Requirements Analysis & Design Definition - part 1 Flashcards
What is the purpose of Specify and Model Requirements?
- Analyze
- Synthesize
- Refine elicitation results into requirements and designs
What is the purpose of Verify Requirements?
Ensure that requirements and designs specifications and models meet quality standards and are usable for the purpose they serve.
What is the purpose of Validate Requirements?
Ensure that all requirements and designs align to the business requirements and support the delivery of needed value.
When and what for Matrices are used?
When the business analyst is modelling a requirement or set of requirements that have a complex but uniform structure. Matrices may be used for data dictionaries, requirements traceability, prioritizing requirements or for gap analysis.
What are the Diagrams?
Visual, often pictorial, representation of a requirement or set of requirements. Especially useful to depict complexity in a way that would be difficult to do with words.
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria
Used to represent the acceptance and evaluation criteria attributes of requirements.
Business Capability Analysis
Used to represent features or functions of an enterprise.
Business Model Canvas
Used to describe the rationale for requirements.
Business Rules Analysis
Used to analyze business rules so that they can be specified and modelled alongside requirements.
Concept Modelling
Used to define terms and relationships relevant to the change and the enterprise.
Data Dictionary
Used to record details about the data involved in the change. Details may include definitions, relationships with other data, origin, format, and usage.
Data Flow Diagrams
Used to visualize data flow requirements.
Data Modelling
Used to model requirements to show how data will be used to meet stakeholder information needs.
Decision Modelling.
Used to represent decisions in a model in order to show the elements of decision making required.
Functional Decomposition
Used to model requirements in order to identify
constituent parts of an overall complex business function.
Used to record the meaning of relevant business terms while analyzing requirements.
Interface Analysis
Used to model requirements in order to identify and validate inputs and outputs of the solution they are modelling.
Non-Functional Requirements Analysis
Used to define and analyze the quality of service attributes.
Organizational Modelling
Used to allow business analysts to model the
roles, responsibilities, and communications within an organization.
Process Modelling
Used to show the steps or activities that are performed in the organization, or that must be performed to meet the desired change.
Used to assist the stakeholders in visualizing the appearance and capabilities of a planned solution.
Roles and Permissions Matrix
Used to specify and model requirements
concerned with the separation of duties among users and external interfaces in utilizing a solution.
Root Cause Analysis
Used to model the root causes of a problem as part of rationale.
Scope Modelling
Used to visually show a scope boundary.
Sequence Diagrams
Used to specify and model requirements to show how processes operate and interact with one another, and in what order.
Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas
Used to identify the stakeholders and
their characteristics.
State Modelling
Used to specify the different states of a part of the solution throughout a life cycle, in terms of the events that occur.
Use Cases and Scenarios
Used to model the desired behaviour of a solution, by showing user interactions with the solution, to achieve a specific goal or accomplish a particular task.
User Stories
Used to specify requirements as a brief statement about what people do or need to do when using the solution.
Specify and Model Requirements model categories can include:
- People and Roles
- Rationale
- Activity Flow
- Capability
- Data and Information
Modelling Notations/Standards
Allow requirements and designs to be precisely specified and help to ensure that the right information is provided about the requirements.
Modelling Tools
Software products that facilitate drawing and storing matrices and diagrams to represent requirements.
Requirements Architecture
The requirements and interrelationships among
them can be used to ensure models are complete and consistent.
Requirements Life Cycle Management Tools
Software products that facilitate recording, organizing, storing, and sharing requirements and designs.
Solution Scope
The boundaries of the solution provide the boundaries for the requirements and designs models.
What are 4 Verify Requirements techniques?
- Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria
- Item Tracking
- Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Reviews
What are 7 Validate Requirements techniques?
- Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria
- Document Analysis, Item Tracking
- Financial Analysis
- Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Reviews
- Risk Analysis and Management
Characteristics of Requirements and Designs Quality
Atomic, Complete, Consistent, Concise, Feasible, Unambiguous, Testable, Prioritized, Understandable.
Validate Requirements Tools
- Business Objectives
- Future State Description
- Potential Value
- Solution Scope
Document Analysis
Used to identify previously documented business needs in order to validate requirements.
Financial Analysis
Used to define the financial benefits associated with requirements.
Item Tracking
Used to ensure that any problems or issues identified during validation are managed and resolved
Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Used to select appropriate performance measures for a solution, solution component, or requirement.
Used to confirm whether or not the stakeholder agrees that their needs are met.
Risk Analysis and Management
Used to identify possible scenarios that would alter the benefit delivered by a requirement.