Reproduction Flashcards
How does sexual reproduction occur in mammals?
Due to the production of sperm from the male and eggs from the female. This sperm and egg meet during intercourse - this is internal fertilisation
How do fish reproduce ?
Using external fertilisation.
Testes Definition
These are the structures responsible for the production of sperm
Scrotum definition
The structure inside which the testes are held.
Why are the testes held outside of the body?
The best temperature for the production of sperm is slightly lower than that of the rest of the body
Sperm ducts
These are the tubes through which the sperm moves towards the prostate gland
Prostate gland
This gland adds other substances to the sperm forming semen. These substances aid the sperms motility
This is the tube running through the penis. It carries both semen and urine out of the mans body
This is made up of connective tissues with many cavities for blood. This is called erectile tissue
These are the structures responsible for the production of eggs
These are the tubes running from the ovaries towards the uterus, they are where fertilisation should take place
This is a ring of muscle found at the junction of the vagina and the uterus
Also known as the womb. This is the site in which the baby develops during pregnancy. Under normal circumstances the uterus is around 150 mm long
This is the muscular tube through which the baby passes during birth
The urethra from the bladder opens into the vulva which lies just in front of the vagina
How are sperm cells adapted to their function? (3)
- They have a haploid nucleus
- mitochondria for energy production
- flagellum which makes them motile
Describe egg cells
- much larger than sperm as they contain large food stores that will be used if fertilisation occurs
How does fertilisation occur ? (3)
- when sperm are released during intercourse they swim through the uterus towards the oviducts of the female reproductive system
- if they encounter an egg in either oviduct, successful fertilisation may occur
- The haploid sperm and egg nuclei fuse to give a diploid zygote
How is the embryo formed?
The zygote divides by mitosis many times to form a ball of cells (embryo) as it travels down the oviduct to the uterus
What is implantation ?
When the embryo reaches the uterus and settles into the lining
How is the placenta adapted for diffusion ? (3)
- having a large surface area between it and the uterus wall for exchanging dissolved nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and urea
- Villi (finger like projections that extend into the uterus wall), which further increase the surface area of the placenta.
- A rich supply of maternal blood vessels in the maternal blood and foetal blood systems which are close together but not joined. They are separated by thin membranes that allow diffusion to occur.
How are substances carried to or from the foetus in the blood vessels?
In the umbilical cord
What is the amnion ?
The amnion is a membrane that forms around the embryo
How is the foetus protected in the womb?
Amniotic fluid surrounds the embryo inside the amnion, cushioning and protecting the developing embryo.
Describe a mechanical (physical) contraception, its method and the advantages and disadvantages
- Condoms
- Acts As a Barrier to prevent the sperm entering the woman
- Easily obtained and protects against STI’s e.g AIDS and chlamydia
- However it is unreliable if not used properly
Describe a chemical contraception, its method and the advantages and disadvantages
- contraceptive pill
- taken regularly by the woman and prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs by changing hormone levels
- very reliable
- can cause some side effects such as weight gain and may increase the risk of blood clots
Describe a male surgical contraception, its method and the advantages and disadvantages
- cutting of sperm tubes, preventing sperm entering the penis
- virtually 100% reliable
- very difficult or impossible to reverse
Describe a female surgical contraception, its method and the advantages and disadvantages
Female sterilisation
- cutting of oviducts preventing ova from moving through the oviduct and being fertilised
- virtually 100% reliable
- very difficult or impossible to reverse
Describe the natural contraception
- it is known as the rhythm method
- in this case the female monitors her menstrual cycle carefully and will only have intercourse on those days when there should be no egg present to be fertilised
- it is extremely unreliable as the female’s cycle can change slightly from month to month
Describe the secondary sexual characteristics in both males and females (10)
Males :
- body hair and public hair develops
- the sexual organs enlarge
- the body becomes more muscular
- the voice deepens
- sexual awareness and drive increase
- hair grows in public region and in the armpits
- sexual organs enlarge and the breasts develop
- the pelvis and hips widen
- Menstruation begins
- sexual awareness and drive increase
What is testosterone ?
Testosterone, produced by the testes, is a sex hormone that causes the secondary sexual characteristics in males
What is oestrogen ?
Oestrogen, produced by the ovaries, is a sex hormone that causes the secondary sexual characteristics in women
Describe the menstrual cycle (4)
- The start of the menstrual cycle is marked by menstruation, when the previous cycles uterus lining is lost (4-6 days)
- the uterus will then begin to develop a brand new lining, and around 12 days the new lining will be complete
- At around day 14 an egg will be released and at this stage intercourses is most likely to result in pregnancy
- if no sperm are present or if the egg does not become fertilised then the uterus lining will begin to break down at day 28 (end of cycle)
What is the role of oestrogen in the menstrual cycle ?
The whole process is controlled by fluctuations in the levels of various hormones including oestrogen.
What happens when the production of oestrogen and other hormones stops?
The menstrual cycle stops. This is called the menopause at around age 45-55
What is the hormone progesterone responsible for ?
Maintaining the lining of the uterus
Explain some of the causes of infertility(3)
- Ovulatory disorders
- Endometriosis
- Tubal disorders
Describe the process of IVF (4)
- IVF is used to inject hormones into the female to produce multiple ova in a single menstrual cycle.
- These eggs are collected from her ovaries and the sperm sample donated by the male are introduced to the eggs in a Petri dish.
- The resulting zygotes begin to divide.
- 48 hours later the best embryos are selected by the embryologist and the female has the embryos implanted in her uterus.
Treatment of infertility in humans (3)
- use of hormones to produce multiple ova
- Transfer of several embryos into the uterus