reproductive male and female Flashcards
What does infertility mean in a male?
Inability of a male and female to achieve pregnancy despite unprotected intercourse for a period of more than 12 months
what percent of all couples are infertile?
~15% of all couples are infertile it’s estimated to be 50/50
What are some types of male infertility?
Male infertility
How do hormones change the infertility in males?
Endocrinopathies most often caused by mutations in genes involved in biosynthesis of hormones, growth factors or receptors
Hormones deficiencies result in loss of intratesticular testosterone production- cessation of spermatogenesis
What is hypogonadotropic hypogonadism?
Uncommon cause, however, efficiently treated with hormone replacement therapy
Reduced GnRH production- deficient androgen secretion deficient spermatogenesis
What is prader-willi syndrome?
Mutations or deletion of a specific locus within paternal chromosome 15 or by maternal uniparental disomy of this locus
Symptoms: obesity, mild or moderate mental retardation, infantile hypotonia, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
What is the key feature of prader-willi sydrome?
What is the inheritance pattern of prader-willi sydrome?
x-linked recessive
What is anabolic steroid abuse?
use of steroids can create negative feedback in the pitutiary and hypothalamus
How does the use of Anabolic steroids effect serpmatiotis?
Disables endogenous testosterone production and spermatogenesis
What types of mechanisms does varicoceles have that impairs spermatogenesis?
Varicoceles: abnormally dilated scrotal veins
How many males really have varicoceles?
Present in about 15% of male normal male population~40% of men presenting with infertility
What is the main chromosomal disorder that causes male infertility?
Klinefelter Syndrome
What is the main adaptation of patients with Klinefelter syndrome?
severely oligospermic (low sperm count)
What hormones are high?
Increased serum FSH, normal or increased serum estradiol, and normal to low testosterone