Research methods Flashcards
Refers to the extent to which research methods show a true and honest insight into the social reality
Refers to the extent to which a piece of research is scientific and therefore replicable
Refers to the extent to which the sample selected a fair reflection of the target population - Does it reflect the characteristics of the group
Refers to the ability to make claims about the wider target population from research findings - Is it generalisable of ALL people who hold the characteristic of the group being researched
Methods like - participant observation which gives results about individuals live, this produces in depth data - the data consists of textual information and is generally high in - Validity - gives us a true insight into the lives
methods like - surveys and structured interviews that give results which can easily be put into a table, this gives large scale data - the data is generally high in Reliability - easy to replicate and will form the same results
Practicalities of Sociological research
- Time - if a method of data is time consuming - Cost - if the research requires paying other researchers to assist with the research, if travel is involved or if research is carried out on a large cohort over a large space of time - Access - if the target population are difficult to access this may cause problems with the sample
Ethical guidelines
- Confidentiality
- Privacy
- Anonymity
- Right to withdraw
- Protecting the vulnerable groups
- Informed consent
- Ensuring legality
- Safeguarding
- Reliability
- Objectivity value freedom
- Representative
- Quantitative
- Verstehen
- Validity
- Ethnographic
- Qualitative
- Reflexivity
- Realistic picture of whats taking place in society
- research methods should fit the purpose of the topic you are studying
- methodological pluralism or triangulation are preferable - combo of Quantitative and Qualitative - can be cross checked easily
- mixed methods
- gain access to the views including women
- normally qualitative
- often use in depth interviews
- should be researched by women
- seeks to bring change and equality for women