Reproductive Anatomy Flashcards
Reproductive system comes from which embryological tissue?
Seminal vesicle, epididymis, ejaculatory duct and ductus deferens arise from what duct?
Wolffian/mesonephric duct
Primitive testis and ovary lays on top of what structure?
The uterus and upper 1/3 of the vagina are from which duct that runs parallel to mesonephric duct?
Paramesonephric/Mullerian duct
Where are spermatozoa produced?
Seminiferous tubules of the testis under influence of testosterone
Testosterone is secrted by what cells under the influence of luteinizing hormone?
Interstitial cells of Leydig
Testosterone attached to what cells found in the seminiferous tubules of the testis?
Sertoli cells
Where are the testis found?
In the scrotum
Tests is suspended by what in the lower part of the scrotum?
Spermatic cord
The testis is enclosed in a thick fibrous capsule called the?
Tunica Albuginea
Testis is divided by septa into how many lobules and how many seminiferous tubules do they hold?
300 lobules
1-4 seminiferous tubules
Seminiferous tubules empty into how many straight tubules which join to form what which empties into the epididymis via 15-20 efferent ductules?
25 straight tubules
Rete testis
Testis is covered in 7 layers what are they?
Skin, Colles fascia, external spermatic fascia, cremasteric muscle, internal spermatic fascia, parietal layer of tunica vaginalis, visceral layer of tunica vaginalis
What muscle under sympathetic control is in Colles fascia?
Dartos muscle
The external spermatic fascia comes from what?
External oblique aponeurosis
The cremastric muscle and fascia come from what?
Internal obliue muscle
The internal spermatic fascia comes from what?
Transversalis fascia
The parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis comes from?
The peritoneum
Where do sperm mature?
Where are sperm stored?
Ductus deferens
On ejaculation the sperm travel how far up the ductus deferens?
The ductus deferens joined at terminal end by the seminal duct forming what duct?
Ejaculatory duct
The ejactulatory duct opens into the?
Prostatic urethra
The spermatic cord is 7-8 cm long and extends from where?
Deep inguinal ring to superior pole of testes
3 coverings of the spermatic cord?
external spermatic fascia, cremasteric muscle and fascia and internal spermatic fascia
3 arteries of the spermatic cord?
Testicular A, A to the ductus deferens and cremasteric A
3 nerves of the spermatic cord?
Testicular N, genital br of genitofemoral N and ilioinguinal N (outside)
3 other structures of spermatic cord?
ductus deferens, pampiniform plexus of V and testicular lymphatics (drain to para-aortic lymph nodes)
The penis is 4-6” long and has 2 dorsal and one inferior blood filled caverns what are they called?
Corpora Cavernosa x2
Corpus spongiosum
The corpora are enclosed by a fibrous sheath called?
Buck’s fascia
The penile urethra are contained within?
The corpus spongiosum
The glans penis is the expanded distal end of?
The corpus spongiosum
Vascular supply to the penis?
Deep penis and dorsal penile br of internal pudendal A
Innervation of penis?
Penile br of pudendal N and br of pelvic splanchnic N S2-4
S2,3,4 keeps the penis off the floor
Parasympathetic stimulation is responsible for ejaculation or erection? Sympathetic?
Erection (point)
Ejaculation (shoot)
The hair bearing fat pad covering the symphysis pubis in females is called the?
Mons pubis
What are the longitudinal folds extending posteriorly from the mons pubis called?
Labia majora
What are the two smaller folds of skin between the labia majroa?
Labia minora
The lateral parts of the labia minora that are fused above the clitoris form?
The prepuce
The medial parts of the labia minora that are fused below the clitoris form?
The frenulum
The clitoris consists of erectile tissue made of what 3 parts?
2 crura and a glans
The vestibule is found between what w/the urethral and vaginal orificies?
Labia minora
Where are Bartholin’s gland (greater vestibular gland) located?
In vestibule lateral to posterior part of vaginal orifice
The vagina develops mainly from what sinus?
Urogenital sinus
The vagina’s highly distensible fibromuscular canal extends from?
Vestibule to the cervix
The lower part of the cervix protrudes into the upper part of the vagina which forms?
Anterior, posterior, lateral fornices
The urethra lies anterior to what structure? Posterior?
The uterus measures x_x” and has a triangular cavity whose base is what direction?
Normal uterus is angled forward to the vagina… what term is this? And body is bent forwards to cervix… what term is ths?
Anteverted and anteflexed
The uterus is attached to the ovary by what and labia major by what and to the broad ligament?
Ligament of the ovary
Round ligament of the uterus
The uterus and upper vagina are supplied by what blood vessel?
Named br of ant division of internal iliac A
Fallopian tubes are 4” long muscular tubes lined by what cells?
Ciliated columnar epithelium
What are the four parts of the fallopian tubes?
Infundibulum (fimbriated end), ampulla (fertilization MC here), isthmus, intramural part through cornu (lateral horn) of uterine cavity
The ovary is 1.5x1.5x1.5” oval female homologue of the?
Where does the ovary lie?
Ovarian fossa between the external and internal iliac arteries
The posterior attachment to the ovary is the?
Broad ligament by the mesovarium
The suspensary ligament of the ovary attaches it to the pelvic wall and contains what?
Ovarian blood vessels
What attaches the ovary to the uterus?
Ligament of the ovary
The ovary blood supply?
Ovarian A br of Ab aorta @L2 level
The right ovarian vein drains into?
The left ovarian vein drains into?
L renal vein
The broad ligament is a double layer of?
The broad ligament covers the uterus as the _____ and uterine tubes like a sheet
The broad ligament contains two additional ligaments which are?
Ligament of the ovary and round ligament of the uterus
The round ligament is the female homologue to the?
Gubernaculum testes
The part of the broad ligament that contains the uterine tube is the?
The pelvis is comprised of which bones?
Ilium, ischium, pubis (all together os coxae), sacum, coccyx
Male pelvis shape of pelvic inlet? Suprapubic angle? Ischial spines are? Sacrum is?
smaller heart shape
narrower 45o