Preventative care Flashcards
When should you screen for G/Cl
between 13 to 24 yrs if sexually active, after 25yrs only if high risk
When to screen for diabetes
Annually if high risk, every 3 years at age 45
When to screen for hyperlipidemia
Every 5 years beginning at age 21
When to screen for osteoporosis
Beginning at age 65 or sooner with risk factors, every 2 years
HIV screening
At least once during lifetime, annually if high risk ages 13-64
Hep C screening
At least once in lifetime for adults >18yo
What is unhealthy alcohol use for women
> 7 drinks/week or >3 drinks per day
What is TACE
Tolerance– how many drinks needed to “feel it”
Annoyed– do you get annoyed when someone questions your drinking
Cut down– has anyone told you to cut down
Eye opener– do you ever drink shortly after waking
What are the 5 As
Ask – about smoking
Advice – to stop smoking
Assess – pt willingness to stop smoking
Assist – with counseling, support, materials
Arrange – follow up
What health effects can occur with smoking in pregnancy?
Low birth weight
Decreased maternal thyroid function
Ectopic pregnancy
Increased perinatal mortality
Increased SAB and recurrent SAB
What is the recommended amount of Vit D a day?
600 IU/day for ages 1-70 and pregnancy
800 IU/day if >70
When to screen for colon cancer
Age 45 in pts with avg risk
If fam hx, 10yrs prior to diagnosed age
Stop at age 85 (after 75 is shared decision making)
What are screening options for colon cancer
Yearly with fecal blood card
Annual fecal blood AND flex sig q5 years
Annual FIT and sigmoidoscopy q 10yrs
CT colongraphy q 5yrs
Cologuard q 3 yrs
Colonoscopy every 10 years
Lung cancer screening
Low dose chest CT
- annually for all smokers with 20 pack year history at age 50-80 who either still smoke or quit less than 15 years ago
breast cancer screening
Annual after age 40, no later than age 50
Stop at 75
BRCA risk of cancer
Breast– 45-85%
Ovarian– 39-46%
Breast– 45-85%
Ovarian– 10-27%
Male breast cancer– 6%
Prostate, melanoma
Ov cancer usually high grade and serous or endometriod
Breast cancer screening in BRCA
Commence annual MRI with contrast at 25
Annual MRI and mammogram at 30
Clinical breast exam at 25, every 6 months
Chemoprophylaxis with Tamoxifen (BRCA2)
Consider surgical risk reduction
When is tetanus vaccine recommended
Td every 10 years (except 1x booster with Tdap)
Tdap every pregnancy
When is MMR vaccine recommended
Single dose if never vaccinated or no immunity
Hep A vaccine recs
International travel, children 12-23mo, IV drug users
Hep B vaccine recs
Given within 12 hrs of birth
All people <60 or >60 who want it
Pneumococcal vaccine recs
Age 65 years or 19-64 who are immunocompromised, chronic lung disease, DM or splenectomy
Meningococcal vaccine recs
1st dose 11-12 yrs, booster age 16
Zoster vaccine recs
Two dose series for all adults aged 50 and older
HPV vaccine recs
9-45yrs old
2 shots before age 15 at 0, 6months
3 shots thereafter at 0, 2, 6 months
Covers 6, 11, 16, 18, 31,33, 45, 52, 58