Repro Embryo Flashcards
1st aortic arch
maxillary artery (**1st ** arch is maxillary)
2nd aortic arch
Stapedial artery and hyoid artery (Second=Stapedial)
3rd aortic arch
Common Carotid artery and proximal part of internal Carotid artery (C is the 3rd letter in the alphabet)
4th aortic arch
onleft, aortic arch; on right, proximal part of the subclavian artery (4th arch, **4 **limbs = systemic)
6th aoritc arch
on left the proximal part of pulmonary arteries and ductus arteriosus
What arteries does the recurrent laryngeal nerve wrap around?
Left= aortic arch, Right=right subclavian artery
What are the branchial clefts, arches and pouches derived from?
**CAP **from outside to inside
Clefts= ectoderm
Arches= mesoderm
Pouches= endoderm
Mneumonic for the branchial arch derivates
When at the restuarnat of the golden arches, children tend to first chew (1), then **smile **(2), then swallow stylishly (3) or **simple swallow ** (4), then **speak **(6)
1st branchial arch derivatives
M’s. Meckel cartilage: mandile, malleus, incus, sphenoMandiular ligament. Muscles of mastication (temporalis, masseter, lateral and medial pterygoids, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini). CN V2 and V3 (aka chew).
Treacher Collins Syndrome
1st arch neural crest fails to migrate: mandibular hypoplasia, facial abnormalities
2nd branchial arch
S’s. Reichert cartilage: Stapes, Styloid process, lesser horn of hyoid, Stylohyoid ligament. Muscles of facial expression, Stapedius, Stylohyoid, platySma, belly of digastric. CNVII (facial expression aka smile)
Congenital pharyngocutaneous fistula
persistence of cleft and pouch leads to fistula between tonsillar area and lateral neck
3rd branchial arch
cartilage: greater horn of hyoid. Stylopharyngeus. CN IX (swallow stylishly)
4th-6th branchial arch derivatives
cartilage: thyroid, cricoid, arytenoids, corniculate, cuneiform. Pharyngeal constrictors and laryngeal exceptr cricothyroid. simple swallow CNX (superior laryngeal branch) **speak **(recurrent laryneal branch)
Mneumonic to remember the branchial pouches
Ear, tonsils, bottom-to-top:
1 (ear)
2 (tonsils)
3 ventral (**bottom **for inferior parathyroids)
4 (top=superior parathyroids)
Cleft lip
failure of fusion of the maxillary and medial nasal processes (formation of primary palate)