Reproductive endocrinology Flashcards
What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Autosomal recessive inheritance
Most common cause of ambiguous genitalia
Females: 46XX, clitoral enlargement, labial fusion, urogenital sinus
Usually due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, obstructs cortisol production and thus there is no negative feedback to switch off ACTH
Dx: 17-hydroxyprogesterone, salt wasting in infants
Adolescent development
Growth spurt (Gr)
Breast (B)
Pubarche (P)
Adrenarche (A)
Menarche (M)
When do you evaluate amenorrhea
Amenorrhea and
- No menses within 3 ears of thelarche
- No secondary sexual characteristics
- Age 14 with history or exam suggestive of eating disorder
- 14 with hirsutism
- Age 15 regardless of development
- > 90 days without menses in menstruating adolescent
What is precocious puberty
Age 7 in white American girls and 6 in black American girls
2.5 standard deviations earlier than mean age
Delayed puberty
No breasts by 12-13 yo
What is the differential dx for hirsutism
Tumor (ovary or adrenal)
Drugs (androgens, danazol)
Hypothyroidism, severely elevated prolactin
Cushing’s disease
What labs would you do for hirsutism
Total testosterone (r/o abnormal ovarian or adrenal fx)
DHEAS (r/o anormal Andreal function)
17-OH progesterone (r/o CAH)
What is the tx for hirsutism
- OCP– decreased androgen production and increases SHBG levels causing increased binding and less free androgen)
- Spironolactone (blocks androgen receptor and inhibits 5alpha reductase)
- Finasteride (5alpha reductase inhibitor, inhibits testosterone–> DHT)
- Flutamide (blocks androgen receptor)
- Vaniqua (eflornithine)– blocks ornithine decarboxylase
- Cosmetic
- Weight loss– increases SHBG, decreases free testosterone
Primary amenorrhea
No menses by 13yo in absence of secondary sexual characteristics
No menses by 15yo with secondary sexual characteristics
No menses before 15yo with secondary sexual characteristics and who have cyclic pain
Work up for primary amenorrhea
Divided into presence or absence of breast development (marker of estrogen action and ovarian function) and the Presence or absence of uterus
Consider E2 and FT4
Pelvic US
MRI in complex cases
Amenorrhea, uterus, breast devo
Estrogen present–> secondary amenorrhea
- Hypothalamic causes
- Pituitary causes
- Ovarian causes
- Uterine causes (outflow tract)
Amenorrhea, absent brest devo
Estrogen absent
- Gonadal failure
a. 45X ( Turner’s)
b. 46X (arm deletion)
c. Mosaicism (X/XX, X/XXX)
d. Pure XX or YX gonadal dysgenesis
e. 17 Alpha hydroxylase deficiency - CNS hypothalamic-pituitary-hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
- CNS lesion (pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngiomas)
- Hypothalamic failure 2/2 inadequate GnRH (Kallman’s anosmia)
- Isolated gonadotropin deficiency
- Constitutional delay
Amenorrhea, absent uterus, breast devo
- Uterovaginal agenesis (Rokitansy-Huster-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome)
- normal pubic hair - Androgen insensitivity (T-fem, YX)
- Remove internal gonads after puberty, increased risk of tumors
- short or absent vagina with sparse pubic hair
Amenorrhea, absent uterus, absent breast devo
- XY, elevated gonadotropins, T normal or less
- 17, 20-Desmolase def
- Agonadism
- 17-alpha hydroxylase de (46XY)
Secondary amenorrhea
No menses for >3mo in females with normal menstrual cycles, or >6mo in females with irregular cycles
How do you evaluate primary amenorrhea
- Exclude pregnancy
- History: stress, nutritional factors, weight change
medications, ad symptoms of hypoE - Physical: Mullerian structures present?
– short blind ending vagina– Mullerian agenesis or androgen insensitivity–> total T and karyotype
– vaginal agenesis or atresia or transverse vag septum
– Cervical atresia (pain/hematometra) - If vagina is normal and cervix present do labs
- TSH/prolactin
- FSH and estradiol
- Progesterone withdrawal challenge
– If bleeding, normal labs = anovulation
– If not bleeding, normal labs = E + P challenge
– E+P challenge (Congugated estradiol 1.25mg x14 days, then CEE + MPA x10 days)
– If bleeding, not making adequate Estrogen
– If no bleeding, abnormal outflow tract (Asherman’s, anomaly_ - FSH/LH levels
- Normal
Primary insufficiency dx criteria
Need two random tests at least 1 month apart
- Elevated FHS/LH
- Neg pregnancy test
- Normal PRL, TSH