Requirements Engineering/Science Flashcards
What subcategories of Functional Requirements exist?
1) Organisational: who requires what, existing business processes
2) Application domain: different domains or content have different requirements
3) Navigation: existing organisation workflow, predict user behaviour
4) Interaction: map UI to what application must do
Web apps are ___ oriented?
What 3 main classifications of non functional requirements exist?
1) Product: constraints inherent to project you are making (behaviour of product - time, etc)
2) Project organisational: constraints inherent to organisations involved (eg. requiring languages or standards)
3) External: constraints inherent to context in which organisation operates (eg. law)
Detail the requirements analysis process (agile)
1) Feasability - quick prototype, is it feasible?
2) Elicitation and Analysis - go into real world and sample requirements
3) Elaboration and specification - formally document and make concrete requirements
4) Negotiation - know we have stakeholders, hierarchy of requirements
5) Validation - validate and order requirements
6) Management - requirements change so need to identify and make changes quickly
Order changes each time
What does the feasibilty step in requirements analysis do?
Identify stakeholders, affected business processes or domains, schedule and cost constraints, integration requirements with existing systems, early protyping
What are the advantages and disadvantages of interviews?
Time consuming
Good for sensitive topics
What are the advantages and disadvantages of group interviews?
Good for aiding recall - prompting others
Hard to keep on task
Time efficient
What are the advantages and disadvantages of surveys?
Requires knowing what to ask
Easily implemented
What is ethnography?
Go native. Watch people in natural environment. Don’t interfere with them.
What is a technology tour?
Examining the tech in the user’s ecosystem. Often done with ethnography.
What is a cultural probe?
Users record themselves. Ethnography without us being present to watch.
What does INVEST stand for?
Independent Negotiable Valuable Estimatable Small Testable
What do we do in the elaboration and specification step of requirements analysis?
viewpoint oriented requirements analysis
What do we do in the negotiation step of requirements analysis?
conflict resolution
What do we do in the validation step of requirements analysis?
is everyone on same page
ask people about requirements
What do we do in the management step of requirements analysis?
requirements change so ICTT: identify (webmaster) control track trace
What is specific user characterisation?
knowledge of jobs
application familiarity
What is generic user characterisation?
learning style
tool preference
physical/cultural differences
Do we need to document requirements?
You bet.
What’s the most important part of the requirements analysis process?
Elicitation and analysis
What tools do we have for elicitation and analysis?
1) Interviews
2) Focus groups
3) Surveys
4) Ethnography
5) Cultural probe
6) Technology tour
7) Lab work
8) Existing practices