reproductive Health Pt2 Flashcards
week four
** heartbeat
Arms and legs buds present
Somites develop – vertebrae
Primary lung buds develop
Eyes and ears begin to form
Week six
body straightens
Trachea develops
Nares present
liver – blood cells
Tail recedes
week 12
Faced develops, eyelids closed
Tooth budd appear
Genitals differentiated
urine production
**spontaneous movement
Heart tones heard
can the mom feel the spontaneous movement week 12?
week 20
sub Q fat
Vernix forms
Lanugo over body
**Fetal movement felt
Heart tones
week 24
eyes complete
Alveoli begin to form
Finger/toe prints
** viable
week, 28
Brain development
Nervous system begins to regulate
Eyelids open
Testes descend
Lungs – gas exchange
Week, 36
increased sub Q fat
lanugo disappears
Week 38
Term – 37 weeks
skin- smooth and polished
vernix in creases and folds
Head bigger than chest
fibrotic breast changes
Thickening of normal breast tissue
Imbalance of estrogen/progesterone
Cyclic pain, tender, mass felt
Mammogram, MRI
Limit caffeine, sodium, oral birth control
presence of endometrial tissue outside of uterine cavity
Backflow of menstrual flow, inflamed, endometrium
Pelvic pain at menses, trouble getting pregnant
Surgical removal of tissue, NSAIDS, birth control
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
ovaries in large and contain cysts along edge of ovaries
Unknown cause
Irregular menses, increase testosterone and androgen
Hirsutism, deep voice, alopecia
Irregular labs, obesity, insulin resistance
H/P, ultrasound
MetForman, spironolactone
Toxic shock syndrome
staph A, tampon left into long
Fever, sunburn rash on trunk, vomiting, hypotension, inflamed, mucous membranes
Increased BUN, AST, ALT, bilirubin
Decreased platelets
Hospitalization, IVF, antibiotics
bacterial vaginosis
Decreased normal vaginal flora
Overgrowth of bacteria, douching, frequent sex
Increased, thin, watery, fishy discharge
Vaginal pH greater than 4.5.
Metronidazole, Clindomycin
Vaginal candidiasis
yeast infection
Antibiotics, immunosuppression, diabetes, birth control
thick, curdy , discharge, severe itch
Fluconazole, nystatin
Yellow/green, discharge, inflammation , itch, dysuria
Visual organism on microscope
Medtronidazole, no TX*
purulent discharge, dysuria, Lower abdominal pain, ASX
Lab culture
- tested for prenatally
increased risk of PID
Pertinent green/yellow, dysuria, vulva swelling, ASX
Ceftriaxone plus azithromycin
What can happen if the mom is untreated for gonorrhea?
Conjunctivitis and blindness
Contact with an open wound or acquired congenitally
Canker sores
blood test VDRL/RPR
Genital warts
Biopsy lesion, abnormal Pap smear
Cryotherapy, shave excision, acid removal, vaccines
multiple sex partners, IUD, untreated, gonorrhea, or chlamydia
Bilateral sharp cramp pain, ASX
Cultures, CBC, VDRL/RPR
Multiple antibiotics, combos
lower, UTI – cystitis
E. coli, enterococcus, staph
Low-grade fever, hematuria, dysuria
Clean catch
upper UTI – pyelonephritis
Proceeds lower UTI
High fever/chills, one-sided flank pain
IVF, IV antibiotics
what is considered primary infertility
Unprotected sex over 12 months with no conception
what is considered secondary infertility
Unable to conceive or sustain pregnancy after one or more successful pregnancies
infertility meds
helps induce ovulation and more eggs
Clomid, progesterone
donor or husband sperm into cervical os or uterine mechanics
used for Motility problems
egg from ovary fertilized in lab, then implanted into uterus after embryo development starts
Used for surrogacy, older woman, donor egg, same sex marriage
gamete intro fallopian transfer
Egg removed, laparoscopically and placed with sperm fertilized in fallopian tube, egg placed in uterus
Used for more normal type of transfer and fertilization
Embryo not developed
zygote intra fallopian transfer
eggs retrieved and incubated with sperm and back to fallopian tubes once fertilized
Pictorial view of chromosomes
Observable expression of trait
Hair, eyecolor
autosomal dominant syndrome
Infected person has affected parent
50% chance of passing on to children
Examples – Huntington’s disease, dwarfism
Autosomal recessive inheritance
affected person has normal parents
Those parents are carriers, 25% passing on to children, 50% chance carrier
Example- cystic fibrosis