Class Differences - External Flashcards
define class consciousness
- class consciousness = the set of beliefs that a person holds regarding their social class
how is class judged in education
- is judged based on the occupation of the child’s parents
describe the average working class occupation
- manual occupation with little needed qualifications. e.g. lorry divers, cleaners, plumbers, waitresses
describe the average middle class occupation
- non manual occupations which require further educational qualifications
- called ‘white collar’ if they work in an office. e.g. office workers, business owners, doctors, teachers
what are the 5 contributing factors to class
- income level
- education level
- occupation
- family + social support
- access to good nutrition
define cultural deprivation
- cultural deprivation = being deprived of culture
- lacking the ‘right’ (MC) values, attitudes, language, behaviour, self discipline, intellect + reasoning
define primary socialisation
- primary socialisation = the socialisation that your family supplies (basic norms + values)
define elaborated code
- elaborated code = use of wider vocab, complex sentences, communicates abstract ideas context free
define restricted code
- restricted code = use of limited vocab, simple sentences, not descriptive, not analytical, context bound
define subculture
- subculture = a group of people whose norms and values dont fit the mainstream (middle class) culture
name 2 statistics about private schooling and university
- private schools only educate 7% of the population, but they account for nearly 50% of all students entering elite universities
- in 3 years, Eton (a private school) sent 211 pupils to Oxbridge, whilst over 1,300 state schools sent no students
define meritocracy
- meritocracy = the idea that one will be rewarded based on their effort and ability, and that everyone is equally able to achieve well
what does Keddie say about cultural deprivation
- Keddie: cultural deprivation is a myth. its an excuse made by the Gov / system - they should be properly providing for all classes
what do Bereiter and Engelmann (1966) say about language
- Bereiter and Engelmann: language used in WC homes is deficient (lacking)
- due to WC parents not communicating effectively with their children and relying on gestures, single words + disjointed sentences
what does Bernstein say about language
- Bernstein: as a result of the use of deficient language in W/C homes, children fail to develop the necessary language skills to succeed in education, thus they speak in restricted code
how will the elaborated code benefit students using it
- they’ll have a stronger language foundation for the language used (English) in textbooks, by teachers, exams etc
what does Margo say about cultural deprivation
- Margo (2010): the cultural deprivation theory starts with the assumption that W/C culture is not only different, but deficient
- different cultural factors creates disengagement from school
name the 5 factors of parental impact on socialisation
- parent’s educational activities
- use of income
- level of income
- parental education
- parenting style
how does parenting style affect a child’s socialisation
- educated parents: emphasises explained discipline + high expectations by encouraging learning, uses elaborated code
- less educated parents: has harsh, inconsistent + unexplained disciplines; ‘just do what you’re told’ mindset. this prevents independence and self-control. uses restricted code
- can cause pupils to have behavioural issues in education
how does parent’s educational behaviours (/their education) affect a child’s socialisation
- educated parents know what is needed for their child’s educational success (enrichment - sport, clubs, museums etc)
- less educated parents have less knowledge of what is needed for their child’s educational success, and so their child may miss out on enrichment activities
how does parental education affect their child’s socialisation
- regardless of class, children of better educated parents tend to do better than children of less educated parents
- could be due to factors like social capital, cultural capital, having an educated role model
what is the effect of a parents use of income on their child’s socialisation
- better educated parents ted to have higher payed jobs, thus a higher disposable income. better educated parents usually spend their money on things that are beneficial for their kids, e.g. educational toys + games that will boost their kids intellect
- however, less educated parents may spend their disposable income on less intellectually beneficial things - e.g designer baby clothes, flashy shoes etc
how does a parent’s educational behaviours impact their childs socialisation
- educated parents have more knowledge of what is needed for their child’s educational success and so are more likely to enrol in activities that will benefit them (e.g. enrichment clubs, museum visits, reading at bedtime)
what does Sugarman (1970) argue about the w/c subculture + name the 4 key factors
- Sugarman: the WC subculture has 4 key features that act as a barrier to educational achievement:
- collectivism
- immediate gratification
- fatalism
- present time orientation