HTN In Pregnancy Flashcards
Gestational HTN
BP > 140/90 AFTER 20wks and returns to normal w/in 6 wks postpartum
Considered chronic HTN if last longer
Don’t show any other s/s, NO PROTEINURIA
May progress to preeclampsia
HTN BEFORE 20wks pregnancy or lasts >12wks postpartum
Can develop superimposed preeclampsia
Concern during pregnancy blood flow to placenta
BP increases by 30/15 or >= 140/90 AFTER 20wks GA, Proteinuria >= +1 in random urine dipstick
s/s: edema around eyes, face, & fingers, weight gain > 2lbs/ wk, hyperreflexia 3+ usually w/ clonus, CNS s/s, mild headache, IUGR (placenta doesn’t provide enough blood supply)
Multi- organ failure = thrombocytopenia (< 150,00), increase CRT (>1)
Patho Preeclampsia
placenta inserts-> poor perfusion -> endothelial cell dysfxn
* Vasospams ; decrease blood flow to organs (inc.brain) & increase BP
* Increase Peripheal resistance
* Increase endothelial cell permeability
Disease of CNS irritablility
goes away when placenta delivered
CURE = Delivery of Baby
Can be Fatal
Interventions of Mild Preeclampsia
Can send home of bed rest, may hospitalized if severe
Cont. Monitoring
Left lateral bed rest
IV w/ Fluid restrictions
Insert a foley-> strict I/O > 30 ml/hr
DTR w/ clonus Qshift or Q4hrs
Early delivery -> monitor closely to determine when
* may induce labor or C-Section if HELLP suspected
Home care: montior fetal activity, BP & Weight, urinalysis for protein,light salt & protein diet
* come in ASAP if decrease in Fetal Movement
* see pt usualy every other day
* call provider w/ epigastric pain, N/V, RUQ pain
Mg + sulfate
Given IV in low dose 1st then continuous
* often becomes flush & N/V w/ start of low dose
CNS irritability depressant & helps prevent seizures ( not to low BP, even though it does)
Need to be on seizure precautions !!!
TOXICITY s/s:absent DTR, change in LOC, decrease RR (< 12)
* if developing any s/s: turn off Mg+, give Ca+ gluconate (antidote), notitfy MD (stop delivering aids, like pitocin)
* Increase IV Fluids & wait till s/s goes away
Continue 24hrs after delivery to prevent seizures
Labetalol or Hydralazine-> anti-HTN
Bethamethasone, Dexamethasone -> Helps w/ fetal lung maturity
Elevated Liver Enzymes
Low Platelets
S/S: malaise, epigastric or RUQ pain, visual disturbance, severe headache
Can’t clot, liver is not clear toxins, could see liver, blood values sen
Severe Preeclampsia
Same as mild execpt +2 of the following:
* BP 160/110 on >= occassions
* Proteinuria >= 3 (uric acid, creatintine increased)
* edema - very puffy face (periorbital) & hands
* pitting pedal edema = normal preg finding
Admitted directly into hospital - need ASAP delivery b/c pt going to have a seizure
S/S: DTR >= +3 & clonus, proteinura >= +3, oliguria (< 100 mL/4hrs)
CNS S/S: severe HA, visual distrubance (hyperelexia) (blurry, photophobia, blind spots), epigastric pain (above umbilicus)
Interventions for Severe Preeclampsia
1st: seizure precautions
* no brain stim: dark room, tv off, no electronics, no noise, no stim ppl, quiet private room & closed door
* Pad side rails, suction @ bedside, O2
* Aim for vag birth b/c don’t want to cut open
Drug treatment for Severe Preeclampsia
Mg+ sulfate: only drug used that helps
Anti HTN agents rare, only given if DBP > 110 b/c of CVA risk
* Drug choice if needed is Apresoline Hydralazine HCL
Chronic HTN
HTN BEFORE 20 wks pregnancy or lasts >12 wks postpartum
* can develop superimposed preeclampsia
* concern during pregnancy blood flow to placenta
Preeclampsia progression to generalized seizures not r/t other causes
* Worsening preeclampsia s/s
* Seizures can occur b/4, during, or after labor
* Tonic-clonic seizure
When To Deliver
- Presistent increase in BP
- Development of severe cerebral s/s
- progressive thrombocytopenia ( < 100,000/mU)
- **ROM, bleeding **
- Abnormal liver enzymes
- Presisent RUQ pain
- Severe IUGR
- Non reasurring fetal assessment
- **Oligohydramnois ( decrease amniotic fluid) **
- GA 38-40 wks
s/s get worse, Mild preeclampsia home on bed rest and fetal kick count
Preeclampsia is a progressive disorder, with the placenta as the root cause.
- Poor perfusion and endothelial cell dysfunction (contributes significantly to restriction of fetal growth)
- Arteriolar vasospam diminishes diameter of blood vessels, which impedes blood flow to all organs and increase BP
Placenta Ischemic =Endothelial cell dysfunction = vasospasm, increase peripheral resistance, increased permeability
Mg+ Sulfate
prevent seizure
Monitor U/O < 30 ml/hr, RR < 12/ min, Stop if 0 DTRS (absent) , Decel FHR, mom O2 % < 95%
* S/S: Lethargy, absent reflexes(q1hr), slurred speech, bradycardy , bradypnea (q1hr), mom hypoTN, Altered sensorium confusion (q1hr)
1. STOP mg!
2. IV fluid
3. Calcium Gluconate ( @ beside)
4. Notfiy MD
MOM HypoTN and confusion
2g/hr contains, stay on 24hr after delivery to decreasse the risk of postpartum seizures
Mg+ and Pitocin
Need to have both one to prevent seizure and induce labor for pt who has Preeclampsia.
Want a vag birth, carefull about c-section b/c of HELLP syndrome
Preeclampsia Meds
Lebatolol/Hydralazine: HTN ( no ACE)
Asones: Fetal lung maturity
Mg+ Sulf: Seizure
0= Absent
3= Brisk
4= Very Brisk w/ clonus
clonus= # beats