Report Writing Flashcards
bearer of information from one person to another
There are two things to remember:
* The person writing the report knows
Steps on Writing a report
Step 1: What is the objective of the report?
Do you need to explain, describe, convince or recommend something to the reader?
Step 2: Who is going to read it?
It’s always good to tailor the report style and formatting to suit the audience you are addressing.
Step 3: Meet the expectation.
This goes hand in hand with ‘Who is going to read it?’ Ensure you understand what format the report should take and ask for an example if you’re unclear.
Step 4: Research and data.
Gather all the information you require, make sure you know how to cite and reference resources and don’t be shy to add graphics or illustrations to highlight or explain your statements.
Step 5: Structure the report.
The three basics of any report are always: introduction, the main body of text and conclusion.
Step 5: Read it, edit it, read it again.
Check and recheck for grammatical or spelling errors. Try to find additional data or illustrations to add weight to your statements.
Report format and Structure
Structure Principles
The important parts can be highlighted with graphics, pictures, varying fonts, and other tools that catch the eye
What should the report contain?
main content in the report should be readable here
Table of contents
List of containing of the report by numbers
a clear definition of the task. The introduction should also give some background to what was done and why.
Say what you are going to say/do
- Introduce the topic
- Identify the task that you will do
- Provide overview of the structure
Background material
contain an overview of things done before within the same area and any history.
Main body
This is where you write what you have done during the assignment. The actual solution is presented, investigations are described, and the results are documented.
Say / do it…
contain what was done and the most important results. You should be able to read the summary separately.
critical conclusions regarding the project and the results you have found.
Say what you have said / done
reference all the sources you got information from for the report.
where we place information that is important but didn’t make it into the report. Examples are larger pictures, configuration files, supporting material, etc.