Reproductive Health Flashcards
Breast Exam
Q 3yrs for women ages 20-39
Yearly women ages 40yrs and older
Fibrocystic Breast
Don’t cause skin retractions
Regular margins
‘Common bengin breast’
Cancerous Tissue
Tissue retraction
Abnormal breast shape
Skin dimpling
Nipple retractons
Unlitateral mass
Risk Factors
AA under 35 yrs
White over 35 yrs
Early Menarche ( < 12)
Late Menopause ( > 55)
Nulliparity or first pregnancy after 35 yrs
Previous h/o breast cancer
Long term hormone replacement
Mutation in BRCA1 and BRCA 2
CHEK-2 gene mutation (responsible for breast cancer in men & women)
Breast Testing
10 min
* screening age 40
* Every 1-2 yr after that
* age 50 and older yearly
* Detect lesions as small as 0.5 cm
* Uncomfortable
Ultrasound: Cystic areas
MRI: questionable areas/common w/ implants
Fine needles aspirations: Tissues/fluids diagnosis
Teaching Points
Schedule after menses to reduce breast tenderness
No deodorant or powder day of the procedure (shadows)
Tylenol for pain
Leave neck jewelry at home
Facility accredited by American college of Radiology
Self Breast Examination
q monthly, 2-3 days after period
Exam breast and armpit with raised arm
Use fingerpads w/ massage oil
Up and down
Examine breasts in the mirror lumps or skin dimpling
Changes in color
Nip deformation color changes
Pelvis Exam
External organs
Speclum exam
Pap smear
Cervical cultures/STI testing
Bimanual exam (internal)
Rectal Exam
Speculum Exam
Bivalve speclum to inspect the vag and cervix (metal/plastic), first when sexually active
Size, shape, color of cervix
Lesions, discharge, lacerations
Pap test: age 21
Pap Test
Detect changes in the cervix before cervical cancer develops ( precancerous condition)
Human Papiloma Virus ( HPV) testing
Cervical cell sampling done via speculum exam
Cervical slide w/ fixative/liquid pap test
Cervical Cancer STATs
Third most common repro cancer
Highest in Hispanic women
Avg Age: 40-50
Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer
Early age of first coitus (sexual intercourse)
Multiple sexual parnters ( more than 2)
High parity
Low socioeconomic status
Long term oc use
Highest mortiality rate in AA/Hispanic population
Screening for Cerivcal Cancer
Pap: Detect 90 % of cervical changes
Begins 21 yrs
Women age 21-29: q 3 yrs
Women 65 or older: w/ 3 neg HPV can stop
Management of cervical cancer: depends on stages
* Colposcopy
* Radiation
* Surgery
Uterus (Cancer)
Most common form of cancer of reproductive
Age: 50-65 yrs
Risk factors:
* Obesity
* Nulliparity
* Late onset menopause
* Family hx of breast, ovarian cancer, coloeractive
* Slow growing: usually good prognosis
white, pear shaped uterine cancer increased
* TAH (total abdominal hysterectomy)
* BSO (bilateral SO)
* Radiation
* Radical hysterectomy
* Chemo
* Depo
* Tamoxifen
Ovarian Cancer
Second most freq occuring cancer of reproductive system
Whisper cancer: symptoms are vague
Most likley originates in the fallopian tubes
Dg late stages
Risk Factors:
* Nulliparity
* Family history of breast and ovarian ca
* BRCA1 and BRAC2
* HRT use
* Talc powder, high fat diet, fertility drugs
Testicular Cancer
Treatable Cancer: 90% cure rate
Most common between ages 15-40
Biggest risk:
* undescended testicle
* Born w/ penis abnormalities
* Male w/ HIV
Exam (Testicular)
Examine one at a time
When: once a month
Where: in the shower