Repro Flashcards
Strap in and brace yourself for some pure quality repro anatomy cards #naeprods
What type of joint is the scaroilliac joint
Synovial plane joint
What type of joint is the pubic symphysis
Secondary cartilaginous joint
Compare the male and female pelvic inlet
Male = Heart shaped Female = Oval and rounded
Compare male and female subpubic angle
Male = Acute Female = Obtuse
Compare male and female obturator foramen
Male = Round Female = Oval
Subdivisions of levator Ani (ant. to post.)
2 major parts of the pelvic diaphragm/floor
Levator ani
Function of pelvic floor
Maintains continence
Maintains optimal intra-abdo pressure
Relaxation of it allows passage of urine and faeces
What a. supply the bladder
Sup. and inf. vesical a.
What a. supplies the prostate and seminal gland
Sup. and inf vesical a.
What does the uterine a supply
Uterine tubes
Pelvic part of ureter
What does the gonadal a supply
Aka ovarian/testicular a.
What does the sup rectal a supply
Sup 1/3 of rectum
What do middle and inf rectal a supply
Inf 2/3 of rectum
What does the vaginal a supply
Vagina and inf bladder
What a supplies the perineum
Internal pudendal
What does the obturator a supply
Head of femur
Obturators externus
What part of the rectum trains into the portal circulation
Sup 1/3
What part of the rectum drains into the systemic circulation
Inf 2/3
What do the veins around the prostate form
Prostatic venous plexus, which communicates with the vesical plexus
Spinal level of genitofemoral nerve
Spinal level of ilioinguinal nerve
What is supplied by the genital branch of the genitofemoral n
Cremaster muscle
Ant. Scrotal skin
Clinical significance of genital branch for the genitofemoral n
Responsible for cremasteric reflex
Which is absent in testicular torsion
May be damaged during hernia repairs
May be absent in MND
Level of pudendal nerve
S2, 3, 4
Bony landmark used when performing pudendal nerve block
Ischial spine
Just below and medial
What innervates erectile tissues in males and females
Parasympathetic fibres from S2, 3, 4
Via the hypogastric plexus
What innervates the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate and epididymis
Sympathetic fibres from L1-2
Via hypogastric plexus
What innervates the female genital tract
Sympathetic fibres from the ovarian plexus
Parasympathetic fibres from pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2, 3, 4)
Erectile tissues in male and females
Males = Corpora cavernosa of penis Female = Clitoris
Contents of the spermatic cord
Vas deferens
Cremasteric a + v
Testicular a
Tough outer fibrous layer of testis
Tunica vanginalis
Tunica albuginea is the inner layer
2 layers do the tunica vanginalis
Visceral and parietal lamina
What level do the testicular aa arise from the abdo aorta
What is the term for the 8-12 anastomosing veins around the testis
Pampiriform plexus
Where do the right and left testicular veins drain into
Right = IVC Left = Left renal vein
What is a varicocele
Dilatation of the pampiriform plexus
2 LN groups that drain the testis
Para aortic
What is produced by seminal vesicles
Alkaline fluid (70-85% of semen)