Research Flashcards
Descriptive research
Observe and describe behavior without manipulating or controlling the situation, observations lead to hypotheses that can be tested at a later date
Correlational research
Examines the relationship between two or more behaviors or treats, determine if two behaviors vary in someway, does not show cause and effect
Experimental research
Establish if the independent variable causes the effect on the dependent variable
Quasi experimental research
When a research design does not meet other experimental requirements, most communicative disorders are quasi-experimental
Between subject research design
Performances of separate groups of participants are measured and compared between the groups, different groups are exposed to different treatments or levels of the independent variable e.g. Cross-sectional
Within subject research design
Performance of the same participants is compared and different conditions, everyone exposed to multiple conditions e.g. longitudinal
Mixed research design
Between groups and within subjects, one independent variable compares between subjects and the other independent variable compares within subjects
Single subject design
Participants evaluated as individuals rather than members of a larger group, criterion-referenced, AB design, ABA design, ABAB design
Multiple baseline design
Avoids disadvantages of treatment withdrawal, to prove cause-and-effect baselines must be independent of each other
Single factor studies
One independent variable
Multi factor studies
Many independent variables can be interaction effects
Cross sectional
Groups of people at some moment in time i.e. different age groups
Measures the same group of people every five years to eliminate different histories
Internal validity
An experiment has internal validity if there is no other reason for the measured change in performance other than the change in the independent variable
External validity
The extent to which the results of the study can be generalized to other people, settings, measures, etc., study may be internally valid but results may not extend outside the parameters of the study
Threats to internal validity
History, maturation, reactive pretest, instrumentation, statistical regression, differential subject selection, mortality
Threats to external validity
Subject selection, interactive pretest, reactive arrangements, multiple treatment interference
History internal threat
Some external event happens that researcher was not aware of and could not have controlled for i.e. winning the lottery, 9/11
Maturation internal threat
Internal event that happens in the subjects themselves i.e. cognitive development, motor abilities
Reactive pretest internal threat
Taking a pretest can influence performance on post test, they learn the test
Instrumentation internal threat
Instruments need to be calibrated, but test ever is part of instrumentation as well and can influence the results