Normal Anatomy of the Breasts Flashcards
Describe the development of the breasts - embryology
Mammary crests or ridges appear during 4th week
Crests extend from axillary region to inguinal region
Crests disappear except in the pectoral region
Primary - secondary mammary buds - lactiferous ducts and their branches
What are some general features of the breast?
Modified and highly specialised swear glands
No special capsule or sheath
Well developed in females
Size and shape differs from genetics, racial and dietary factors
What is location of the breast?
Vertical - 2nd or 3rd rib to 6th rib
Transverse - sternal edge to midaxillary line
Lies on deep pectoral fascia
What is the axillary tail or process?
Small part of breast may extend towards the axillary fossa
What does the retromammary space (bursa) help?
Helps some degree of movement
What are the relations of the breast?
2/3rd of the breast rests on pectoral fascia covering pectoralis major
1/3rd rests on fascia covering serratus anterior
How is the breasts attached to the dermis?
By suspensory ligament of cooper - helps supports the lobules of the gland
How many lobules does the breast contain?
15-20 lobules of glandular tissue - parenchyma
What drains each lobule of the breast?
Lactiferous duct - open independently on the nipple
Each duct has a dilated portion called lactiferous sinus
What are some features of the nipple?
No fat or hair
Contains collagenous dense connective tissue, elastic fibres and bands of smooth muscle
Tips of nipples are fissured with lactiferous ducts
What is the position of the nipple?
Variable or 4th intercostal space
What are some features of the areola?
Skin covering the nipple and areola contains numerous sweat and sebaceous glands
Enlarges in pregnancy
Oily material secreted by sebaceous gland - protective lubricant
Describe the male breast
Formed by small ducts without lobules or alveoli
Little supporting fibro adipose tissue
Temporary enlargement in new born and during puberty
What is polymastia and polythelia?
Polymastia - an extra breast
Polythelia - an extra nipple
What is athelia or amastia?
Absence of nipple or breast