Micro Flashcards
Where are beta-lactamases present?
in the periplasm which is between the cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane
What is contained in bacilis anthracis capsule?
What bugs stain with giemsa?
Chlamydia, Borrelia, Rickettsiae, Trypanosomes, Plasmodium
Certain Bugs Really Try my Patience
What does PAS stain?
stains glycogen, diagnoses Whipple Disease
What are the anerobes?
Anerobes Can’t Breathe Air
Clostridium, Bacteroides, and Actinomyces
Do aminoglycosides work against anaerobes?
No, because they require O2 to enter the cell wall.
What are the facultative intracellular bugs?
Some Nasty Bugs May Live FacultativeLY
Salmonella, N. eisseria, Brucella, Mycobacterium, Listeria, Francisella, Legionella, Yersinia pestis
Obligate intracellular bugs?
Stay inside when it is Really Cold.
Rickettsia, Chlamydia. Can’t make their own ATP
What are the urease positive bacteria?
CHuck Norris hates PUNKSS
Cryptococcus, H. pylori, Proteus, Ureaplasma, Nocardia, Klebsiella, S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus
What are the conjugated vaccines?
pneumococcal, H. flu type B, Meningococcal vaccine
What is protein A?
S. aureus, binds Fc region of IgG and prevents opsonization.
What is protien M?
expressed by group A strep. Helps prevent phagocytosis. Molecular mimicry.
What is an injectisome?
type III secretion system that transports toxins from gram-neg to eukaryote cells
What exotoxins inhibit protein synthesis?
Diphtheria toxin, Exotoxin A (pseudomonas), Shiga toxin (Shigella), Shiga-like toxin (EHEC)
What toxins increase cAMP?
Cholera, Anthrax, ETEC (sideways M), and Pertussis
take up naked DNA from the environment. Also known as competence. SHiN
sex pilus and conjugation. Plasmid transfer. F- plasmids dont have the plasmid and F+ do have the plasmid. Plasmid is dsDNA and is transferred through a pilus from F+ to F- cell.
High frequency recombination?
Hfr. Plasmid is transferred but there m ight be a transfer of flanking chromosomal DNA as well. plasmid and chromosomal dna transfer
transporosons can jump from one location to another, can transfer genes from plasmid to chromosome and vice versa. flanking chromosome can be included like in Hfr. (abx resistance transfered this way)
Lysogenic phages include?
ShigA-like toxin, Botulinum toxin, Cholera toxin, Diphtheria toxin, Erythrogenic toxic of S. pyogenes
What is an alternative treatment if there is recurring C. diff?
fidaxomicin (aka dificid), blocks RNA pol. Not absorbed, taken orally and goes straight to the gut
What bacterium has a polypeptide capsule that contains D-glutamate?
Bacilis anthracis
preformed toxin of Bacilus cereus. Emetic type
What is the only gram-paositive organism to produce LPS?
Treatment of actinomyces vs. nocardia?
treatment is a SNAP
Sulfonomides = Nocardia
Actinomyces = Penicillin
What does a negative PPD mean?
no infection, anergic, and sarcoidosis
Interferon-y release assay?
more specific test for TB that has fewer false positives from BCG
What is cord factor?
on the surface of mycobacteria and induces TNF-alpha and granuloma formation
What does the E. coli K capsule cause?
pneumonia, neonatal meningitis
What doe sthe LPS endotoxic (Lipid A) in E. coli cause?
septic shock
What are the fibrae in E. coli cause?
cystitis and pyelonephritis
What is the only type of E. coli that does not ferment sorbitol?
What is the only bacteria that causes lymphocytosis?
Weil Disease?
icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis–severe form with jaundice and azotemia form liver and kidney dysfunction; fever, hemorrhage and anemia.
VDRL false positives?
Viruses (mono, hep)
Rheumatic fever
Lupus and leprosy
How do you treat H. pyoli?
PPI + clarithromycine and eithe amoxicilin or metronidazole
How do you treat gardnerella vaginalis?
metronidazole or clindamycin
Rickettsial triad?
Headache, rash, fever
Rashes of your palms and soles?
You drive CARS using your palms and soles
Coxsackievirus A infection (hand foot and mouth disease), Rocky mountain spotted fever, and 2 syphilis
Viral recombination?
Exchange of genes between 2 chromosomes by crossig over within regions of significant base sequence homology. Can result in new traits thtat were not present b4
Viral reassortment?
When viruses with segmented genomes exchange segments. High-frequency recombination cause of worldwide influenza pandemics
Complementation in viruses?
When 1 of 2 viruses that infect the cell has a mutation that results in a nonfunctional protein. The nonmutated vireus “complements” the mutated one by making a functional protein that serves both viruses
Viral phenotypic mixing?
occurs with simulatenous infection of a cell with 2 viruses. Genome of virus A can be partially or completely coated (forming a pseudovirion) with the surface proteins of virus B. Type B protein coat determines the tropism (infectivity) of the hybrid virus. However, the progeny from this infection have a type A coat that is encoded by its type A genetic material.
What is the only DNA virus that is NOT double stranded?
What are the only DNA viruses that are NOT linear?
papilloma, polyoma, and hepadnaviruses (circular)
What is the only RNA virus that is NOT ssRNA?
reoviridae (dsRNA)-rotavirus
What are the positive-stranded RNA viruses?
I went to a retro (retrovirus) toga (togavirus) party, where I drank flavored (flavivirus) Corona (coronavirus) and ate hippy **(hepevirus) California (calicivirus) pickles (picornavirus).
All DNA viruses replicated in the nucleus except for?
poxvirus- carries its own DNA-dependent RNA pol
(HBV is partially in the nucleus and partially in the cytoplasm).
All RNA viruses replicate in the cytoplasm except for?
influenza and retroviruses
Most enveloped viruses acquire their envelopes from plasma membrane excpet for?
herpesviruses which acquire envelopes from nuclear membrane
What are the non-enveloped viruses?
Give **PAPP **smars and CPR to a naked Heppy (hippy).
DNA: PAPP, papillomamvirus, adenovirus, parvovirus, polyomavirus
RNA: CPR Heppy, calicivirus, picornavirus, reovirus, and hepevirus
What are the DNA viruses?
HHAPPPPy viruses
Hepadna, herpes, adeno, pox, parvo, papilloma, polyoma
All DNA viruses are icosahedral except?
Coltivirus (colorado tick fever)
Rotavirus (#1 cause of fatal diarrhea in children)
Poliovirus, Echovirus, Rhinovirus, Coxsackievirus, HAV
HCV, Yellow Fever Dengue, St. Louis encephalitis, West Nile virus
Rubella, Eastern equine encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis
HTLV-T cell leukemia
Ebola/Marburg hemorrhagic fever, often fatal!
LCMV lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, Lassa fever encephalitis spread by mice
California encephalitis, Sandfly/Rift valley fevers, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Hantavirus (hemorhagic fever, pneumonia)
What are the negative sense RNA viruses?
Always Bring Polymerase Or Fail Replication
Arenaviruses, Bunyaviruses, Paramyxoviruses Orthomyxoviruses, Filoviruses, and Rhabdoviruses
Segmented viruses?
Bunyaviruses, Orthomyxoviruses, Arenviruses, reoviruses
All picornaviruses are fecal-oral except?
What is F fusion protein?
All paramyxoviruses contain this. Causes respiratory epithelial cells to use and form multinucleated cells
What is a monoclonal antibody against F (fusion) protein?
What does the structural gene gag code for?
nucleocapsid proteins p24 and p7
What does the structural gene env code for?
gp120 and gp41 (cleaved from precursor gp160)
What does rev code for?
HIV protein that aids in translocation of unspliced viral transcripts out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm
What does tat code for?
HIV protein that transcriptionally activates other viral genes. Contributes to the virulence of HIV
How do you inactivate HAV?
water chlorination, bleech (1:100 dilution), formalin, UV irradiation, boiling to 85 degrees for one minute
What organism is associated with biliary tract disease and cholangiocarcinoma?
Clonorchis sinesis
What organism is associated wtih brain cysts and seizures?
Taenia solium (cysticercosis)
What organism is associated with hematuria and bladder cancer?
Schistosoma haematobium
What organism is associated with liver hyatid cysts?
Echinococcus granulosus
What worm is associated with microcytic anemia?
Necator and Ancylostoma
What parasite is associated with perianal puritis?
What parasite is associated with portal hypertension?
Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum