democrats Flashcards
why was johnson disliked?
- too soft, gave 13,000 pardons to southerners
- let new south state governments retract black rights
- gave all states black code
- vetoed all slavery laws like freedmen bureau
how did johnson’s presidency end?
- congress take control and put military in the south
- johnson almost impeached for trying to sack secretary of war
who were the redeemers?
- part if southern democrats
- against reconstruction and wanted southern state power back
(support from white politicians)
what was cleveland’s election like?
- muddy because his republican opponent was hated
- supported by mugwumps
what were clevelands policies in his first presidency?
still spoils system but would fire a good republicans
- reduce federal employees because overcrowding
- most jobs decided by merit
when did cleveland get his 2nd presidency?
which minorities did cleveland treat badly?
- natives - massacred and 20,000 children taken
- exploit chinese to build rails then exclude them
why did cleveland pass the omnibus endictment act in 1894?
pullman strike led by labour groups that paralysed the nation
did cleveland have a laissez faire attitude?
why did JP morgan give cleveland 62 million?
to maintain gold reserve (criticised heavily)
why did clevaldn pass the silver purchase act?
to commit america to silver standard (led to rise of populism)
how were the democrats weakened in the 1892 election?
- weaver stood for populists an got 1 million votes
- from people who would’ve voted democrat
how did bryan split the democrats in the 1896 election?
- had populist ideas like silver coinage
- McKinley won with 3 million from hanna
- north workers scared of silver standard like their bosses
ho did the democrats cause progressivism?
- cleveland’s support of big business and repeal of silver
- dominant in the south and conservatives
- too divided to win election
why did wilson win the 1912 election?
- roosevelt and taft went against each other with the bull moose party
- this split the republicans and allowed wilson to win
what did wilson do?
- federal reservation act
- clayton anti trust
- underwood tariff
- workmens compensation
- child labour act
- damson act
- racist and biased towards south
- want back on anti lynching laws
what did wilson get in the 18th and 19th amendments?
- temperance
- women vote
why did wilson remain neutral in the war?
- public opinion
- wilsonisanism (though himself a peace keeper, declaration of neutrality 14, support moves that end confluict, previous peacekeeping with venezuela
- america made up of immigrants so har to take sides
how did wilson help with the revival of the KKK?
- “birth of a nation” taken from wilsons 1902 book
- wilson made it the first film to be shown in the white house so people agreed with it
why did blacks migrate north?
- jim crow laws in the south were very strict
what did wilson create after the war?
- 14 points to create the league of nations
- got nobel peace prize in 1919
why didn’t wilson let america join the league of nations?
- wouldn’t compromise and jining would cause problems with trade