Derm Diagnosis Flashcards
Central redness, flushing of face with bumps x 3 mo
Papulopustular eruption
Telangiectasia, skin coarseness
erythamateous papules around the mouth
Perioral Dermatitis
yellowish, whitish enlargement of sebaceous glands
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Under arms, breast, groin
Inflamed nodules and abscesses, scarring
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Patches on scalp and other hair bearing areas
Exclamation point hairs
Smooth circular discrete area
Alopecia Areata
Diffuse non-scarring alopecia
Bitemporal hair loss
<50% hair loss
No balding
Telogen Effluvium
Progressive loss of terminal hairs on anterior, mid, temporal and vertex scalp
Androgenic Alopecia
psych condition where pick at hairs on body (scalp is MC)
Chest, back and shoulders
Patchy red, darker or lighter spots
Asymptomatic, cosmetic concern
Pityriasis (tinea) Versicolor
Infection or scalp hair
Alopecia, scaly, erythema, itchy
Tinea Capitis
Infection of body surfaces
Pruritic circular or oval, erythematous scaling plaque with central clearing and raised border
Tinea Corporis
Infection of groin
Erythematous, scaley patches
Tinea Cruris
jock itch
Foot infection
Tinea Pedis athletes foot Interdigital-btwn toes Hyperkeratosis-soles, merial and lateral surfaces of foot Vesiculobullous-medial foot
nail infection
Diffuse non-scarring alopecia
Bitemporal hair loss
<50% hair loss
No balding
Telogen Effluvium
What is the difference between erythema multiforme minor and major?
Minor-no mucosal involvement, confined to extremities and face, associated with HSV
Major- always has mucosal involvement, MC due to drug eruption
Redding, scaling, itching, dandruff
Localized to nasolabial folds, eyebrows, upper chest and scalp
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Elevated papules, patches with scaling mostly on extensor surface of knees, elbows, face and scalp, intergluteal cleft, glans penis
Symmetrically on body
Pustules, erythematous papules
Furuncles-deep, tender nodules/abscesses (boils)
Carbuncles-interconnecting abscesses in several contiguous hair follicles
Razor bumps
Occurs over any shaved area
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae
Swollen erythematous nail fold
Pustule may be present
Acute Paronychia
Loss of cuticle, proximal nail fold becomes boggy, nail plate becomes irregular/discolored
Worsened by water, irritant, nail dermatoes, grooming & biting
Chronic Paronychia
Highly contagious
Face & extremities
1-3 cm erythematous macules/papules → vesicles/pustules → rupture → honey-colored crusts
Nonbullous Impetigo
vesicles enlarge to form bullae
Clear yellow fluid
trunk & folds (less common on face)
Bullous Impetigo
Ulcerative form with hemorrhagic crust
Distal extremities
Heals with scarring
Ecthyma Impetigo
Acute painful onset
Fever, chills, reginal lymphadenopathy
Edematous, red, warm plaques with sharply demarcated borders
vesicles, bulla, erosions
Cheeks and ears MC (less common in extremities)
Abrupt or gradual onset
Swelling, erythema, tenderness, warmth
Bulla, vesicles, necrosis
Rough borders, less defined
Fever, chills, malaise, anorexia, lymphadenopathy, lymphangitis (red streak)
Behind ears, back of neck
Hair shafts
Low grade fever, Lymphadenopahty if 2° bacterial
Head Lice
Puritic, papular rash with excoriations
Burrowing on hands and wrists
Head and neck are typically spared
Crusted scabies: less itchy, hyperkeratotic lesions