Repro. - 2 Flashcards
What is the sympathetic innervation of the urinary bladder?
Hypogastric nerve (T12-L2)
What is the parasympathetic innervation of the urinary bladder?
Pelvic splanchnic nerve (S2-S4)
What is the sympathetic effect on the urinary bladder?
Relaxation of the detrusor muscle
Promotes urinary retention
What is the parasympathetic effect on the urinary bladder?
Contraction of the detrusor muscle
Stimulating micturition
What is the somatic innervation of the urinary bladder?
Pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
What is the somatic effect on the urinary bladder?
Innervates the external urethral sphincter
Voluntary control over micturition
What is the epithelium of the urinary bladder?
Transitional epithelium
What is the arterial supply of the urinary bladder?
Superior vesical branch of the internal iliac artery
Males - inferior vesical artery
Females - vaginal artery
What is the venous drainage of the urinary bladder?
Vesical venous plexus drains into internal iliac vein
What are the lymphatics of the urinary bladder?
Superolateral aspect - external iliac LNs
Neck and fundus - internal iliac, sacral and common iliac nodes
What is the arterial supply of the rectum?
Superior rectal - inferior mesenteric artery
Middle rectal - internal iliac artery
Inferior rectal - internal pudendal artery
What is the venous drainage of the rectum?
Superior, middle and inferior rectal veins
Superior to portal venous system
Middle and inferior to systemic
What is the innervation of the rectum?
Sympathetic - inferior hypogastric plexuses
Parasympathetic - S2-S4 via pelvic splanchnic nerve
What is the main lymphatic drainage of the rectum?
Pararectal LNs draining into inferior mesenteric LNs
What is the epithelium of the anal canal?
Columnar epithelium
What is the epithelium of the anal canal inferior to the pectinate line?
Non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
What is the arterial supply of the anal canal above the pectinate line?
Superior rectal artery and branches from middle rectal artery
What is the arterial supply of the anal canal below the pectinate line?
Inferior rectal artery and branches from middle rectal artery
What is the venous drainage of the anal canal?
Superior rectal vein for above - inferior mesenteric vein
Inferior rectal vein for below - internal pudendal vein
What is the innervation of the anal canal?
Somatic - inferior rectal nerves
Inferior hypogastric above pectinate line
What is the lymphatic drainage of the anal canal above the pectinate line?
Internal iliac LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the anal canal below the pectinate line?
Superficial inguinal LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the ovaries?
Para-aortic and lumbar LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the lower vagina?
Sacral LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the uterine body?
Internal and external iliac LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the fundus and upper uterine body?
Pre-aortic LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the cervix and upper vagina?
Internal iliac and sacral LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the testis?
Lumbar and para-aortic LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the scrotum?
Superficial inguinal LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the urethra?
Internal iliac LNs
What is the lymphatic drainage of the prostate gland?
Internal and external LNs
What is the contents of the greater sciatic foramen?
Superior gluteal artery and vein
Superior gluteal nerve
Sciatic nerve
Pudendal nerve
Inferior gluteal artery and vein
Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Nerve to obturator internus and quadratus femoris
What are the contents of the lesser sciatic foramen?
Pudendal nerve
Inferior gluteal artery and vein
Obturator internus tendon
Nerve to obturator internus
What are the erectile tissues of the penis?
Left and right crura covered by ischiocavernosus muscles form corpora cavernosa
Bulb forms the corpus spongiosum muscle
What is the action of the bulbospongiosus muscle?
Helps to maintain erection in males
What is the action of the ischiocavernosus muscle?
Contracts to force blood into corpora cavernosa to help maintain erection
What are the fascial coverings of the penis?
Superficial and deep fascia under the skin
Underneath the deep fascia is the tunica albuginae
What is the innervation of the penis?
Sensory and sympathetic innervation to skin and glans penis is supplied by dorsal nerve penis - pudendal nerve
What is the innervation of the scrotum?
Anterior scrotal nerves from Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve and ilioinguinal nerve
Posterior scrotal nerves from pudendal nerve and posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
What is the lymphatic drainage of the scrotum?
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
What are the layers of the scrotum?
Superficial dartos fascia of scrotum
External spermatic fascia
Cremaster muscle
Internal spermatic fascia
Parietal and visceral layer of tunica vaginalis
What are the layers of the spermatic cord?
External spermatic fascia
Cremaster muscle and fascia
Internal spermatic fascia
What is the innervation of the spermatic cord?
Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
What is the function of the vas deferens?
Transports sperm from epididymis to the ampulla and ejaculatory duct
What is the function of the prostate gland?
Secretes proteolytic enzymes into semen to break down clotting factors so remains in fluid state
What is the function of the bulbourethral gland?
Lubricating mucus secretion
What is the innervation of the prostate and bulbourethral glands?
Sympathetic - hypogastric nerve
What is the function of the seminal vesicle?
Secretions contain alkaline fluid, fructose, prostaglandins and clotting factors for semen
What does SEED stand for?
S - seminal vesicle, E - ejaculatory duct, E - epididymis and D - ductus deferens
All derived from the mesonephric ducts
What is the innervation of the urethra?
Prostatic plexus
What is the nerve roots of the genitofemoral and ilioinguinal nerve?
Genitofemoral - L1-2
Ilioinguinal - L1
What is the sensory function of the genitofemoral nerve?
Lateral skin of the scrotum
Mon pubis, labia majora and adjacent thigh
What is the motor function of the genitofemoral nerve?
Cremaster and dartos muscle
Efferent limb of cremasteric reflex
What is the sensory function of the ilioinguinal nerve?
Innervates anterior skin of the scrotum
Skin of superior anteromedial thigh
Skin of labia majora and mons pubis
What is the sensory function of the pudendal nerve?
Innervates the external genitalia of both sexes
Skin of anus, anal canal and perineum
What is the motor function of the pudendal nerve?
Bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus and levator ani muscles
External anal and urethral sphincter