republicans Flashcards
what were examples of grants corruption (grants)?
- whiskey ring
- belknap scandal
- gold scandal
- salary grab
- scallywags and carpetbaggers
which acts and amendments did grant pass for black people?
- 13th (destroyed south economy)
- 15th (people in poverty couldn’t vote so blacks couldn’t)
- enforcement act (right to trial suspended for KKK)
- amnesty act (ex confederate back)(causes of end of reconstruction)
why did reconstruction end?
- grant
- economic depression
- indians in black hills
- scandals like tween ring
- johnson
- southern compromise
- amnesty act
how did grants presidency end?
- tries to sack his secretary of state and is almost impeached
- confederacy take over put the military in the south
liberal republicans deserted grant and the party was split
what did Hayes do?
- want to reform spoils system as incompetent by 1870’s
- appointed advices for reform
- sacked people who protested like stalwarts and chester arthur
- sent military to the 77 rail strike to show support for business
what did garfield do?
- support civil service reforms
- replace senators that disputed this
- continue to reform postal service
- force resignation of star route leader brady
- shot by someone who wanted better position and believed he would destroy the republicans
what did arthur do?
- continue civil reforms with pendleton act of 83
- chinese exclusion act
- reduce tariffs so government not embarrassed y bad revenue
- 1883 tariff act but not effective
how were the republicans divided by the 1880’s?
- stalwarts and grant
- half breeds
- reformist groups
- mugwumps
what did the homestead act and 1889 free land grab cause?
- people were farming on land
- increase agriculture and markets
what foreign policy could be seen as expansionist/ imperialist?
- blaine’s pan americaism
- midway island
- hunt and mahan naval expansion
- dominican republic
- hawaii naval base
- roosevelts great white fleet
what foreign policy could be seen as isolationist?
- alaska purchase
- chances exclusion
- monroe doctrine
- alabama ship
- annex of hawaii
annex of cuba for guantanamo bay
how were the republicans reponsible for progressivism emerging?
dissatisfaction with republicans because they dominated in congress and were for big business and banks
how did roosevelt enforced the sherman anti trust act?
sued jay gould’s northern security that monopolised western rails
why was roosevelt a trust regulator?
in the coal strike he put agreement of labour before profits and power
what was roosevelts great white fleet?
- 1907
- show naval might around the world
- later caused imperialism nd showed the worlds americas power
what things did taft do?
graduated income tax in 16th ammend
- 8her day for rail workers
- 90 antitrust suits
- didn’t think reps dent should have so much power
- payne aldrich did lower tariffs and annoyed roosevelt by not vetoing
what happened in 1911 with taft and Roosevelt?
- roosevelt try to take control of republicans
- roosevelt start bull moose party and splits republicans in 1912 election
- democrat leader won election
what was the government like with anti lynching?
- very ignorant as they stopped anti lynching laws (wilson mainly)
- some officials like oilman participate personally