Assessment of Risk Factors Flashcards
Prenatal Testing
Multiple Marker Screening
CVS (Diagnostic)
Amniocentesis (Diagnostic test)
Maternal Risk Factors
Under age of 17 or over 34
High Parity (>5)
HTN or preeclampsia in current preg
Multiple gestation
Rh Incompatibility
H/x of dystocia or previous C-Section
Malnutrition (15% under ideal weight) or extreme obesity ( 20% over ideal weight)
orignates with the mother or the fetus
may affect development and functioning of both
Genetic disorder, nutritional and genetic health, medicial illness
Maternal behaviors and adverse lifestyle that have a neg effect on health of mom or bby
May include emotional distress and interpersonal distrubed relations
Inadequate social support
Substance use
Diet practice
prego of young age
Arise from mother and her family
lack of prenatal care, low income, marital status , and ethnicity
Hazards in workplace and woman’s general enviroment
May include chemicals, anesthic gases, and radiation
Biophysical Assessment
Least invasive
High frequency sound waves
Early preg: Need full bladder (also 2nd trim)
* To confirm EDC, number of fetuses (16-20wk)
* To detect presence of fetal cardiac movement and rhythm and uterine adnorm
Second and Third Trimester: have them go to the bathroom
* 18 wks: Level 2: Heart, congential malformations
* Locates the placenta
* Growth scan/ serial evalulations to assess for IUGR vs Wrong Dates
* Amnoitic Fuild Volume
* Confirm viability
US for Nuchal Translucency
- Test the back of the neck for increased fluid or thickening
- PAPP-A: Maternal Serum blood is drawn assessing for a protein produced by the placenta, abnormal levels assoicated with increased risk of chromosomal abnormal
- HCG- abnormal level
When all three put together greater ability to detect if fetus is trisomy 21/18
Nursing Care: U/S
**FULL BLADDER **is important in 1st & 2nd trim ( b/c fetus is too small)
Instruct woman to drink 3 to 4 glassess of water prior to coming ultrasound
Position pillows under neck and knees to keep pressure off bladder
Position displays so women can watch (execpt if determining viablitiy)
Have bathroom available
Biophysical Assessment
BPP (Biophsyical Profile)
Used to assess fetal well-being
5 variables ( each worth 2 points)
* Fetal breathing movement -> 1+ lasting 30 sec
* Gross body movementof limbs or trunk
* Fetal tone -> flexed, extended
* Reactivity of FHR
* Amniotic fluid volume -> 1+ pockets measuring 2 cm
Score of 0-2 for each variable:
Reassuring = 8-10 pts
Equivocal = 6 pts
< 6 pts = DELIVERY !!!
Biochemical Assessment
Prenatal screening for genetic abnormalities
Done at 10 wks
Trace fetal DNA in maternal blood
Screening test, not a definitive diagnosis
Can tell gender of fetus
Blood Work
Biochemical Assessment
Multiple Marker Screening
Screening offered between 16-18 wks
**HCG & Estriol **
* detect for risk of trisomy 18 & 21
Maternal serum AFP (MSAFP)
* Decrease levels= Down Syndrome
* Increase levels = Open Neural tube defects
Add placenta hormone inhibin A “quad screen”
* Increase accuracy of trisomy 21 in women < 35 yrs
Blood Work
Biochemical Assessment
test for from amniotic fuild sample
Early in pregnancy : 14-16 wks chromonsomal evaluation
* Increase AFP may indicated NTD
* Decrease AFP may indicated Down Syndrome
Later in pregnancy : > 35wks Fetal lung maturity/ L:S ratio (assess baby readiness to breath outside the uterus)
* L:S ratio 2:1= fetal lung maturity
* Rh iso-immunization
Nursing Care: Aminocentesis
Obtain baseline vital sign and FHR
Ultrasounography guidance/ full bladder in early pregnancy **
Place pt in supine position**
Skin prep with Betadine/astepic solution
Monitor FHR for 1hr after to identify uterine cx/vaginal bleeding/ and fetal well-being
* Risk of miscarriage
* Empty bladder after decrease uterine cx
Results take 2 wk; invasive prodcure
Biochemical Assessment; Antepartum testing
Chronice Villus Sampling (CVS)
done at 10-12 wks; detect chromosomal disorders
Small tissue specimen of fetal portion of placenta
Earlier diagnosis, rapid result (48hr), increase risk to fetus
Nursing Care: CVS
Signed informed consent
pt may have sharp pain upon catheter insertion
* Spontaneous abortion (5%)
* Possible Fetal Anomalies (Limb)
CVS is done before 10wk because it can increase the risk of miscarriage after; Pt who has mutliple miscarriage don’t offer
Biophysical Assessment
Fetal Kick Count
26-28 wks
Fetal Movement is associated w/ fetal well-being
Formally counted & recorded by mom
* count at least 3 movement over 60 min 2-3/day or….
* typically 10-12 in 12hrs
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Used to determine whether the intrauterine environmen contiues to be supportive of the fetus
Non-Stress Test
After 28 wk for high risk prego such as..
* DM, HTN, IUGR, Twins, Post Date testing
W/ concerns about decrease fetal movement
External monitor showing FHR & cx
* Reactive: 2 FHR accelerations above baseline HR
* w/ in 20 mins ( up 15 bpm for 15 secs)
* Non-reactive: criteria not met after 40 min
Vibroacoustic stimulation used if 1st test non-reactive to “wake baby”
Need to find out why
* baby asleep 20-40 mins
* maternal meds: narcotics given in labor, Mg+ sulfate for PIH, or preterm labor
Next step = BPP
Contraction Stress Test (CST)
Also known as oxytocin challenge test
Done if NST non-reactive after 20 mins
Induce cx
Shouldn’t do on pt who can’t deliver vag at the time of test
* Neg CST: Placenta still working
* Positive CST: FHR dropped w/ cx & shows hypoxia
* Unsatisfactory: un-interpretable/equivocal