Research Methods B Flashcards
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What do parametric tests assume (3)
Normal distribution
Homogeneity of variance (if comparing 2 or more groups)
Interval or ratio data
What do non-parametric tests assume
Advantage and disadvantage of parametric tests compared to non-parametric
Adv: More powerful - can detect differences better
Disadv: Less flexible
How can a parametric test still be used if parametric assumptions are not met
Transform the data to normalise data distributions
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S)
Tests the probability the data belongs to a normal distribution
Hypothesis and null hypothesis of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
H1: Variable is not normally distributed
H0: Variable is normally distributed
Conclusion if p < 0.05 in Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Significant, reject H0, therefore not normally distributed
Conclusion if p > 0.05 in Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Not significant, accept H0, therefore is normally distributed
What should be reported if SPSS gives p = 0.000 and why
0.001, SPSS cannot round past 3 decimal places and p can never be 0
Levenes test
Tests the homogeneity of variance, determines data sets are from the same population or not
Hypothesis and null hypothesis of the Levenes test
H1: Variance is not equal
H0: Variance is equal (homogenic)
Conclusion if p < 0.05 in the Levenes test
Significant, reject H0, variance is not equal
Conclusion if p > 0.05 in the Levenes test
Not significant, accept H0, variance is equal
How to test whether to use a parametric test
Conduct a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Levenes test, if p > 0.05 in both then assumptions have been met and a parametric test can be performed
What kind of data is needed for all parametric tests
Interval or Ratio
Chi-squared ‘goodness of fit’’ test (GF)
Compares a samples proportions to that of the population
How a Chi-squared test works
Frequencies of participants are compared to generated expected frequencies based on the null hypothesis (that nothing is going on). If significantly different from observed, results are significant
Different null hypothesis’ for Chi-squared goodness of fit (2) and examples
1) No difference between the categories
Eg - the number of men and women are equal
2) No difference between the categories’ frequency distribution
Eg - number of men and women in computing reflects the proportions at the university
(which one is chosen changes the expected frequencies)
Expected frequencies (for Ch-squared goodness of fit) = …
proportion of population x sample size
Proportion depends on which null hypothesis chosen
Chi-squared (X^2) = …
sum of ( (frequency observed - frequency expected)^2 / frequency expected )
Chi-squared ‘test for independence’ (TI)
Tells whether two groups are associated or independent of influence
Chi-squared ‘test for independence’ (TI) example
Does gender influence smoking frequency
Chi-squared ‘goodness of fit’’ test (GF) example
Are there more men in the computing department than there would be by chance
How is expected frequencies calculated for Chi-squared test for independence
What the results would be completely down to chance…
= column total x row total / n
Conclusion if Chi-squared value is lower than critical value found in the table
Results are not significant, accept H0 that nothing is going on
How many variables can a Chi-squared test compare at a time
Compare the means of two groups, looking for differences between them (H1), telling us if the difference in means falls n the most extreme 5%
Types of t–test (3)
Independent, dependent, one sample
Other names for independent t-tests (2)
Unrelated, between groups
Other names for dependent t-tests (4)
Related, paired sample, within groups, repeated measures
Requirements to conduct a t-test (2)
Data meets parametric assumptions
and is interval or ratio data
Independent t-test example H1
Students who do extra reading for their module get higher grades (IV = extra reading, DV = Higher grades)
Conclusion if p < 0.05 for an independent t-test
There is an extreme, real difference in groups means, they are a part of different populations
Sample distribution of the difference between means
Theory that, if the null hypothesis is correct, plotting all the difference means of randomly selected participants from each group would form a normal distribution curve