Personalisation and Accessibility Flashcards
What is personalisation?
Person + Device + Context
sometimes known as customisation
What subcategories exist within personalisation?
1) Adaptivity - dynamically responding to what person is doing
2) Adaptability - predefined user preferences, relatively static
3) Context Awareness - to use context data, not what data is doing but where they do it
Give an example of personalisation
Maths site. Student is given different modules based on scores they get and questions they get right and wrong - different unlocked achievements. This is adaptivity. [Adaptability would be if the user had entered when they signed up that they liked graphs.
If user is in Japan, it appears in Japanese - context.]
What issues come with personalisation?
Trust and security issues
What is accessibility?
Is it mobile friendly? Can a drunk person use it (if we need to test this, i volunteer)? Can a disabled person use it?
Degree to which a website is accessible to different groups of people
What types of accessibility things appear in guidelines?
Difficulty reading/comprehending text
Unable to use keyboard or mouse
Slow internet (hah what)
What are Harrop’s Hands On Handy Hints about Accessibility? Apart from an abomination to alliteration.
1) Scale (zoom in)
2) Semantics (does html provide info to screen readers)
3) Squint (squint so that you can’t read text but can see main parts - this is shit you notice at a glance)
4) Style (is your site usable without style sheets?)
5) Sepia (view page in black and white)
6) Standards (adhere to standards)
We use these to check if our site fits guidelines.