Repiration And Breathing Flashcards
What all cells need to have for aerobic respiration
To allow aerobic respiration to take place all cells need a supply of glucose and oxygen.
🔵Glucose is carried by the blood from the small intestine to all,the cells in the body.
🔵Oxygen is carried by the blood from the lungs to all the cells of the body.
Where else does aerobic respiration take place.
Most animal and plant cells.
What simple equation can aerobic respiration be summarised in.
Glucose ➕oxygen ➡️energy ➕carbon dioxide ➕water vapour.
What is respiration
Respiration is a chemical process which releases energy from glucose.It occurs in all living cells and requires oxygen while it produces carbon dioxide and water.
What is breathing
Breathing is a way I which animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide and water.Breathing takes place using the breathing system.
What’s the breathing system
When we breathe in, oxygen passes from our lungs into our bloodstream.The blood then carries oxygen to all the cells of our body.Oxygen, is used I each cell to carry out respiration.
🔵Carbon dioxide and water vapour are produced by the respiration in each body cell.They enter the bloodstream and are carried by the blood to the lungs.
🔵Carbon dioxide and water vapour pass from the blood into the lungs and are then breathed out.
In this way the breathing system supplies oxygen for respiration and gets rid of the waste products of respiration.As a result the breathing system is also called the respiratory system.
What doesthenoe do as part of the breathing system
We are supposed to breathe in (inhale) through our nose.The reason for doing this is:
🔵Hairs and mucous in the nose trap dirt particles and bacteria.
🔵Air is warmed and made moister as it passes through the nose.This later helps oxygen to pass from the lungs into the bloodstream.
What does the trachea do as part of the breathing system
The trachea carries air to and from the lungs.
What does the bronchus and bronchioles do in the breathing system.
OEach bronchus carries air between the windpipe and a lung.The two bronchi subdivide many times to form tiny tubes called bronchioles.Bronchioles carry air to and from the sir sacs or alveoli.
What does the Alveolus do in the breathing system
Each lung contains millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli.Each alveolus has a thin lining and is surrounded by many tiny blood vessels called capillaries.The function of the alveoli is gas exchange.Oxygen passes from the air in the alveolus into the blood vessels.At the same time Carbon dioxide and water pass from the blood vessels into each alveolus.The gas pass in each direction by a process called diffusion.As a result of gas exchange in the alveoli, the contents of inhaled air are different to the contents of exhaled air.
What is aerobic respiration
Living things need energy to allow them to move,grow stay warm and repair damaged parts.They get their energy from food in a process called respiration.The majority of living things need oxygen for respiration.This type of respiration is called aerobic respiration.Aerobic respiration needs oxygen to release energy from food.
What does the diaphragm do in the breathing system
The diagram is a sheet of muscle that forms the base of the chest.Along with the intercostal muscle in the chest the diagram causes to move into or out of the lungs.
Explain excessive and breathing rate.
Breathing is necessary to take in and release the gasses needed for respiration.Respiration occurs in all the cells of the body in order to provide them with energy.When we excerise our cells need more energy.As a result the rate of respiration increases.This causes us to breathe faster in order to allow for increase in gas exchange.
What are the effects of smoking
Smoking is bad for our health.This fact is recognised by the health warning printed on all packets of cigarettes.In addition smoking is banned in an increasing number of locations and advertisements for cigarettes are strictly controlled.
Smoking has the following effect:
🔵Smoke clogs up the tiny hairs in the nose.This allows more dirt particles to enter the lungs.
🔵Smoking irritates the nose and bronchioles.This causes increased mucous to form which leads to smokers cough.
🔵Smoking results in increases lung infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis.
🔵Smoking increase the risk of getting lung cancer and other cancers.
🔵Gases in cigarette smoke enter our blood some of these gas reduce the ability of our blood to carry oxygen.As a result our heart must pump harder and faster this strains the heart and often leads to heart attacks.
🔵 if a pregnant woman smokes then the chemicals in her blood will enter the babies body.This can affect the development of the baby.