Pathoma Notes Flashcards
6. Immature: _blast(punched out nucleous); All: _ stain , (App Down syndrome when _ vrs AMegaL] ; markers for B & T AML: Auer rods(What?)
CML: _phils ; no LAP; can become _(2)
CLl: smudge , Cd _ + 20
Hairy Cell: Trap; 2-CDA, no lymphadenopathy
Adult t-cell lymphoma: HTVlt like MM but with rash
PCV: jak2k , _ after bath,
Leukoerythroblastic smear: extramedullary hematopoiesis
Non hog kind lymphoma For all (14, 18(bcl))-> (11(cyclin D), 14)->(11,18) Burkits 14,8 cmyc. _ form in abdominal
MM: Il-6, mspike typically IgG or _, Bence Jones in urine
6. Immature: >.2 blast(punched out nucleous); All: tdt, (App Down syndrome after[before is AMegaL] 5yrs) AML: Auer rods(MPO)
CML: basophils ; no LAP; can become AML or ALl
CLl: smudge , Cd 5 + 20
Hairy Cell: Trap; 2-CDA, no lymphadenopathy
Adult t-cell lymphoma: HTVlt like MM but with rash
PCV: jak2k , itch rafter bath,
Leukoerythroblastic smear: extramedullary hematopoiesis
Non hog kind lymphoma For all (14, 18(bcl))-> (11(cyclin D), 14)->(11,18) Burkits 14,8 cmyc. Sporadic form in abdominal
MM: Il-6, mspike typically IgG or A, Bence Jones in urine
9. Rhinitis: adenovirus Nasal Ploys: CF Laryngeal papilloma: single adult Larngeal polys from use ( bilateral) Laryngeal carcinoma: alcohol &tobacco
Lobar: sk
Broncho: l,staph, h.influ, clamydia
Interstitial: flu(staph, old peps), coxiella(Q-fever is unique cause low fever in interstitial), m.puemo, cmv(transplants), rsv(infants)
Stand/supine= pos/sup of lower lobe
Laying on right = up lob
Abscesses: _ or anaerobes( bacteriods, ,fusebac, peptostrep)
Frc equivalent to elasticity( ie fibrosis/emphysema= gain/loss lung tissue-> more/less elastic recoil-> dec/inc frc)
Asthma: charchot legdin crystals.
LH cell tumor is rienke crystals.
Brionchestasis: ABPA
In CF + Asthma
Caplan syndrom: coal worker pneumocystis + _
asteroid bodies: sarcoid
Asbestos in _ lob other upper
Bmpr2 activating mutation
ARDS: affects type2 as well so possible fibrosis
Wants lecithin/spingomyeling more than _.
Bronchial hematoma has _ as well
Lung metastases to _
Nasal ploys Rhinitis: adenovirus Nasal Ploys: CF Laryngeal papilloma: single adult Larngeal polys from use ( bilateral) Laryngeal carcinoma: alcohol &tobacco
Lobar: sk
Interstitial: flu(_. old peps), coxiella(Q-fever is unique cause low fever in interstitial), _(recruits0, _(transplants), _(infants)
Stand/supine= pos/sup of lower lobe
Laying on right = up lob
Abscesses: _staoh or anaerobes( bacteriods, ,fusebac, peptostrep)
Frc equivalent to elasticity( ie fibrosis/emphysema= gain/loss lung tissue-> more/less elastic recoil-> dec/inc frc)
Asthma: charchot legdin crystals.
LH cell tumor is rienke crystals.
Brionchestasis: ABPA
In CF + Asthma
Caplan syndrom: coal worker pneumocystis + RA
asteroid bodies: sarcoid
Asbestos in lo lob other upper
Bmpr2 activating mutation
ARDS: affects type2 as well so possible fibrosis
Wants lecithin/spingomyeling more than 2.
Bronchial hematoma has cartilage as well
Lung metastases to bone
Ards: neutrophil activation
Lobar Pune: congest-red-gray resolve = _ fluid- neutro -Marcro with _- like- resolves more than a _
Pulm emboli has _ x-ray finding
Histoplasmosis: lymph->reticuloendothelia
Split/_ s2 = rbb block/ps
Berryloisis/silica= granulomas/nodules, egg shell _
Hypersensitive pniemoniatis: granulomas
Cf meconium obstruction at _
Alveola _: goodpasture and vasculities
Cushing syndrome from _(paraneoplasm)
Vimentin stain for _
Erl for epidermal gf?
Il-1 _specific inflam
Resonance has to do with fullness to percussion and others to do with insulation of sounds.
Fev/CBC cutoff _%
Ventilations consider C02(more _ measure) over 02
so in hyperventilation states: hypoxemia still _
Invasive aspergillosis: Ig_ antibodies
Pneumonia organism
Copd: 3 and 3
M protein of s.pyo bind _ to prevent oponization
_ of Hib binds factor H to prevent opsoniazation
CFTR is atp gated.
_ pneumonic: strep, klebsiella(_jelly)
Pertusis: adult _ vaccination. 3 phase ?
Acute/chronic rejection is in _/+ parenchyma
_days for renal compensation
Hyperventilate->Hypoxia why?
_ +: serration marcescens, burkholderia cerpia
Blasto/cocidio/ histo= looks?
ABPA: recurrent _ infiltrates
Legionella: _ with pneumonia _cardia +neurologically exposure(2)
Glycosyltransferase is needed for _ synthesis.
Lupus: mg/_(mostly) & mp = nephrotic/nephrotic
Ards: neutrophil activation
Lobar Pune: congest-red-gray resolve = proteinatous fluid- new-Mara with liver like- resolves more than a week
Pulm emboli has no x-ray finding
Histoplasmosis: lymph->reticuloendothelia
Split/loud s2 = rib block/ps
Berryloisis/silica= granulomas/nodules, egg shell calc
Hypersensitive pniemoniatis: granulomas
Cf meconium obstruction at ileum
Alveola hemorrhage:goodpasture and vasculities
Cushing syndrome from sclc
Vimentin for sarcomas
Erl for epidermalgf?
Il-1 nonspecific inflam
Resonance has to do with fullness to percussion and others to do with insulation of sounds.
Fev/CBC cutoff 80%
Ventilations consider C02(more sensitive measure) over 02
Hyperventilation states: hypoxia still persists
Invasive aspeegillousis: Ige antibodies
Pneumonia organism
Copd: 3 and 3
M protein of s.pyo bind H to prevent oponization
PRP of Hib binds factor H to prevent opsoniazation
CFTR is atp gated.
Lobar pneumonic: strep, klebsiella(current jelly)
Pertusis: adult without vaccination. 3 phase of infect-cough with/without vomit-improve.
Acute/chronic rejection is in vessels/parenchyma
2days renal compensation
Hyperventilate->Hypoxia because co2 levels more readily resolved than o2
Catalase +: serration marcescens, burkholderia cerpia
Blasto/cocidio/ histo= broadband buds, spherules with endoscopes, roundyeastvwithin macros;
ABPA: recurrent fleeting infiltrates
Legionella: diarrhea with pneumonia bradycardia +neurologically exposure(contaminated waters, nursing home)
Glycosyltransferase is needed for peptidoglycan cell wall synthesis.
Lupus: mg/dp & mp = nephrotic/nephrotic
Work up for metabolic alk?
Lo urine( acute volume loss due to 2)
Hi urine cl : _vol( excess mineralcorticoid), otherwise (3)
2: saline responsive
AKI= pre/intrinsic/post= ?
Atn: _ phase about 1-2wks
Renal infraction: _ shaped infact due to cardioemoli(afib)-> epo hypertension
Pap necrosis is due to _, passage of tissue fragments.
NSAIDs can cause interstitial nephritis and pap necrosis
Rcc: carnon ball metastisis to 2 can be _ cytoplasm
Brest metastasis to _/ lymphoma _ making-> hypercalcemia
Drug toxicity usually not at _dose( vancomycin)
Iga vrs PSGN nephropathy: / complements
Iga nephritic: _ hematuria, most common, with days, spontaneous _occurance
Psgn: wks & _ reoccur , _ + _ deposits
Ttp and hus = old woman and kid
Kidney stones: radioopaque(1) ; calp or oxalate/Mgphos = shapes
Urine specific gravity has to do with_ status ; 1.003
Only Mgphos stones are _ shaped
Calcineurin induced kidney damage-> tubular _. Hf compensation( hypoerfusion sensed at _ -> rass and sympathetic)
Acute/chronic rejection= bld vessel/+ instertitum
Cola=cysteine ornthinge arg lysin
Lo urine( acute volume loss: vomit/ diuretic)
Hi urine cl : euvol( excess mineralcorticoid) otherwise( batter, gitelman or current Dieu tic use)
Diuretics & vomit saline responsive
Iga vrs PSGN nephropathy: normal/low complements
AKI= pre/intrinsic/post= hyovol(improves with hydration) / atn( does not improve with hydration cause surgery type ischemia + meds) , glomerular nephro or nephritis , ( interstitial nephritis, pap necrosis count?) / obstructions= hi bun/cret > 20/
Brest metastasis to bone/ lymphoma vitd making-> hypercalcemia
Drug toxicity usually not at one dose( vancomycin)
Surgery can cause atn!
Iga nephritic: painless he matures, most common, with days, spontaneous reoccurance
Psgn: wks & not reoccur , igg + c3 deposits
Renal infraction: wedge shaped infact due to cardioemoli(afib)-> expo hypertension
Pap necrosis is due to nsaids, passage of tissue fragments.
Rcc: carnon ball metastisis to bone or lung, can be yellow cytoplasm
NSAIDs can cause interstitial nephritis and pap necrosis
Ttp and hus = old woman and kid
Kidney stones: radioopaque-Uric acid ; calp or oxalate/Mgphos = envelope/coffin
Urine specific gravity has to do with hydration status ; 1.003
Only Mgphos stones are struvite shaped
Calcineurin induced kidney damage-> tubular vacuolization. Hf compensation( hypoerfusion sensed at renal -> rass and sympathetic)
Acute/chronic rejection= bld vessel/instertitum
Cola=cysteine ornthinge arg lysin
Atn: maintainable phase about 1-2wks
Endocrine and repro:
Treatment for congenital adrenal hyperplasia is _( virilization is from _not testeosterone)
Thyroid cancers: anasplastc/benign/ papilallary = look?
Abnl uterine bleeds:
Fibroids/adenomyosis/ endocancer or hyperplasia = present?
Ovarian cancer: ovarian dysfunction(like _) predispose Ca-125 for _ ovarian cancers Ovarian cancers: Sertoli-ledguc/granulomas -> _/_ effects Others!
Necrolytic migratory erythema for _cancers.
Diarrhea loose: K & bicarb
Spiranolactone works by 2 -> side effects?
Patient with 3 are at same risk factor as those with known coronary disease.
Metyrapone: inhib _
Diabetes drugs:
Metformin: inhib_ activate _
The glitz dec _ acids via adiponectin via ppar
Hpv warts: skin/genital/cancer =
Hyponatremia signs: altered mental status, headache, weekness, seizures
Klinefelter: starts with low _-> hi estrogen &; fsh
Diabetic ketoacidosis: _(electrolyte) imbalances.
Cervical cancer risk factor is oral contraceptives ?
In renal artery stenosis effects?
Liner/ ant & cephahed deviation of septum is what congenital heart defect?
Endocrine and repro:
Treatment for congenital adrenal hyperplasia is steriods _( virilization is from androgens not testeosterone)
Thyroid cancers: anasplastc/benign/ papilallary = look? pleomorphic/ -/ intracelluar things
folicular adenoma/carcinoma can’t be distinguised via fine needle.
Abnl uterine bleeds:
Fibroids/adenomyosis/ endocancer or hyperplasia = present?
Ovarian cancer:ovarian dysfunction( infertility) predispose
Ca-125 for epithelial cancers
Ovarian cancers:
Sertoli-ledguc/granulomas -> test/estrogen effects
Necrolytic migratory erythema for glucconoma.
Diarrhea loose: K & bicarb
Spiranolactone works by blocking aldosterone receptors and antagonizing androgen receptors-> save k, hi estrogen
Patient with noncoronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, ckd are at same risk factor as those with known coronary disease.
Metyrapone: inhib 11
Diabetes drugs:
Metformin: inhi mapk, activate mgpd
The glitz dec free fatty acids via adiponectin via par
Hpv warts: skin/genital/cancer = low to hi types
Hyponatremia signs: altered mental status, headache, weekness, seizures
Klinefelter: starts with low T-> hi estrogen & fsh
Diabetic ketoacidosis: k imbalances.
Cervical cancer risk factors : oral contraceptives
In renal artery stenosis: filtration RATE inc in affected kidney but grr and rpf dec
Liner/ ant & cephahed deviation of septum is transposition/tetralogy of fallout
Action potentials: sum of Na + K permeability curves
ATM: iga deficiency
Neuronal: excititoxicity also occurs in acute due to ischemic neurons releasing glutamate
Franco Anemia is due to hypersensitivity of dna to x-linking agents.
ATM: radiation induced
Central retina/ htn/Glaucoma: cherry red macula/ flame hemorrhage/ cuping of disks
Ischemis( hypodense and loss gray-hire matter differentiation on CT; repair( die-neutro, microglial-glial scar.
Gene onco
Pleomorphic with Giant multinucleated cells
cd34 and veg to identify endothelium Hepatic insufficiency( citrate may chelate ca-> symptoms of hypercalcemia)
Hairy cell leukemia vrs infectious mono= mid age man/ youngster
Hairy cell leukemia has trap stain, dry tap, slpenonegaly
Infectious mono: hetreophiles, lymphadenopathy,
Keratin petals at he junction.
V1/2= _ signaling= V2 is for aqua potion 2 D1/2 = _ signaling
Bethanechol/carbachol/pilocarpine= bowel and bladder/ pupil glaucoma/ sjrogren, both types of glaucoma, can cross_ barrier
Physostigme can cross_. for anticolinergic toxicity, others for _
Phenyl eph only one _ pulse pressure.
Tizanidine for relief of _
NE/phenylamine can cause reflex _
Beta blockers:
Nppt are selective antagonist
Nevivolol (b1 and b(release_ for low SVR))
Side effects:_ dysfunction,
V1/2= Qs signaling= V2 is for aqua potion 2
D1/2 = si signaling
Bethanechol/carbachol/pilocarpine= bowel and bladder/ pupil glaucoma/ sjrogren, both types of glaucoma, can cross B.B. barrier
Physostigme can cross B.B. for anticolinergic toxicity, others for MG
Phenyl eph only one dec pulse pressure.
Tizanidine for relief of spasticity
NE/phenylamine can cause reflex bradycardia
Beta blockers:
Nppt are nonselective antagonist
Nevivolol (b1 and b3(no for low SVR))
Side effects: erectile dysfunction,
Niacin dec _ secretion
Cardiac valve replacements: aortic valve on right center on sternum on cxr
Injury to _ bundle with ASD repair
Familiar hyper triglycerides: LPL requires APOC II
Diagnosing hyperthyroidism: free T4
Hypocretinisim: 6p’s
Oxytocin concentration increase due to _ reflex
Essential lipids: linoleic acid
_ are the bad smelling and limited
Essential vitamins ?
Hydroclorothiazide not for ckd?
Microscopic changes vrs complications of MI
Difference between MI microscopic changes and brain microscopic changes.
PDA has higher than normal ventricular output?
Niacin dec VlDl secretion
Microscopic changes vrs complications of MI
Baroreceptor is directly related to PS activity
Cardiac valve replacements: aortic valve on right center on sternum on cxr
Injury to AV bundle with ASD repair
PDA has higher than normal ventricular output?
Familiar hyper triglycerides: LPL requires APOC II
Complications of macrosomia: shoulder dystocia
Diagnosing hyperthyroidism free T4
Hypocretinisim: 6p’s
Oxytocin concentration increase due to birth canal reflex
Why measure PPI with ppinhib therapy
Difference between MI microscopic changes and brain microscopic changes.
Essential vitamins
Essential lipids: linoleic acid
Apocrine are the bad smelling and limited
Hydroclorothiazide not for ckd?
Hormones(glucagon(muscle contraction) + epinep,) -> cAMP(_) ->phosphrylase K(Insulin activate phosphatase)-> active(_active)glycogen phophorylase
So in mucle( ca from contraction and cAMP from epinephrine ->glycogenolysis
GTP from sucCoa used by Pepck for gluconeogenesis
Scalet fever: sandpaper-like rash, strawberry tonge, pharyngitis with exudates predispose to ARF or GN
Chickenpox= itchy & vesicular
Celiac on histo: look for crypt hyperplasia & villious atrophy
High fetal cardiac output( inc urination-immunization, hemorrhage)-.polyhyraminoiisi
Erythema multiform happens under infectioion->deposit ag in keartinocytes-cell mediated imunity
Erythema nodosum: fat on shins
B6 does transaminations rxns
Intraabdominal abcess are _ & ( staph typically abcess in skin)
PKu, CFTR is aut _
Candida infection associated with( not hairy cell leukemia)
Prox tubule absorbs most water
In DIC ( pt & apt inc, platelets dec,
Cupula is _ and for low sounds
Staph produces _- most important
Characteristic findings in GERD( 3)
Aplastic anemia BM(_virus): pronomoblast with glaxxy intranuclear viral inclusions
Fatty acid oxidation via acyl-coa dehydrogenase( MCAD deficiency: hypoketotic hypoglycemi, _ & sudden death)
Shock presentation hyovol vrs obstructive vrs distributive?
Blood/ Lymph drainage of below dentate is internal illac/superficial inguinal
Chance of getting addictcted to morphine small
PCR vrs blottings
CFTR mutation type? Aut recess
Duchenne? X-link recessive
Anti-inflammatory drugs like sulfasalazine, mesalamine
Killed vaccines avoid concerns for reversion to virulence
Meningitis with cysts and trophozoites( negeli or neurocyticosis) via olfactory nerve. What is via carvenous sinus?
Fatty acid synthesis vrs oxidation(malonyl inbibts)
Echo to confirm HF
Sits muscles
N2 bruzism (teeth grinding)
Iron and uremia= macidosis with anion gap: mudpiles
Salicilates+ early hyperventilate late acidosis normal gap round 12
Encapsulated have iga protease
Power of study seeing a diff when there is none
Hypotonia and limit dextrans major distinguish cori from others
PKU vrs maple syrup present? Neuro(seizure, intellectual disability) physical( dystonia, irritable)
Peptide hormones via rer
If with PDA deficiency ketogenic diet : Glycogenic AA
Fabry presents: neuropathic pain & hypohidrosis ->angiokeratomas & telangeictasisa-> cardiac & kidney problems in adulthood
Branched chain KDC need 5. Similar to PDH
Proprionyl-Coa from VIMT & odd chained fatty acid + py present 1-2wks after brithe with hypotonia, lethargy : lead sto succinyl-coa of tca
Thymine necessary in AKG, PDH and transketolase
Analyzing population-level data: ecological study (do not use to say anything about individual)
Hormones(glucagon(muscle contraction) + epinep,) -> cAMP(Ca) ->phosphrylase K(Insulin activate phosphatase)-> active(inactive)glycogen phophorylase
So in mucle( ca from contraction and cAMP from epinephrine ->glycogenolysis
GTP from sucCoa used by Pepck for gluconeogenesis
Scalet fever: sandpaper-like rash, strawberry tonge, pharyngitis with exudates predispose to ARF or GN
Chickenpox= itchy & vesicular
Celiac on histo: look for crypt hyperplasia & villious atrophy
High fetal cardiac output( inc urination-immunization, hemorrhage)-.polyhyraminoiisi
Erythema multiform happens under infectioion->deposit ag in keartinocytes-cell mediated imunity
Erythema nodosum: fat on shins
B6 does transaminations rxns
Intraabdominal abcess are fragilis & e.coli( staph typically abcess in skin)
PKu is aut recess
Candida infection associated with HIV( not hairy cell leukemia)
Prox tubule absorbs most water
In DIC ( pt & apt inc, platelets dec,
Molar pregnancy: paternal duplicate or two sperm/ two sperm + ovum = complete /partial
Cupula is apex and for low sounds
Gout and PRPP mutations
Staph produces biofilm- most important
Characteristic findings in GERD( eosinophils, elongation of lamina propria , basal zone hyperplasia
Aplastic anemia BM: pronomoblast with glaxxy intranuclear viral inclusions
P activates PLC then cascade.
Fatty acid oxidation via acyl-coa dehydrogenase( MCAD deficiency: hypoketotic hypoglycemi, seizures & sudden death)
Shock presentation hyovol vrs obstructive vrs distributive
Blood/ Lymph drainage of below dentate is internal illac/superficial inguinal
Chance of getting addictcte d to morphine small
PCR vrs blottings
CFTR mutation type? Aut recess
Duchenne? X-link recessive
Anti-inflammatory drugs like sulfasalazine, mesalamine
Killed vaccines avoid concerns for reversion to virulence
Meningitis with cysts and trophozoites( negeli or neurocyticosis) via olfactory nerve. What is via carvenous sinus?
Fatty acid synthesis vrs oxidation(malonyl inbibts)
Echo to confirm HF
Sits muscles
N2 bruzism (teeth grinding)
Iron and uremia= macidosis with anion gap: mudpiles
Salicilates+ early hyperventilate late acidosis normal gap round 12
Encapsulated have iga protease
Power of study seeing a diff when there is none
Hypotonia and limit dextrans major distinguish cori from others
PKU vrs maple syrup present? Neuro(seizure, intellectual disability) physical( dystonia, irritable)
Peptide hormones via rer
If with PDA deficiency ketogenic diet : Glycogenic AA
Fabry presents: neuropathic pain & hypohidrosis ->angiokeratomas & telangeictasisa-> cardiac & kidney problems in adulthood
Branched chain KDC need 5. Similar to PDH
Proprionyl-Coa from VIMT & odd chained fatty acid + py present 1-2wks after brithe with hypotonia, lethargy : lead sto succinyl-coa of tca
Thymine necessary in AKG, PDH and transketolase
Analyzing population-level data: ecological study (do not use to say anything about individual)
Keratomalacia-bit a difficuency.
Myositis ossification -metaplasia of muscle
Loss of microvilli