Research Methods case studies Flashcards
(COVERT Participant Observation) outline Venkatesh’s gang case study; ‘gang leader for a day’
- he integrated into the black gang in which he observed
- Venkatesh told the gang leader that he would write a book about them - was covertly researching them for sociology
- he was there nearly 8yrs + found it hard to leave + integrate back into his old life - he went native
- he participated in gang activities such as beating a domestic abuser - ethical issue
(LAB EXPERIMENT) outline Milgram’s case study
- a lab experiment
- he told Ps to administer electric shocks when a learner answered a Q wrong
- the shocks were fake, but Ps thought they were real
- aimed to measure obedience to authority
(LAB EXPERIMENT) outline Harvey + Slatin’s case study
- 100 teachers were shown 20 images of children from different social class backgrounds
- teachers were asked to rate the children based on their performance, aspirations etc
- WC children were rated les favourably
- teachers said they based their ratings on the similarities percieved between the image and the students they’ve taught
(FIELD EXPERIMENT) outline Rosenthal + Jacobsen’s case study (Pygmalion Effect)
- a field experiment
- aimed to test the effect of teachers’ expectations of children’s ability and if it will affect their progress
- they did this by randomly picking 20% of all students and identified them as ‘spurters’
- after a year, they returned, and found that the ‘spurter’ labelled students progressed much further than those who hadn’t been labelled
- they assumed that the teachers gave the labelled students special attention
(COVERT PO) outline Griffins case study
- in Griffins ‘Black like me’ study, he went undercover as a black man in 1960s southern America
- he used medication and sun beds to appear darker skinned
- aimed to experience first hand the impact of racism
(QUESTIONNAIRE) outline Connor + Dewson’s study
- posted 4,000 questionnaires to students
- aimed to explore factors influencing the decisions of the WC going to Uni
(QUESTIONNAIRE) outline Schofield’s case study
- a questionnaire
- aimed to research the sexual behaviours of teens
- one question asked ‘are you a virgin?’, in which someone answered ‘no, not yet’
- this shows lack of operationalising and misunderstanding that can occur with Questionnaires
(INTERVIEWS) outline Dobash + Dobash’s case study
- carried out over 100 unstructured interview
- aimed to investigate domestic violence among victims
- researchers were able to build a rapport
(INTERVIEWS) outline Willis’ case study
- used group interviews
- aimed to investigate Laddish behaviour/ subcultures among WC boys + their experience of education
- issue of peer pressure
(SECONDARY SOURCES) outline Aries’ use of SS
- Aries used historic paintings (documents)
- aimed to study the rise of the modern notions of childhood
(SECONDARY SOURCES) outline Hey’s use of SS
- Hey used school girls’ notes passed
- aimed to investigate friendship issues/ patterns
- issue of ethics
(COMPARATIVE METHOD) outline Durkheim’s study
- used official statistics to demonstrate how suicide could be explained by social rather than individual factors - suicide rates vary across social contexts
- he compared this secondary source from different countries to study how social factors affect suicide rates on a macro scale
(UNSTRUCTURED INTERVIEWS) outline Oakley’s study
- Oakley conducted almost 180 unstructured interviews with w about becoming mothers
- she spent on avg 9hrs interviewing each woman + even attended some births
- O aimed to involve the women as active collaborators/ friends - building a personal rapport between herself and the women
- O’s development of a more equal + intimate relationship improved the quality of her research by allowing her to get more information about their experiences
(DOCUMENTS) outline the case study of the Macpherson Inquiry
- Macpherson Inquiry: was a report of a public inquiry into the murder of the black teen boy, Stephan Lawrence
- is an example of a public document
(CONTENT ANALYSIS) outline Walbys study
- Walby, a feminist, made a thematic analysis of the ways newspapers report rape cases
- there is often victim blaming for female victims
- the rapist is constructed as a sick individual who is separate from ordinary men