resp + urine Flashcards
Selective IgA deficiency presents? Why anaphylaxis(rxn?) during transfusion?
Selective IgA deficiency presents? Why anaphylaxis during transfusion? recurrent musosal infection +autoimmune disorders + anaphylasis during transfusions (rxn:hives, swelling, SOB) because react against IgA)
Clearance, FF, GFR equations? typically what value? GFR estimates(2), RPF estimates(1)
Clearance(A) = U con(A)*Urine flow /PLASMA con(A) usually FF, GFR, = 100, 20% ; Inuline & cretiinie-slightly secreted; PAH(all secreted)
How does b-agonist treat acute COPD excercerbation(pathogens?)?
How does b-agonist treat acute COPD excercerbation(pathogens?)? By GS so CAMP for sm to relax; B2 for bronchial + uterus muscle relax
loading(or maintenace) dose = _(or _)*Cpss/bioavailablity fraction
How does cl and vd relate?
Cpss achieved in _ half-lifes and if IV, bioavailability
- loading(or maintenace) dose = vd(or CL)*Cpss/bioavailablity fraction
half life* CL= .7*vd
Cpss achieved in 4.5 half-lifes and if IV, bioavailability =1
viridans produce _for virulence
viridans produce dextrans for virulence
PAh lowest in what part of nephron? Why?
PAh lowest in? Why? PAH is primarily secreted by prox tubule
streptococcus/staphlocci = _/cluster
G+ = cocili/filament/bacilli =2/2/3= staph & strep/ nocardia/ actinomyci /clostridia & listeria, corynebac G- = diplo/cocobac/curved/bacili= 3/5/3/ rest= neiserias & moraxella/ h.infl, pertusis, (dog, cow, rabbit)
streptococcus/staphlocci = chain/cluster
GBS antibiotic given where? @ what wk?
GBS antibiotic given where? @ what wk? INTRAPARTUM ampicillin @ 35 wks because protectivity vanises after a mth.
Most microbe contaminant on expectorants?
Most microbe contaminant on expectorants? Candida is normal flora of GI(oral) & skin -> typic contaminant of sputum expectaranted; so a contaminant(like coag-staph & enterococci) unless if immunocompromised or vascular catheters.
For pyleonephritis due to UTI, NEED?
For pyleonephritis due to UTI, NEED? vesicoureteral reflux( anatomical or acquire-reccurent bladder infections may damage) to facilicitate accent
Greateast risk after asbestosis exoposure is ?
Greateast risk after asbestosis exoposure is ? bronchogenic greater than mesothelioma
all lung malignancies have paraneoplastic= squamous/ adenocarcinoma =/
2-sample t-test/chi-all lung malignancies have paraneoplastic= squamous/ adenocarcinoma = PThrp/ migratory thrombophlebitis
VItamins Thiamine deficiency presents? B2/B6 B3 Vit A/C/E/D deficiency? B12/B9
Thiamine deficiency presents? Weirknekie and beriberi (dry/wet = symmetric peripheral neuropathy/ HF)
B2/B3/B6= FAD/NAD/pyroxidine)= B6 +normo anemia/pellagra/ cheilosis, glossitis, stomatitis
Vit A/C deficiency? Night blindness, xeropthalmia, infections/ gingival swelling, petechial hemorrhages, impaired wound healing
On frontal CXR R middle lobe is next to what part of heart? What is at R/ l border of sternum?
On frontal CXR R middle lobe is next to what part of heart? What is at R/ l border of sternum? R(SVC->RA->IVC) and L(Aortic knob->pulmonary artery->LA->RV + LV)
Supine or righ lateral decubitis hypotension syndrome due to ?
Supine or righ lateral decubitis hypotension syndrome due to ? Pregnancy( wk 20) presses on IVC-> dec preload
Enterocooci grows in two?cause endocarditis under what condition?
Enterocooci grows in two?cause endocarditis under what condition? (grows in hypertonic saline & bile); cause endocardities after Gu procedures
Cadiac muscle uses _ not camouldulin?
Cadiac muscle uses troponin?? Not camouldulin?
Asthma drugs picture=prophylaxis, treatment(1), persistent severe(1):
Asthma drugs picture=prophylaxis, treatment(1), persistent severe(1): omalzumab(IgE antibody)-> cromoglycales(prevent mast cell degranulation-no histamine release)/glucocorticoids( inhib PLA2) ->antihistamiens/ zileuton(inhib lox) & montelukasts(inhib receptor); glucocorticoid 1st line treat, omalzumab for persistent sever, others for prophylaxis.
Varenicline/ nicotine? Which one is reduces withdrawal craving and dec rewarding effects? =
8754Varenicline/ nicotine? Which one is reduces withdrawal craving and dec rewarding effects? = partial/full agonist so reduced/full effect. Varenicline because as partial agonist, stimulate receptor(dec withdrawal) but not to full extent(dec rewarding effects). When do you use nicotine path?
FEV1 physiologically _ with age( smoking _rate of decline)
FEV1 physiologically declines with age( smoking increases rate of decline)
Asbestos in what part of lung? Only pneumocociu that can happen where? What bodies ?
Asbestos in what part of lung? Only pneumocociu that can happen where? What bodies ? in lower lob. pleural plaques; ferroginus bodies
Silica presents?
Silica vrs berryliosis ? Birefringent whorled collagenous nodules surrounded by dust-laden macrophages;
Nodules vrs noncasesting granulomas
increased risk for Tb vrs increased risk for lung cancer
consolidat/pleural effusion/pneumothtorax/ atelectasis to breath sounds, fremitus, percussion? :
consolidat/pleural effusion/pneumothtorax/ atelectasis to breath sounds, fremitus, percussion? : consolidation only one with increased Breath sound & tactile fremitius others decreased. Pnuemothorax only with hyperresonance others dull.
6564adenocacinoma / sq/small/large b cell carninoma of lung hallmark on biopsy?
6564adenocacinoma / sq/small/large b cell carninoma of lung hallmark on biopsy? Ducts/ intracellular bridges + keratin pearls/ small blue cells with no cytoplasm and salt& pepper/ non of the above but stain for markers to determine origin
ARDS on chest x-ray? causes(4)? Refractory to what? What happens to capillary wedge pressure and why?
ARDS on chest x-ray? causes(4)? Refractory to what? What happens to capillary wedge pressure and why? pancretitis, sepsis, trauma, pneumonia can lead to ARDS(inflammation-> bilateral opacities/hyline membranes with normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure), refractory to 100 oxygen so give PEP
Obstructive lung collapse on X-ray vrs Tension pneumothorax ? Deviate?
2116Obstructive lung collapse on X-ray vrs Tension pneumothorax ? Deviate? Unilateral pulmonary opacification of affected side + deviation of trachea toward vrs away from opacification
Pulmonary edema/fibrosis/ARDS on X-ray? -
Pulmonary edema/fibrosis/ARDS on X-ray? - bilateral flufflly/ instertitial linging/ white out
central obesity is a _ lung disease
central obesity is a restrictive lung disease
CFTR mutation? What electrolyte imbalance? Why supplement with salt in CFTR?
CFTR mutation? What electrolyte imbalance? Why supplement with salt in CFTR? F508; hypochlo & natremia; CFTR with high osmo eccrine sweat->hypochloremia & hyponatremia so supplement with salt if exercise or do anything that makes sweat
Exudative vrs transudative? lights criteria?
Exudative vrs transudative? lights criteria? Pressure changes vrs imflammation. Exudative if fluid/serum is protein or lDH or LDH = > .5 /.6/ two- thirds upper limit of serum
Pulmonary exam findings for consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax and atelectasis?
Pulmonary exam findings for consolidation, pleural effusion, pneumothorax and atelectasis? Breath sound & tactile fremitus ( dec for all except consolidation-inc) vrs percussion( dull for all except pneumothorax-hyperrosonant)
Thebesian veins drain _( so lA with _ po2 than pulm veins)
Thebesian veins drain lungs( so lA with less po2 than pulm veins)
Haldane/ bohr effect =
Haldane/ bohr effect = release CO2, Hi bind O2 /release O2 bind bicarb + h+ in lungs/tissue
aspiration: supine/upright =
aspiration: supine/upright =posterior UL & superior LL/ basilar segments
Ureaplasma urelyticum is a _ genus
Ureaplasma urelyticum is a myocoplasma genus
cold agglutinations?
cold agglutinations: infectious mono ?
sleep apnea: _ problem so what nerve?
sleep apnea: pharynx not larynx problem so hypoglossal
intrapleural pressures are negative!
intrapleural pressures are negative!
6 dimorphic: mold(hypehea) vrs yeast(single cells)
5 dimorphic: mold(hypehea) vrs yeast(single cells)
Histo, cocidio, blasto, sponthrix, paracocidio, candida
Insterstitual lung disease:_elastic recoil( pull of surrounding tisue on bronchiols) -> relative _ expiratory flow rate but _ lung volumes
Insterstitual lung disease: increaed elastic recoil( pull of surrounding tisue on bronchiols) -> relative inc expiratory flow rate but decreased lung volumes
panic, altitide -> _ -> hypocapnia -> _ cerebral perfusion-> altitude sickness symtoms
@ altitude hypoxemia _(O2 _ nomalzed)
@ PE acute->chronic = no metabol compenzation until _hrs later
panic, altitide -> hyperventilation -> hypocapnia -> low cerebral perfusion-> altitude sickness symtoms
@ altitude hypoxemia persists(O2 not nomalzed)
@ PE acute->chronic = no metabol compenzation until 24 hrs later
asthma/copd exacerbations= _/infections( mostly viral(3); 3 bac)
asthma/copd exacerbations= allergy/infections( mostly viral: rhino ¶influ, influenza; strep pnue, Moraxella, h.influ)
Astham or CF history -> _ with eosinophils ->bronchiectasis
Astham or CF history -> ABPA with eosinophils ->bronchiectasis
Legionella : pulmonary + _ diarrhea in ciggar smoking old men with _natremia
Legionella : pulmonary + watery diarrhea in ciggar smoking old men with hyponatremia
MUDPILES?(alch, uremia, DKA, alchol, 2_, lactic acidosis, alch, salicytales _)
Respiratory acidosis( hyperventilators alt, panic, ,, salicylates _)
Acidosis/alkakolisis table?
ph->acid/alk->pco2 and bicarb->resp acid/alk=hypo/hyperventilations & metabolic acid(nomal/yes anion gap= hardass/_)->/ alk( check urine cl for saline/not saline responsive)-> compensation(metabol acid/alk = 1.5x +-8/ .7 x…..respiratory acid/alk=1,3/2,5) inaccurate?-> mixed
Saline responsive(2) and non responsive(@) causes of metabolic alkalosis?
1557Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis acute/chronic = >30 bicarb because takes kidney about 1 day to compensate. Look for others
MUDPILES?(alch, uremia, DKA, alchol, iron 0r inh, lactic acidosis, alch, salicytales late)
( hyperalimentation, additions diease, renal tubular acidosis, diarrhea, acetolamide, spiranolactone, saline)
Respiratory acidosis( hyperventilators alt, panic, pulm emboli,tumor, salicylates early)
acidosis/alkakolisis table!!!
ph->acid/alk->pco2 and bicarb->resp acid/alk=hypo/hyperventilations & metabolic acid(nomal/yes anion gap= hardass/mudpils)->/ alk( check urine cl for saline/not saline responsive)-> compensation(metabol acid/alk = 1.5x +-8/ .7 x…..respiratory acid/alk=1,3/2,5) inaccurate?-> mixed
so anion gap and urin cl levels ->compensation.
956 Saline responsive causes of metabolic alkalosis? saline(direutics, vomit) nosaline(hyperaldosterone)
metabolic acidosis/alkalosis -> check anion gap/ check urine cloride(lo/hi = saline response-direutic or vomiting or aspiration due to volume depletion/not response-bater & gitelman syndrome & mineralocorticoid excess;
Pthr.p or PTH which by malignancy
Pthr.p not pth secreted by malignancy
Juxtaglomerular aparatus is 3 cells? What cells release renin?
JG cells(B1 receptors, modified smooth muscle Cells surrounding in afferent ateriole), macula densa( part of TAL) and mesangial cells; renin is by JG cells
Incontinence urge/overflow/ stress? treat?
Spastic(overactive) bladder due to UMN lesion that dec inhibition/flaccid(unactive) bladder due to detrusor muscle hypoactivity so don’t pee fully/ outlet incompetence= can’t overcome urge/ feel like never fully empty bladder/ leak when laugh(inc abd pressures) ….Up/low neurons have inhib/ act effect on bladder! & In multiple sclerosis: urge->overflow incontinence
Urge/overflow = CN lesions(like NPH) that leads to loss of inhibition/ diabetes cause inability to sense full bladder -> incomplete emptying + night enuresis
Treat urge incontinence?
aut dorm/recess = present _/ _ in life= parent / = / defect
aut dorm/recess = present later/ early in life= parent show/does not show = cytoskeletal/enzyme defect
Which renal carcinoma is most common? where in kidney? On gross?
Which renal carcinoma is most common? Renal clear cell / oncocytoma is in proximal renal tubules/ collecting duct = grossly yellow sphere with necrosis/ brown with central stellate scar = microscopically clear cytoplasm with chicken wire vasculature/
Vesicoureteral reflux affects kidneys how?
Vesicoureteral reflux affects kidneys how? Chronic pyelonephritis with with dilated calyces in upper& lower poles of kidney….Vrs multicystic dysplastic kidney is nonhereditary