REPO Flashcards
There is no discernible physical differences in gender until
Week 8
What is needed for embryo to develop sex characteristics
How many chromosome pairs do you receive from each parent
Chromosomes that determine gender
sex chromosomes
chromosomes that do not determine gender
What is SRY
sex determining region of the y chromosome
What are the 3 indifferent sexual structures
- Genital tubercle
- Urethral folds
- Labioscrotal folds
What is the penis homologous with
the clitoris
What does the genital tubercle form in males
What does the urethral folds form in males
Spongy urethra
What does the labioscrotal fold form in males
The scrotum
What does the genital tubercle form in females
What does the urethral folds form in females
labia minora
What does the labioscrotal fold form in females
labia majora
located in abdominal cavity, each side of uterus
eggs, develop in fetal development- 6 million
How many eggs are left after childhood
400,000- can not be produced
release of egg.
Occurs every 28 days (middle of cycle)
Where are eggs developed and released
Follicles inside the ovary
What are the ovarian ligaments
Attaches the ovaries to the uterus
What is the suspensory ligament
Attaches ovaries to the pelvic wall
What are the broad ligaments
Suppports the ovaduct, uterus and vagina
Oviducts [AKA fallopian tubes, uteriine tube]
funnel shaped to catch eggs
lined with cillia
moves eggs slowly
What are the 3 layers of the uterus
- Endometrium
- Myometrium
- Perimetrium
How long is the baby held
266 days
or 280 from last menstruation
What is the Cerivix
Meeting of vagina and uterus
external gentalia
What is the Mons Pubis
fat tissue over pubic symphysis
What is the labia majora
outer fold containing pubic hair (homologous with scrotum)
What is the Labia minora
Inner folds, no pubic hair
What is the clitoris
“Sexual sensation” area (homologous with penis)
What is the pigmentation of the breast called
How much milk is produced during breast feeding
What does progesterone do
Helps establish and regulate uterine cycle during pregnancy, and prepares breast for lactation. *inhibits uterus contraction *
What do androgens do
From the ovaries and adrenal cortex
stim pubic&axillary hair
stimulates libido
What is menarche
1st period
What % body fat does a girl have to have to begin menstration
What % body fat is required to support pregnacncy
22% (will loose period if drops below)
What is the estrous cycle
Most mammals- cats, dogs, elephants (endothelium absorbed)
What is the menstrual cycle
Primates- apes, humans (endothelium sloughed off)
What are the 2 female cycles that happen simultaneously
- Ovarian cycle–> events in the ovary
2. Menstrual cycle–> events in the uterus
What endocrine gland manages the ovaries
Anterior pituitary gland
What endocrine gland mangages the uterine
Where is GnRH produced
the hypothalamus
Where is LSH and LH produced
Where is Progesterone & estrogens are produced
What are the 2 phases of the ovarian cycle
- Follicular phase (Pre-ovulation)
2. Luteal phase (Post-ovulation) day 14-28
What is occurring at the same time as the follicular phase
How much can the follicular phase vary
21-40 days
What is the main hormone active in the follicular stage
When does ovulation occur (day in the cylce)
What is the homrone that cuases ovulation
LH (lutinizing hormone)
What produces LH
High estrogen levels
What is the follicle called after ovulation
Corpus Luteum
Under the influence of LH, what does the corpus luteum produce
proestrogen, estrogens,inhibin
When does the Luteal phase take place
from ovulation to the onset of menstruation
how long is the luteal phase?
ALWAYS 14 days
What does the corpus luteum do if pregnancy occuers
Continues to produce hormones for 3 more months, when the placenta takes over
What happens to the corpus luteum if pregnancy does not occur? what is it called
starts to degenerate after 10 days–> becomes corpus albicans
What happens when the corpus luteum stops producing progesterone
menstruation occurs
What happens when the corpus luteum stops producing inhibin
anterior pituitary starts producing FSH again, so new follicles are created
What are the 3 phases of the menstrual cycle
- menstrual phase (1-5) [pre-ovulation]
- proliferative phase (6-140 [pre-ovulation]
- secretory phase (15-28) [post-ovulation]
What occurs during the menstrual phase
menstrual dischage 150 ml
What occurs during the proliferative phase
endothelium of uterus is being build up through mitosis
caused by estrogen
What is occuring at the same time as the menstrual and prolifertive phase
follicular phase
What occurs during the secretory phase
Increaes thickness of endothelium due to fluid build up
When does the secretory phase occur
Right after ovulation
What is the hormone controling the secretory phase
What happens when proestrogen drops
arteries suppying the endothelium contract–> causing endothelial ishemia