125  cards
Chemical pathology
What are common clinical problems...,
What is metabolic acidosis and al...,
What is pco2 and hco3 in simple m...
42  cards
A 50 year old male presented to t...,
A 65 year man presented to the ae...,
History of mi present with palpit...
79  cards
Cardiology MCQ
A 52 year old film director prese...,
A 25 year old intravenous drug ab...,
A 23 year old woman on pills for ...
117  cards
Neurology MCQ
Which of the following is not a f...,
Which of the following is true in...,
Brown sequard syndrome manifests ...
100  cards
Gastroenterology and hepatology MCQ
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
104  cards
Brain CT
A hyperdense lesion affecting the...,
A acute subdural haematoma with v...,
A cerebral amyloid angiopathy 3
33  cards
Teaching Clinic - Hypothyroidism
Where is t3 and t4 from 1,
Thyroid function test and what is...,
What is used to screen for primar...
49  cards
Teaching Clinic - Dermatological manifestations of systemic diseases
- Dermatomyositis - SLE - Chronic painful nodules: panniculitis, medium vessel vasculitis +/- panniculitis - Erythema nodosum - Erythema induratum - Systemic sclerosis - Vascular diseases - Diabetes: acute manifestations and chronic skin disease - cutaneous manifestation of neoplasia - generalized pruritis of systemic disease
58  cards
Teaching Clinic - Optimal Therapies For H. pylori Infection
What is the pathogenesis of gastr...,
Indications for testing for hpylo...,
Treatment for hpylori 3
8  cards
Teaching Clinic - Inflammatory bowel disease
What are environmental factors of...,
Crohns disease vs ulcerative coli...,
Crohns disease pattern of distrib...
24  cards
Teaching Clinic - Secodary Immunodeficiency 101
Female 69 unremarkable pmh presen...,
What is ana how is it detected 2,
What is ena 3
41  cards
Teaching Clinic - Investigations in Gastroenterology & Hepatology
F 48 o recurrent epigastric disco...,
Discrepancy in h pylori results c...,
M 53 o chronic heavy drinker o ad...
58  cards
Teaching Clinic - Three Cases with Syncope
Mr ysm m 54 c o sudden onset of p...,
What does it mean if a patient is...,
What happens to blood pressure an...
60  cards
Teaching clinic: acute kidney injury
Why dont have sglt2 when fasting 1,
Prerenal intrinsic renal problem ...,
What are the possible causes for ...
22  cards
Teaching Clinic - Complications of Transfusion
Blank 1,
Normal procedures of transfusion 2,
Collection of blood donation 3
28  cards
Teaching clinic (Respiratory): Interstitial lung diseases
What is interstitial lung disease 1,
What is the basic structure of a ...,
Secondary lobules with lobule 3
40  cards
PBL: liver cirrhosis
What is recommend daily limit of ...,
Pathophysiology of alcoholic live...,
What are the clinical features of...
32  cards
PBL: Dermatomyositis and Sjogren syndrome
Classification of dermatomyositis 1,
What is the typical features of c...,
What is amyopathic dermatomyosits 3
31  cards
PBL: Wilson's disease
Blank 1
1  cards
Fever (Department meeting 2/4/24)
What is this stain how is it done 1,
What does acid fastness mean 2,
Describe the mri sequences 3
21  cards
Teaching clinic: Oncology emergencies
Oncological emergencies 1,
63yo women with stage 4 breast ca...,
Etiology of malignant spinal cord...
26  cards
Teaching clinic: Acute respiratory failure
What is type 1 rf 1,
Covid 19 patient who needs 6lpm o...,
Mechanisms of oxygenation failure...
31  cards
Teaching clinic: 2 cases of cirrhosis HCV
Cause of black formed stool 1,
Tarry stool location 2,
Haematemesis is from where 3
44  cards
Teaching clinic: 2 cases of cirrhosis HBV
Which is the first step in the ma...,
Ascites physical properties 2,
Mx of ascites 3
23  cards
Teaching Clinic: 4 patients with cough & fever
Cc fever with cough x 5 days 1,
Patients did not respond antibiot...,
What rf does this patient have to...
45  cards
Neurology Evidence-Based Medicine
Blank 1
1  cards
Teaching Clinic: HIV
What is hiv 1,
What cells does hiv primarily inf...,
Where is hiv subtype b and subtyp...
18  cards
Teaching Clinic: Returned Traveler
34 m admitted to medical ward 1,
34 m admitted to medical ward 2,
Mild jaundice splenomegaly wcc 50...
19  cards
Teaching Clinic: Three cases of allergies
Drug allergy, food allergy, anaphylaxis
29  cards
Cardiology telemedicine
M 40 developed central chest pain...,
Management of infero posterior mi 2,
M 66 severe ischemic cardiomyopat...
14  cards
Teaching Clinic - Various Facets of the Clinical Manifestations of SLE
Pwm m 26 factory worker 1,
Criteria for the classification o...,
2012 slicc sle criteria 3
53  cards
Teaching Clinic - Meningitis
What is done to rule out normal i...,
Lp tcc 307 neutrophil 76 protein ...,
How will csf change after bacteri...
37  cards
Dx urticaria hives angioedema 1,
Angioedema only what features to ...,
Urticaria and angioedema ddx hist...
28  cards
PBL: Bronchiectasis
Rf for bronchiectasis 1,
Typical presentation of bronchiec...,
Non resp conditions in bronchiect...
9  cards
General medicine: CL Lai Session 1
When there is puo what should we ...,
What type of malaria will give ri...,
What are the causes of cafe au la...
8  cards
General medicine: CL Lai Session 2
Mx of diabetic ketoacidosis 1,
Mx of hyperk 2,
Commonest causes of liver abscess 3
14  cards
General medicine: CL Lai Session 3
Causes of sudden hypoglycemia 1,
Mx of gout 2,
How to screen for hcc 3
14  cards
General medicine: CL Lai Session 4
Where is jvp how to differentiate...,
Tr features 2,
How to differentiate small bowel ...
6  cards
General medicine: CL Lai Session 5
Reason for 100 oxygen administrat...,
Apo mx 2,
What alcohol intake for men and f...
13  cards
General medicine: CL Lai Session 6
Causes of hypercalcemia 1,
Hyperca mx 2,
Pancreatitis causes 3
15  cards
Practice ECG (KWH AED examples)
Media 1,
What should patient receive 2,
What treatment 3
17  cards
Dermatology SAQ
A 45 year old business executive ...,
A 29 year old patient with leukae...,
A 56 year old lady was admitted i...
15  cards
Haemat SAQ
1 next most important ix 1
1  cards
Endo SAQ
A what is most likely dx of these...,
A what is dx b what ix to perform...,
A what important physical signs w...
38  cards
Rheumat SAQ
M 50 delivery management 7th gout...,
Lady previously diagnosed with sl...,
A woman with pipj arthritis was d...
22  cards
Respi SAQ
42 f with dry cough and progressi...,
A 50 year old man an ex smoker wh...,
Mr chu 67yo developed a hobby of ...
3  cards
Neuro SAQ
Young man with acute ge afterward...,
A middle aged woman went to japan...,
An old gentleman presented with t...
43  cards
Nephro SAQ
30 year old man presents with an ...,
66 m hiking and falls unconscious...,
70s f presenting with nasal bleed...
23  cards
Cardio SAQ
48f female with intermittent palp...,
76 year old with syncope and back...,
Blank 3
22  cards
35 m 2years intermittent back pai...,
25 f travel to philippines presen...,
A 52 year old woman presents with...
35  cards
Geriatrics SAQ
Media 1,
Media 2,
Media 3
6  cards
Micbio SAQ
Media 1,
Media 2,
Fever from returned travel 3
4  cards
Respi SAQ
Uncommon respiratory diseases but...,
Media 2,
Media 3
32  cards
Haemat SAQ
42 f splenomegaly 5 cm below cost...,
A 85 year old woman with history ...,
54 m gph incidentally found 6cm s...
32  cards
Causes of anemia based on mcv and...,
Causes of thrombocytopenia and th...,
What does aptt and pt test 2
7  cards
A guy has been having on and off ...,
A man with strong precordial puls...,
Blank 3
53  cards
A 25 year old girl presents with ...,
What is the characteristic featur...,
Which of the following is the ind...
50  cards
OSCE dead stations
1 what is dx 2 name 2 features to...,
50y male smoker left sided pleuri...,
M 70 presents with malaise diarrh...
76  cards

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MBBS VI Medicine

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