Resp Flashcards
Tx of acute asthma attack
Oxygen - oxygen driven nebs, back to backSalbutamol - 2.5-5mg back to backHydrocortisone IVIpatropium - 500mcg nebTheophyllineMagnesium sulphateEscalate care (intubation and ventilation)
TME given if needed with senior input
Do an ABG to assess O2 and CO2
Intensive care indications - requires ventilator, worsening acidosis/hypercapnia/hypoxia, exhaustion, drowsiness and confusion
Tx to settle exacerbation of asthma?
Oral pred for 5 days
Classify asthma severity
Life Threatening (PEFR <33%) - 33,92 CHEST: • 33 - PEFR <33% • 92 - Sats <92% • Cyanosis • Hypotension • Exhaustion • Silent chest • Tachycardia Severe (PEFR <50%) - cant complete sentences, RR >25, PR >110 Moderate (PEFR <75%) Mild (PEFR >75%)
Discharge criteria for asthma
- Stable on prescribed meds for 24 hrs
- Peak flow is 75% of predicted
- Discharge with 5 days oral prednisolone and asthma management plan.
Follow up with GP in 2 days. Follow up in 1 month in clinic.
Asthma LT tx guidelines. Pregnancy?
1st line SABA + ICS
2nd line + LABA (salmeterol)
3rd - Increase LABA (if good response) OR (if not good response) increase ICS or add 4th drug (theophylline or LAMA)
4th - Add 4th drug (theophylline, LAMA) OR increase ICS
5th line + oral corticosteroid
Use as usual during pregnancy
S&S that make asthma diagnosis likely?
• pt complains of >1 symptoms of :wheeze, SOB, cough, or chest tightness and if:
○ Worse at night and early morning
○ Worse in exercise, allergen or cold air
○ Worse after taking aspirin or beta blockers
• History of atopy
• Family history of atopy
Widespread wheeze on auscultation
S&S that make asthma unlikely?
• Prominent dizziness or peripheral tingling
• Chronic productive cough w/o wheeze or SOB
• Normal examination of chest when symptomatic
• Significant smoking history ie >20 pack yrs.
Cardiac disease
Qs to ascertain if asthma is unstable?
• Is there a nocturnal cough?
• Are you using the blue inhaler (rescue)?
Is your job impacted?
Ix for asthma?
Blood tests:
• Eosinophilia
• Increased IgE
Spirometry findings:
• Obstructive. Reversibility
PEFR - need more than one reading. Peak flow diary
Define occupational asthma
Symptoms improve at weekends or when away from work
Chemicals associated with occupational asthma
• Isocyanates - most common cause eg spray painting and foam moulding
• Flour
Epoxy resins
Tx of occupational asthma
• Serial measurements of PEFR at work and away
Referral to resp specialist for suspected occupational asthma
Tx of COPD exacerbation
Management - OSHIT
Oxygen - controlled oxygen (24-28% venturi) driven nebs, back to back. Do ABG after 15 mins to determine further therapy.SalbutamolHydrocortisoneIpatropiumTheophylline
Consider antibiotics and BiPAP if sats persist below 88%. IV abx if blood culture +ve
Intensive care indications - requires ventilator, worsening acidosis/hypercapnia/hypoxia, exhaustion, drowsiness and confusion
Tx for frequent exacerbation sof COPD?
Pts who have frequent exacerbations:
• Home supply of corticosteroids and abx eg prednisolone and amox.
• Abx only taken if sputum is purulent.
Contact you if exacerbation
NIV indications for COPD?
• COPD with resp acidosis pH 7.25-7.35
• T2RF secondary to chest wall deformity, neuromuscular disease, sleep apnoea
• Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema unresponsive to CPAP
Weaning from tracheal intubation
MOs causing exacerbations in COPD? Tx for each?
- Haemophilus influenzae - most common - treat with amox and prednisolone
- Strep pneumoniae
- Moraxella catarrhalis
- Resp viruses causes 30% with rhinovirus being most common.
To treat - increase bronchodilator use, give prednisolone oral. NO ABX unless sputum is purulent or clinical signs of pneumonia.
Bloods findings for COPD
FBC - Polycythemia in COPD pts due to reduced oxygen leading to increased erythropoietin and increased RBCs.
Diagnostic Ix for COPD
Spirometry - FEV/FVC ratio is <0.7. Deficit is not more than 15% reversible.
CXR findings for COPD
• to exclude other diagnoses • Hyperinflation - >6 anterior ribs • Bullae • Flat diaphragm Vertical orientation of heart
Classify severity of COPD
Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC FEV1 (of predicted) Severity < 0.7 > 80% Stage 1 - Mild** < 0.7 50-79% Stage 2 - Moderate < 0.7 30-49% Stage 3 - Severe < 0.7 < 30% Stage 4 - Very severe
ECG findings on COPD? Why might you order an ECG for COPD pts?
• If considering LT azithromycin ensure no long QT syndrome as azithromycin causes it.
• Reduced amplitude of QRS complexes due to excess air between electrode and heart
• Cor pulmonale may be evident:
○ Rightward shift of P wave axis
Prominent P waves in inferior leads
Lt medical tx of COPD
FEV<50% :
1st line - SABA or SAMA
2nd line - LABA + ICS combo inhaler OR LAMA
3rd line - LABA + ICS combo inhaler + LAMA
1st line - SABA or SAMA
2nd line - LABA or LAMA
3rd line - switch LABA to LABA + ICS combo then + LAMA
cannot tolerate inhalers - oral theophylline
Chronic productive cough - mucolytics
General management of COPD
• Smoking cessation • Pulmonary rehab • Annual influenza vaccine • One off pneumococcal vaccine If 3+ infections a year - Consider prophylactic abx eg azithromycin or erythromycin at low doses (anti inflammatory)
Tx for cor pulmonale in COPD
• Use loop diuretic for oedema eg furosemide
• Consider LTOT (long term oxygen therapy)
ACEi, CCBs, alpha blockers not recommended.
Indications for LTOT
Pt must have PaO2 of < 7.3 kPa under air when stable OR 7.3-8 kPa under air when stable AND:
○ Secondary polycythemia or
○ Nocturnal hypoxaemia or
○ Peripheral oedema or
○ Pulmonary hypertension
• Assessment of PaO2 done on 2 separate occasions 3 weeks apart
• 15 hours a day of oxygen minimum
• Exertional dyspnoea • Chronic cough - 3mths + • Regular sputum production • Regular winter bronchitis • Wheeze • Peripheral cyanosis • Clubbing Cor pulmonale
Causes of COPD
• Smoking
• Pollution
Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
Questions to ask regarding SOB?
• How far can you walk?
• How has SOB changed?
• What were you like before SOB?
Why are you here now? What has changed?
Resp Hx - SHx qs?
• Asbestos exposure?
Any contact with animals?
Qs about cough?
• Diurnal variation?
Is there a nocturnal cough?
Qs about sputum?
• Colour?
Always Blood - How much and how often?
What look for in eye son resp?
Horners sign could indicate Pancoast tumour (unilateral partial ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis)
What is stridor and wheeze?
Stridor - loud and harsh breath sound In inspiration. Large airway obstruction
Wheeze - Small airway obstruction. Musical note heard on expiration.
Signs of SVCO and cause?
• SVCO - 90% caused by bronchogenic carcinoma:
○ Swelling of face, neck, arms
Persistent cough and SOB
Crackles - early inspiratory, late or pan inspiratory, fine crackles, medium crackles, coarse crackles?
- Early inspiratory - COPD
- Late or pan inspiratory - Alveolar disease
- Fine ‘velcro’ crackles - Pulmonary fibrosis
- Medium - left ventricular failure
- Coarse - bronchiectasis
Causes of muffled breathing?
• Pleural effusion - Effusion is below lung, therefore decreased sounds.
• Collapse
Empyema vs consolidation - difference in bloods?
Empyema has v low grade inflammatory markers vs consolidation
Pleurisy causes?
- Pneumonia or flu
- RA
PE or Lung cancer
- RA
Cause of increased vocal resonance/
Consolidation - Fluid actually in the lungs therefore increased resonance
Causes of dull, resonant and hyperresonance percussion?
Dull - Pleural effusion, Hepatic tissue, consolidation, pleural thickening
Resonant - Normal lung
Hyperresonance - Pneumothorax, COPD
Purulent sputum causes?
Pneumonia, bronchiectasis, abscess
White sputum causes?
COPD, asthma
Clear frothy sputum causes?
Pulmonary oedema
Blood sputum causes?
PE, malignancy, clotting disorder, infection, Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Define massive haemoptysis
240ml in 24 hrs
Tx of haemoptysis
○ Lie on side of lesion
○ Tranexamic acid (antifibrinolytic) for 5 days
Abx if RTI suspected
Type 1 resp failure and causes
Type 1 - hypoxia
Ventilation/perfusion mismatch.
e.g. PE, high altitude, pneumonia, shunts
Type 2 resp failure and causes
Type 2 - hypercapnia and hypoxia
Inadequate alveolar ventilation.
e.g. COPD, asthma, scoliosis, motor neurone disease
Causes of resp alkalosis
• Anxiety –> Hyperventilation
• PE
• Salicylate poisoning - resp alkalosis first then metabolic acidosis
• CNS disorders - stroke, subarach hemorrhage, encephalitis
• Alititude
Causes of acute cough with normal CXR
○ bacterial / viral RTI
○ Inhaled foreign body
Irritation from fumes
Causes of acute cough with abnormal cxr
○ Pneumonia
○ Inhaled foreign body
Extrinsic allergic Alveolitis
Causes of chronic cough with normal and abnormal CXR
• Normal CXR: ○ GORD ○ Asthma ○ ACEi - bradykinin • Abnormal CXR: ○ TB ○ Lung cancer ○ ILD Bronchiectasis
Classify upper and lower zone fibrosis ILD
Upper - APENT(house) • A - Aspergillosis • P - Pneumoconiosis • E - Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis • N - Negative Seroarthopathy • T - TB
Lower - STAIR BASEMENT • S - Sarcoidosis • T - Toxins - BASEMENT • A - Asbestosis • I - IPF • R - Rheumatological - RA, SLE
Toxins subtype - BASEMENT • B - Bleomycin • A - Amiodarone • S - Sulfasalazine • ME - Methotrexate • NT - NitrofuranToin
Ix for pulmonary fibrosis
• Spirometry - restrictive picture, reduced transfer factor (TLCO)
• CXR - bilateral interstitial shadowing (typically small, irregular, peripheral opacities - ‘ground-glass’ - later progressing to ‘honeycombing’)
S&S of pulmonary fibrosis
• progressive exertional dyspnoea
• bibasal crackles on auscultation
• dry cough
Tx of Pulmonary fibrosis
• Perfenidone • Pulmonary rehab • Supplementary oxygen • Lung transplant 3-4 yr life expectancy
RFs of pulmonary fibrosis
RA and Methotrexate. Sulfasalazine
S&S of ILD
• Chronic dry cough
• SOB gradual over 3+ months, getting worse
• Multi systemic symptoms eg weight loss or malaise
Eventual right HF.
• Tachypnoea • Clubbing • End inspiratory crackles - upper or lower? • Cyanosis, • T2F Cor pulmonale
RFs for ILD?
Connective tissue diseases - MS, SLE, RA
• Amiodarone and methotrexate - biggest 2
• Sulfasalazine, bleiomycin and cylcophosphamide are others
Nitrofurantoin leads to reversible fibrosis
Bloods for sarcoidosis?
Raised serum ACE
Blooods for hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Ab to antigen
Bloods for goodpastures
Anti-GBM Ab
Bloods for extrinsic alveolitis
NO eosinophilia
Pharm Tx for ILD
• Steroids in allergies
Non pharm Tx for ILD
• Pulmonary rehab
• Cough syrups
• Stop offending drugs
Lung transplant last resort
Asbestos exposure diseases?
• Pleural plaques - non malignant. Most common
• Pleural thickening
• Asbestosis - Increasing severity with length of exposure. Lower lobe fibrosis.
Mesothelioma - Malignancy of pleura. Crocidolite (blue) asbestos is most dangerous form.