Periop Flashcards
General surgical management for diabetics
• First on morning list
• Urinalysis in morning
• Admitted 2 days prior for assessment and prep
• Avoid hartmanns IV
Insulin to be infused throughout the surgery
Pre op blood investigations
FBCs - To find undiagnosed anemia and correct pre surgery
U&Es - susceptibility to AKI to control fluids
LFTs - Directs medication choice and dosing if liver cannot correctly metabolise drugs
Clotting - Identify and correct pre surgery
Group and Save - determines pt blood group and screens for atypical antibodies. Done if blood loss not anticipated but MAY be needed. Takes 40 mins
Cross Match - Physically mixes pt blood with donor blood to see if immune reaciton takes place. Takes 40 mins on top of G&S which must be done first. Done if blood likely will be needed.
If female what test needs to be done pre op?
VTE prophylaxis
• LMWH - Dalteparin
TED stockings - if ABPI is >0.9 and no history of arterial disease
Causes of hyperkalaemia
• Repeated blood transfusions
• K-sparing diuretics, ACEi, spironolactone
Excessive K treatment
ECG of hyperkalaemia
• Tall tented T waves
• Flattened P wave
Widening of QRS
Tx of hyperkalaemia
• Stabilise myocardium ○ IV calcium gluconate • Reduce serum K ○ Salbutamol nebs and insulin with dextrose • Reduce total body K Oral calcium resonium
S&S of hyperK
• Non specific pains • Parasthesia • Muscle Weakness • N&V Palpitations
Investigations of hyperK
• Bloods - FBC, U&E, CRP
Catheterisation for fluid status
Causes of hypoK
• Diuretics esp thiazides
Symptoms of hypoK
• Muscle weakness
Atrial and ventricular ectopic beats
tx of hypoK
• Treat cause
IV K replacement
Where is spinal and epidural given?
Epidural - given anywhere
Spinal - given below L2
S&S of hiatus hernia?
• Vomiting • Weight loss • Bleeding and anemia • Hiccups and palpitations Swallowing problems
Types of hiatus hernia?
• Rolling
Surgical indications for hiatus hernia
• Remains symptomatic
• Increased risk of strangulation
Nutritional failure
Surgical tx for hiatus hernia
Patho of peptic ulcer disease
• Most commonly on lesser curvature of stomach or first part of duodenum
Caused by H pylori or NSAIDs
Red flags for gastric cancer and investigation
Gastric cancer red flags - ALARMS: A - Anaemia L - Lost weight A - Anorexia R - Recent rapid onset M - Meleana S - Swallowing difficulty
Immediate Endoscopy + biopsy
S&S of gastric and duodenal ulcer
• Gastric: ○ Epigastric pain - worse after eating ○ Nausea ○ Weight loss • Duodenal: Epigastric pain - worse 2 hrs after eating
Investigations for peptic ulcer and tx
• H pylori test - Stool antigen • +ve H pylori test - Tx: ○ PPI + amoxicillin + clarithromycin for 7 days • -ve H pylori test - Tx: PPI
RFs for gastric cancer
• H Pylori • Male • Age • Smoking • Japan/Korean Alcohol
S&S for gastric cancer
• Presentation is non specific: ○ Haematemesis ○ Dyspepsia ○ Dysphagia ○ N&V • Advanced S&S: ○ Anaemia signs ○ Jaudnice and hepatmegaly - Liver mets Enlarged Vircows node
Investigations for gastric cancer
• Routine bloods
• Endoscopy + biopsy
• If biopsy confirms - CT CAP to stage disease
commonest causes of SBO
- Adhesions -50+%
- Hernias - 25%
Tumours - 15%
- Hernias - 25%
Causes of adhesion
• Previous surgery
• Idiopathic
• Abdo infection
Patho of crohns
• Can affect any part of GI but most common in distal ileum or proximal colon • Trasmural inflammation • Cobblestoning • Ulcers and fissures Skip lesions
Tranny Granny Skips on Cobblestones
RFs of crohns
- FHx
Tx of crohns
- Induce remission:
a. Methotrexate + prednisolone- Maintain remission:
a. Azathioprine
Surgery if medical tx fails - ileocaecal resection
- Maintain remission:
S&S of crohns
• Episodic abdo pain • Diarrhoea - possible blood • Malaise, anorexia, low fever • Oral ulcers Perianal disease
Investigations for crohns
• Routine bloods
Colonoscopy with biopsy
Complicaitons of crohns
• Stricture formation • Fistula • Perianal abscesses • GI malignancy Malabsorption
Signs on xray crohns
Site involvement, inflammation, micro and macro changes of crohns vs ulcerative
UC - large bowel. Crohns - Entire GI
Inflammation UC - mucosa only. Crohns is transmural
Micro changes UC - crypt abscess, reduced goblet cells, non granulomatous. Crohns is granulomatous.
Macro changes UC - continuous inflammation. Pseudopolyps and ulcers. Crohns - Discontinuous inflammation (skip lesions), cobblestoning, fistula formation
UC patho
• Diffuse mucosal inflammation, beginning in rectum going proximally
• Crypt abscess
• Goblet cell hypoplasia
- Smoking = protective
* Bimodal distribution - 15-25 yr old and 55-65 yr old
Tx of UC
- Induce remission:
a. Mild to moderate - sulfasalazine
b. Severe - IV prednisolone- Maintain remission:
a. Sulfasalazine
Surgery if medical tx fails - total proctocolectomy (rectum + colon removal)
- Maintain remission:
S&S of UC
• Bloody diarrhoea - More bloody than Crohns
• Tenesmus
• Increased frequency and urgency of defecation
• Systemic symptoms - malaise, anorexia, low grade fever
Toxic megacolon = severe
Ix of UC
• Routine bloods - anaemia. Raised CRP and WCC
• Colonscopy with biopsy
• AXR if toxic megacolon suspected
Lead pipe colon seen in chronic UC
Complications of UC
• Toxic megacolon
signs of UC on AXR
lead pipe colon, toxic megacolon
RFs of appendicitis
• FHx
• White
Environmental - summer bigger risk
S&S of appendicitis
• Abdo pain poorly localised --> RIF • N&V • Change in bowel habits • Pyrexia Guarding - if perf
Ix of appendicitis
• Urinalysis - UTI exclusion
• Pregnancy test
• Routine bloods - raised WCC and CRP
Abdo USS - diagnosis
Tx appendicitis
Laparoscopic appendectomy
Complications of appendicitis
• Perf
Pelvic abscess - after perf
Patho of Diverticular disease
• Outpouching of bowel wall due to weakening over time
• Movement of stool increases luminal pressure leading to outpouching
Bacteria can accumulate in this pocket –> perforation
3 manifestations of diverticular disease
• Diverticulosis - Presence of diverticulum
• Diverticular disease - symptomatic diverticulum
Diverticulitis - inflammation of diverticulum
RFs of diverticular disease
• Low fibre intake • Obesity • Smoking • FHx NSAIDs
S&S of diverticular diseaase
○ Colicky pain - exacerbated by food and relieved by defecating
○ Altered bowel habits
○ Nausea
S&S of diverticulitis
○ Abdo pain and local tenderness - usually LIF
○ PR bleeding
Sepsis - if perf
Ix of diverticular diseaes
• Routine bloods - anaemia if bleeding • ABG - lactate if ischemic • Sigmoidoscopy in diverticular disease: ○ NOT IN DIVERTICULITIS - risk of perf AXR to exclude obstruction
Tx of diverticulitis. Indications for surgery?
• Diverticulitis: ○ IV abx ○ IV fluids ○ Bowel rest ○ Analgesia • Surgical washout indications: ○ Perf with fecal peritonitis ○ Sepsis Failure to improve with medical tx
Genes involved in colorectal cancers
• Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
S&S of left and right sided colorectal cancer
○ Right = occult (hidden) bleeding. Left is frank.
○ Left = tenesmus. Right = weight loss.
Right = RIF mass. Left = LIF mass
Dukes staging and 5 yr survival
Stage Description 5 yr survival (%) A Muscle layer not penetrated 90 B Muscle layer penetrated 70 C Lymph node mets 30 D Distal mets 10
Ix of colorectal cancer
• FBC - anemia if right sided.
• LFTs - liver mets
• Cancer marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Colonoscopy with biopsy.
Tx of colorectal cancer
• Surgery - if localised: ○ Laparascopic Bowel resection: § Right hemicolectomy - right colon cancer § Left hemicolectomy - left colon cancer § Sigmoidcolectomy - sigmoid cancer § Anterior resection - high rectal cancer § AP resection - low rectal cancer § Hartmanns - emergency resection • Chemo if mets • Radio for rectal cancer • Palliative: Stenting
S&S of hemorrhoids
• PAINLESS fresh bleeding
• Palpable mass
• Pruritic
Soiling - mucus or impaired continence
RFs of hemorrhoids
• Chronic constipation
• Age
Raised intra-abdo pressure eg pregnancy, chronic cough, ascites
Classification of hemorrhoids
- 1st degree - in rectum
- 2nd degree - prolapse through anus on defecation but spontaneously reduce
- 3rd - degree - prolapse on defecation but require digital reduction
4th degree - persistently prolapsed
Ix of hemorrhoids
• Proctoscopy
• FBC - anemia due to bleeding
Colonoscopy to exclude malginancy
Tx of hemorrhoids
• Conservative:
○ 1st and 2nd degree treated with rubber band ligation
• Surgical:
Hemorrhoidectomy if symptomatic
Rectal carcinoma S&S
• Pain and fresh bleeding • Mucus and discharge from anus • Palpable mass • Pruritis Tenesmus and fecal incontinence possible
Ix of rectal carcinoma
• FBCs - anemia of chronic disease • DRE • Biopsy • USS guided FNA of inguinal lymph nodes • CT-thorax-abdo-pelvis for mets MRI pelvis - local invasion
What is hartmanns procedure. used for?
• Rectosigmoid resection with formation of an end colostomy and closure of rectal stump
• Anastomosis with reversal of colostomy may be possible later
Used to treat obstructive cancers in rectosigmoid
patho of anal fissure
• Tears in lining of anal canal
• <6 wks - acute
>6wks - chronic
Acute anal fissure tx
• High fibre high fluid
• Bulk forming laxative - Ispaghula husk
• Topical anasthesia
chronic anal fissure tx
• Same as acute + the following
• 1st line - Topical GTN
2nd line - surgery or botulinum toxin referral
RFs of inguinal hernia
S&S of inguinal hernia
• Groin lump - reducible on pressure and lying down
Discomfort and ache on activity
Tx of inguinal hernia
• Conservative if few symptoms
• Surgery - if symptomatic:
Mesh repair - open or lapascopic
Femoral hernia RF
S&S of femoral hernia
• Most are Asymptomatic
• Emergency presentation if strangulated
Tx of femoral hernia
Ix of femoral hernia
RFs of incisional hernia
• Obesity • Midline incision • Wound infection • Age Pregnancy
how to assess dilatation on axr of GI?
3/6/9 Rule to assess if there is dilatation:
• >3 cm for small bowel
• >6 cm for large bowel
>9 cm for caecum
signs of pneumoperitoneum on axr
cupola (air under diaphragm), riglers (double wall of bowel visible),
assess hernia on axr
• There is never any bowel below the pelvic line
Hernia if there is.
sign of sigmoid volvulus on axr
coffee bean sign
sign of caecal volvulus on axr
caecum moves from RIF to central abdo and distends
Approach to AXR
A - Air - Look through GI tract starting at rectum
B - Bone - fractures. Beware the owl that winks
C - Circulation - look for calcification and psoas muscle, absence indicates AAA
D - Disability (soft tissue/organs) - most visible is bladder
E - Everything else
Prep for surgery?
○ NBM ○ IV access ○ VTE prophylaxis • Analgesia + antiemetics • IV fluids + monitor balance
Acute abdomen in URQ
cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, ureteric colic, hepatitis, pneumonia
acute abdomen in ULQ
pyelonephritis, ureteric colic, pneumonia, gastric ulcer
acute abdomen in LRQ
appendicitis, ureteric colic, inguinal hernia, IBD, UTI, gyne, testicular torsion
acute abdo in LLQ
Diverticulitis, ureteric colic, inguinal hernia, IBD, UTI, gyne, testicular torsion
acute abdo in periumbilical reguin
appendicitis, SBO, LBO, AAA
acute abdo in epigastric region
PUD, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, MI
Ix for acute abdomen
• Bloods - FBC, U&E, LFT, CRP, amylase
• ABG - bleeding
• Pregnancy test
• Blood cultures
• Imaging:
○ AXR - erect CXR if bowel perforation suspected. Normal if bowel obstruction suspected
Peritonitis S&S
• Abdo tenderness • Rigidity • Guarding • Rebound Tenderness EXTREME stillness