Repro Dx Flashcards
abdominal cramping, vaginal bleeding
Cervical os closed, no visible POC, uterus normal size
complete spontaneous abortion
Abdominal cramping, vaginal bleeding ± tissue
Cervical os open, POC visible in cervical canal (may also see in vagina)
incomplete spontaneous abortion
Non-viable preg not yet expelled
Cervical os closed
No sx
missed abortion
Vaginal bleeding w/o cervical Δ
threatened abortion
Vag bleeding w/ cervical Δ
Abd cramping, mod-heavy bleeding, cervical os open
inevitable abortion
Fever, chills, vag discharge, uterine and abd tenderness following abortion
septic abortion
Chocolate cyst ovary
Uterus larger than expected for date of gestation
Absent fetal heart sounds
molar pregnancy
What causes +Breasts and no uterus?
Mullerian Agenesis
primary amenorrhea
Absence of menarche by age 16 w/ nrml pubertal devel or by 14 w/o pubertal devel or 2 yrs after completion of sexual maturation
secondary amenorrhea
Absence of menstruation for at least 3 cycles in females who previously had regular menstrual cycles
6 months in females with irregular cycles
primary amenorrhea w/ ↓GnRH: ↓ FSH ↓ LH ↓ Estradiol
Hypothal d/o
Poor breast development, 1° amenorrhea, short stature, webbed neck
Turner’s Syndrome
No uterus, shortened vagina, hormone levels nrml
Mullerian Agenesis
Cyclic pain due to retention of blood, nrml hormone levels
Imperforate Hymen
Horizontal “wall” of tissue formed that creates blockage of vagina, nrml hormones
Transverse Vaginal Septum
secondary amenorrhea w/ Weight loss, excessive exercise, anorexia nervosa, stress
Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Post-partum pituitary necrosis
Pituitary cell destruction
Severe hypotension 2° to massive hemorrhage
Sheehan Syndrome
secondary amenorrhea w/ hot flashes, vaginal dryness
Premature Ovarian Failure
secondary amenorrhea w/ presence of Intrauterine adhesions or fibrosis
Asherman Syndrome
dx of endometriosis
Laparoscopy is gold standard
Dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia (painful sex), dyschezia
Urinary sx
Tender nodularity of cul-de-sac & uterine
ligaments, “fixed” uterus
10/10 pain curled over, worst pain they’ve ever had
3rd spacing: Bloating, abdominal fullness, n/v/d, weight gain, decreased urine output, excessive thirst, SOB, pleural effusion, calf/chest pain (DVT/PE), electrolyte imbalance
Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
Estrogen ↑
Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) ↓ levels
↓ ovarian reserve
Intermenstrual bleeding, post-coidal or post-menopausal bleeding, may prolapse through cervix
Usually <1 cm
Endometrial Polyps
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Pelvic pain (non-cyclical)
Progressive dysmenorrhea
Diffusely enlarged globular “boggy” uterus (soft)
Symmetrical uterine enlargement
HMB is MC presenting sx
Dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain/pressure, infertility
Compressive sx: urinary freq, difficulty w/ bowel mvts
Enlarged, firm, irregular NT uterus,
Post-meno bleeding
Meno/metrorrhagia in pre-meno
Nrml uterus size no PE findings
Endometrial Cancer
Presents as rapidly growing mass with vaginal bleeding ± pain
Dull/sharp, constant/intermittent, pelvic pain, pressure or fullness
Painful intercourse, bloating, torsion
Admexal fullness, admexal/cervical motion tenderness
Ovarian Cysts
Filled with serous/watery fluid
Thin walled
Can reach 5-7cm, typically not much larger
Simple Cyst
May be fluid filled: blood, mucous, etc. Solid component Internal debris Thick walled Septations Papilla
> 5cm
“ground glass” appearance with internal echos
Complex Cyst
corpus luteal
Simple Cyst composition
granulosa cells (SAME cells as follicles)
Occurs as a result of bleeding into a follicle or corpus luteal cyst
Hemorrhagic Cyst
“chocolate cysts”
What tumor marker will likely be elevated with Endometrioma
cyst that occur from hyperstimulation from HCG & resolve after source of HCG is removed
Theca Lutein Cysts
serous and mucinous
Abdominal fullness, back pain, constipation, diarrhea, early satiety, fatigue, nausea
Pelvic pain, pelvic mass, inguinal lymphadenopathy
Weight loss
Ovarian Cancer
2nd mc gyn malig and mc cause of gyn rel death
Ovarian Cancer
mc type of Ovarian Cancer
Epithelial Cell
mc type of Ovarian Cancer in pediatric pop
Germ Cell
SEVERE pain (sharp/stabbing/colicky, radiation), nausea/vomiting, low grade fever
Ovarian Torsion
Oligomenorrhea (<9 periods/year)
Amenorrhea (no period >3 months)
Hyperandrogenism: acne, hirsuitism, male-pattern hair loss, ↑ testosterone
Insulin resistance: acanthosis nigricans
Ovarian cysts are rare because they don’t ovulate
Preg complications: early preg loss, gestaional diabetes, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
AKA Stein-Leventhal Syndrome
acute onset fever, pain, problems voiding
very tender prostate
+leukocytes, (+culture)
Prostatitis: Type I - Acute Bacterial Prostatitis
Recurrent UTIs that respond to abx
Pain- lower and, perineal, testicular, scrotal, rectal, back (no fever)
painful ejaculation, change in semen color, retarded ejaculation, erectile dysfn
Prostate may be normal, somewhat enlarged, body and somewhat tender
Urine cx usually nrml
Prostatitis: Type II - Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
Pelvic pain, urinary sx, ejaculatory dysfn
No identifiable infectious etiology
Prostatitis: Type III - Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis / Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome