Reproductive pathology: female 2 Flashcards
What proportion of women are affected by congenital uterine abnormalities ?
5% of women
Which groups are uterine congenital abnormalities more common in ?
The rate is higher among infertile women, and the highest in women with recurrent pregnancy losses (10%).
What is the embryonic cause of congenital uterine abnormalities ?
A uterine malformation is a type of female genital malformation resulting from an abnormal development of the Müllerian duct (i.e. Mullerian malformation)
Which other body abnormalities are Mullerian abnormalities associated with ?
Müllerian malformations are frequently associated with abnormalities of the renal and axial skeletal systems.
HOWEVER most müllerian duct anomalies are associated with functioning ovaries and age-appropriate external genitalia.
When are Mullerian abnormalities usually recognised ? How do they present ?
• These abnormalities are often recognized after the onset of puberty:
1) In the prepubertal period, normal external genitalia and age- appropriate developmental milestones often mask abnormalities of the internal reproductive organs.
2) After the onset of puberty, young women often present to the gynaecologist with menstrual disorders.
• Late presentations include infertility and obstetric complications.
Define hysterosalpingogram.
An x-ray film of the uterus and the fallopian tubes using gas or a radiopaque substance introduced through the cervix to allow visualization of the cavity of the uterus and the passageway of the tubes.
Give examples of Mullerian abnormalities.
Bicornuate uterus
Septate uterus
Which types of cancers affect the vulva ? Why ? Where exactly do they form ?
- The vulva is essentially epithelial skin; therefore the main tumour types that affect the vulva are skin-related cancers.
- About 90% of vulval cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, which typically develop at the edges of the labia majora/ minora or in the vagina.
How fast do vulval cancers grow ? Are they associated with any precursor lesions ?
Slow growing
Usually develop from “precancerous”, pre-invasive areas called vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN).
Identify the most common vulvar cancers.
Two subtypes of squamous cell vulval cancer:
1) One is more common in younger women and is associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV)
2) the other occurs in older women and is not associated with HPV infection, but is associated with chronic vulval skin changes called vulval dystrophy, including lichen sclerosus.
Identify the main vulval benign disorders, and describe the morphology and neoplastic potential of each.
1) Squamous hyperplasia – hyperkeratosis, irregular thickening of ridges. Some neoplastic potential
2) Lichen Sclerosus – hyperkeratosis, flattening of ridges, oedema in connective tissue with chronic inflammation.
Some neoplastic potential. Sometimes white patches ‘leukoplakia’.
Identify any complications of Lichen Sclerosus.
Causes pruritis
Excoriation makes things worse
How is Lichen Sclerosus treated ?
Treated with potent topical corticosteroids
What age ranges do endometrial cancers usually affect ?
It usually affects women in their 50s, 60s and 70s, and is rare in those aged under 40.
Are endometrial cancers increasing or decreasing ? Why ?
The incidence is increasing, probably due to increasing population age, obesity and use of HRT.
What is the most commonly diagnosed gynaecological cancer in developed countries ? in developing countries ?
Developed: Endometrial cancer
Developing: Cervical cancer
What are the main components of the endometrium ?
The endometrium lines the uterine corpus and exhibits two chief constituents - the endometrial glands and endometrial stroma
What epithelium lining the endometrium pre-puberty, and post-menopause ?
Pre-pubertal: inactive endometrium shows a cuboidal to low columnar epithelium that lines the surface and the underlying glands. The appearance greatly resembles the inactive endometrium seen in postmenopausal women, as both prepubertal and postmenopausal endometria do not exhibit any proliferative or secretory changes that are hormone dependent.
Identify the main endometrial benign disorders, and describe the morphology and neoplastic potential of each.
Endometrial Hyperplasia
- Simple
- Complex
- Atypical
What are the most common endometrial cancers ?
Endometrial Adenocarcinoma
Endometrial stromal sarcoma (arises from endometrial stroma)
Malignant mixed Müllerian tumour
Describe the main features of endometrial adenocarcinoma.
-Infiltrates endometrium, then myometrium
Two clinico-pathological types:
1) Endometrioid
2) Non-endometrioid
Describe the main features of enometrioid adenocarcinoma.
- Related to unopposed oestrogen
- Associated with atypical hyperplasia
- Associated with polycystic ovary syndrome
Describe the main features of non-enometrioid adenocarcinoma.
- Not associated with unopposed oestrogen
- Affects elderly post-menopausal women
- p53 often mutated
What does prognosis of endometrial adenocarcinoma depend on ?
Prognosis of endometrial adenocarcinoma is related to stage:
I- Confined to uterus body
II- Involvement of cervix
III- Involvement of ovaries/tubes or extension beyond serosa
IV- spread to other organs
How does endometrial cancer usually present ?
With post-menopausal bleeding
Which reproductive cancers are screened for in the UK ?
Cervical Cancer (NOT endometrial cancer)
Where do Malignant mixed Müllerian tumours arise from ? How good of a prognosis does it have ?
Mixed tumour with malignant epithelial and stromal elements (carcinosarcoma)
Poor prognosis
Identify the main benign and malignant abnormalities of the myometrium.
1) Adenomyosis
Smooth Muscle Tumours
- Leiomyoma (Uterine fibroids) (benign)
- Leiomyosarcoma (malignant)
Describe the main morphological characteristics of adenomyosis. How does it present ?
Presence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma, deep within the myometrium with adjacent reactive myometrial hyperplasia. The disease can be diffuse or focal (adenomyoma).
Causes menorrhagia / dysmenorrhoea
How does leiomyoma of the myometrium present ?
Associated with menorrhagia, infertility
Identify a cause of uterine enlargement.