research methods Flashcards
independent variable
a researcher manipulates the IV to determine its effect on the DV. the IV may be divided into levels, sometimes referred to as experimental conditions.
dependent variable
variable that is being measured. operationalising this is defining the variable to make it measurable.
control variable
a condition where the IV is not manipulated at all to provide a standard against the experimental conditions
extraneous variables
any variables (other than the IV) that COULD affect the DV.
mundane realism vs ecological validity
ecological validity is the extent to which a study is representative/generalised to real life. mundane realism is the degree to which an experiment is superficially similar to everyday situations.
confounding variables
any variables (other than the IV) that HAVE affected the DV.
lab experiment
+ high control on EV, to prevent them becoming CV
+ can establish cause and effect relationship between the IV and the DV because researcher manipulates IV
+ random allocation
+ easily replicated, study can prove to be reliable
- demand characteristics, social desirability bias
- high control means mundane realism and ecological validity are low
field experiments
experiments conducted in natural settings rather than in the laboratory - the IV is still manipulated by the researcher.
+ more mundane realism and ecological validity than in a lab, because it’s in a real-world setting
+ can establish cause and effect relationship between the IV and the DV because the researcher manipulates IV
+ less chance of demand characteristics because participants might not even be aware that they are taking part in research
- less control over EV, the effect might be due to this rather than IV. not valid.
- less control over the sample
- difficult to replicate
natural experiment
naturally occurring IV’s effect on the DV - measures variables that aren’t directly manipulated, so the participants already meet the conditions of the experiment rather than having one allocated to them. eg. behaviour in single sex vs mixed school
+ uses a naturally occurring IV so there is a high level of mundane realism and ecological validity.
+ useful when it is impossible or unethical to manipulate the IV/sample in a laboratory experiment or field experiment
- less control over EV
- difficult to replicate
- difficult to determine cause and effect
quasi experiments
+ naturally occurring IV - a difference between people that already exists (like gender or age).
+ high control, EV minimised
+ replication is very likely + high reliability
- lack of ecological validity
- demand characteristics + invalid data