Research Methods Flashcards
What is an overt observation?
Observing people with their knowledge
What is a participant observation?
Observing people while also participating in their activities
What is a controlled observation?
Observing people in an environment that has been set up in some way
What is a non-participant observation?
Observing people from a distance
What is an observation method?
Researcher records behaviour. Can be controlled or naturalistic
What is a case study?
Researcher studies one person in depth for a while using a variety of methods. Can use family or friends to find out more
What is a repeated measures design?
An experimental design where the same participants take part in each condition of the experiment
What is consent?
Participants know exactly what you are doing and have agreed to take part in the experiment
What is a laboratory experiment?
An experiment where the researcher directly manipulates the IV in a controlled environment
What is a field experiment?
An experiment where the researcher directly manipulates the IV in a natural environment
What is nature?
Your genetics
What is nurture?
Your upbringing and the environment you are in
What is social construct?
Definition of crime is constructed by society
What is vicarious reinforcement?
We see others being rewarded and want to imitate them
What is direct reinforcement?
Direct reward leads to repeating the behaviour
What is internalisation?
Behaviour continues without reward
What is an extraneous variable?
Something that could affect the results
What is a self-selected sample?
People volunteer themselves
What is deception?
Not telling participants what you are doing and/or why
What is psychological harm?
Something causing an effect on people’s minds and behaviour. Causes the participants to be feeling stressed, uncomfortable or embarrassed
What is a structured interview?
Researcher asks questions face to face with the questions prepared in advance
What is an unstructured interview?
Researcher asks questions face to face like a conversation
What is a co-variable?
Two variables that change with each other
What is a hypothesis?
A precise, testable statement of what the researcher predicts will be the outcome
What is a null hypothesis?
A prediction of no difference or relationship
What is the independent variable?
What the researcher compares
What is the dependent variable?
What the researcher measures