repro in humans Flashcards
asexual repro meaning
process resulting in the production of genetically similar offspring from one parent
sexual repro meaning
the process of the fusion of nuclei to form a zygote and the production of genetically disimiliar offspring
testes (plural)
produce sperms and male sex hormones
produce ovum and female sex hormones
pouch like sacs that the testes lie in
lies outside the main body cavity -> at lower temp than body temp -> necessary for sperm production
sperm ducts
sperms released from testes travel throguh the sperm duct
prostrate gland
secrete seminal fluid
- mixes with sperms
- neutralise acidity in female repro
- provide medium for spersm to swim in
- contains nutrients and enzymes that noruish and stimulates teh sperms to swim actively
mixture of sperms and fluid -> semen
semen and urine passes pout of body through urethra
erectile organ that is inserted into the vagina during sexual intercourse to deposit semen
dilation of artioles causes the erectile tissue of penis to be filled with blood
site of fertilisation
carries ovum by beating action of cilia on inner surface and contration of muscles of oviduct
leads from ovary to uterus
where the ovary releases its eggs into
where fetus develops during pregnancy
muscle tissues in walls of uterus contract to push fetus out durign birth
uterine lining/endometrium -> where the embryo implants
lower portion of uterus where it joins the vagina
opening of cervix, allows menstrual blood to flow out of vagina during menstruation
leading from cervix to outside
where semen is deposited into during sexual intercourse
fertilisation def
the fusion of nuclei of female gamete and nuclei of male gamete to form a zygote
stages in mestrual cycle
- menstrual flow (1-5)
- uterine lining breaks down and flows from terus to out of body throguh vagina - day 6-13
- oestrogen stimulates the repair and growth of uterine lining -> uterine ining becomes spongy with blood vessels
3.ovulation day 14
- release of an ovum by ovary into teh oviduct
- day 15-28
- progesterone stimulates the maintenance of the uterine lining by causing it to thicken further and be richly supplied with blood capillaries, preparing it for implantation of embryo
fertile period
- eggs can survive for 24 hr
- ovulation on day 14
- egg sruvives from day 14-15
- sperms live for 3-4 days
- sperms released on day 11 can fertilise ovum, pregancy
- period: day11-15
no ferilisation
- egg breaks down
- progesterone not secreted
- thickened uterine lining cannot be maintained, breaks down
- lining and blood flows from uterus to out of body throguh the vagina
early development of a fertilised egg
- nuclei fuse
- cilia on oviduct lining move the zygote towards uterus along the oviduct
- zygote/fertilised egg divides by mitosis
- forms a ball of cells -> embryo
- 5 to 7 days after fertilisation, embryo reaches uterus
- produces villi and implants itself into uterine lining duirng implantation
- progesterone continues to be secreted to maintain endometrium fornilantation
embyro takes 5 days to reach uterus
flota sfreely in uterus for 2 days
sinks into uterine lining
amniotic sac
secreets amniotic fluid
membrane surrounding embryo
amniotic fluid
- supports and cushions fetus before birth
- shock absorber
- protects fetus from physical injury
- lubricates and reduces friction in vagina during birth
- allows fetus to move freely
placenta func
- allows oxygen molecules and dissolved food molecules to diffse from mother’s blood into fetal blood
- allows metabolic waste rpoducts to diffuse from fetus blood to mother blood
- produces pogesterone which stimuates the maintennace of uterine lining in a healthy state
- allows protectiv antibodies to diffuse from mother blood into fetal blood to proetct fetus against diseases
- povides a barrier preventing the mixture of fetal and motherb blood, higher bp of mother blood may kill the fetus, blood grp diff- prevent the mothers immune systems frm treating fetus as a foreign obj
umbilical cord func
- attaches fetus to placenta
- contaisn blood vessels of the fetus
- 2 umbilical arteries that transport de02 blood and metabolic waset products from fetus to placenta
- 1 umbilical vein that trasnports O2 bloos and dissolved food molecules from placenta to fetus -> larger lumen, carry more blood from placenta to heart of fetus
causes pf human immunodeficiency virus
- causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
- sexual intercourse w infected person
- sharing hypodermic needles with ijfected person
- blood transfusion with blood from infected person
- during preganncy, from mother to fetus
how to control HIV spread
- one partner
- abstinence
- use condom for males
- do not share instruments liekly to break the skin and be contaminated with blood
- go to reliable operators that sterilise equipment