Reovirus Flashcards
Species affected
- Ruminants —> Mainly Sheep and Cattle Goats are more resistant
- Further domestic and wild ruminants may be carriers and possible reservoirs (ex deer)
- Serotype 8: sheep, goat and cattle
- Serotype 25 (Toggenberg virus): Goats
Most susceptible
- Sheep are the most susceptible ruminant —> African sheep are more resistant
- All age groups
*African origin —> worldwide
*Primarily in warmer regions, where Culicoides imicola midges occur —> endemic to Africa but due to global warming it is occurring in more and more places in the world
*Serotype 8 emerged in Europe (from Africa) in 2008 —> no significant clinical signs but trade of animals is hindered *Serotype 25 —> In Switzerland in 2008, no clinical signs
When area of serotypes is overlapping (different serotypes in 1 place) —> new serotypes will appear due to genetic reassortment
*Transmission primarily via Culicoides imicola (midge) but other midges and ticks may be vectors as well.
*The propagation is in embryonated midge eggs.
*Vectors may also be infected with BTV after feeding from blood of infected vertebrates —> inoculate virus into an uninfected host animal at their next blood meal.
*Seasonal occurrence —> mainly in summer and autumn (not that much late autumn, winter and early spring) —> however not exclusively in these monthsas the midges can stay active in stables in winter
*Long distance spread:
• Vectors can travel by the wind
• Transport of infected
*Transmission by semen is also possible
*Placental crossing
*Midge bite and inoculation of virus—> lymphatic tissue > viraemia in 5-11 days —> endothelial damage —> Oedema and haemorrhages due to damages to the capillary and blood vessel walls
*Damage to mucosal surface, skin and muscle also occurs
*Transplacental infection —>
• Abortion
• Developmental anomalies (hydrocephalus, cerebella hypoplasia, jaw disorders, distortion of skull and jaw)
• Birth of viraemic lambs/calves
• May lead to immunotolerance, especially in cattle —> animal will shed the virus throughout its life, difficult to identify as they are seronegative!
Primary replication
Lymphatic tissue
Incubation period of 3-7 day
Target organs
Muscle and Epithelial cells
Clinical signs
*Variable severity due to strain virulence, host species and breed
• Fever (41.5℃ for 4-12 days) —> animals are anorexic, depressed and reluctant to
move (will be at the back of the flock when driven), dyspnoea
• Hypeaemia of the oral and nasal mucosa, serous nasal discharge (after day 1) and salivation due to lung oedema
• Conjunctivitis, eyelid oedema, lacrimation
• Oedema under the skin (subcutaneous) in head, ears, chin and neck region
• Swollen, protruding, cyanotic tongue — > Blue tongue
• Erosions on muzzle and oral mucosa (on days 2-3)
• Ulcers covered with greys necrotic membrane and purulent discharge (on days 4-7)
• Oedemas, erosions on the hoofs (coronary bands), laminitis
• Muscle damage due to virus propagation in the muscles > disturbed movements, torticollis
• Enteritis in lambs —> may be hemorrhagic
• Loss of wool, loss of weight
• Abortion, congenital defects
• Death within a week or recovery
• Mortality is 10-30% —> most animals recover
• Some serotypes can be highly pathogenic
• Usually infections are subclinical making cattle asymptomatic carriers
• If clinical:
• Nasal discharge, reduced milk production
• Oedema of lips and eyelids
• Erosions and ulceration of nose, mouth, muzzle and teats with pseudomembrane formation
• Congenital defects: abortion, dummy calves, hydrocephalus, limb deformities
• Can transfer the disease back to sheep
• Often subclinical carriers
- Haemorrhages in the airways, oral cavity, rumen
- Cyanosis, oedema and erosions on the mucous membranes
- Lambs —> haemorrhage gastroenteritis
- Myocardial and muscle dystrophy
- Cerebellar hypoplasia in aborted foetuses and in newborns
- Endothelial necrosis, inflammation, thrombosis
Seasonality, clinical signs and PM lesions —> suspicion of disease —> further testing requirements since disease is notifiable!
Detection of virus: RT- PCR
Virus isolation rarely used
Serology: ELISA, CF, AGID, VN
No effective treatment
Prevention and immunity
*In non endemic countries > Measures for control:
• Restrictions (restriction zone 20km, protection zone 100km, surveillance zone 150km)
• Slaughter of affected animals, vector control and monitoring
• Separation of seropositive pregnant animals, virological testing of newborns —> detect immunotolerant lambs and calves!
• Emergency vaccination (inactivated vaccine) —> because of genetic reassortment if we immunise an animal with a live vaccine,
the virus in the vaccine will produce another serotype!
(like Influenza)
*In endemic countries —>
Attenuated vaccines:
• Africa: polyvalent since
multiple serotypes in the area
• Other countries: serotype specific, monovalent
• Can be foetopathogenic
• Problems —> shedding of the vaccine strain, infection of vectors, risk of reversion
African Horse Sickness
Species affected
- Equids —> Horses, Donkeys, Zebras, Mules etc
- Zebras are the natural reservoirs
- Rarely: Elephant, Camel. Dog, Ferret —> no clinical signs
African Horse Sickness
Most susceptible
All age groups
African Horse Sickness
- African origin —> spread to other parts of the world
- Primarily in warmer regions —> endemic to Africa, Europe is currently free —> but due to global warming it is expected to be introduced soon
African Horse Sickness
*Transmitted by arthropod vectors:
• Midges/gnats (Culicoides sp) —> Biological vectors
• Mosquitoes (Cilicidae) —> mechanical vectors
• Rarely ticks (Hyaloma, Ripicephalus) —>mechanical vector Culicoides sp prefers warm, humid weather —> seasonality
*Not directly contagious between horses
*Indirect transmission by semen, urine and discharges too
*Infection of carnivores by consumption of infected horse meat, blood or organs
African Horse Sickness
- Midge bite and inoculation of virus —> lymphatic tissue—> viraemia in 4-8 days (horse); in 28 days (zebra and donkey) > damage to lymph and blood vessels —> oedema, haemorrhages —> pulmonary oedema, cardiopathy —> death
- Vascular problems which produce visible signs in lungs and subcutaneous tissue
African Horse Sickness
Primary replication
Lymphatic tissue
Incubation period of 5-7 (2-14) days
African Horse Sickness
Target organs
Blood vessel walls
African Horse Sickness
Clinical signs
*Variable severity
*Peracute, Pulmonary form:
• If many infected arthropods bite the same horse
• Fever (40-41℃), general weakness, sweating, red conjunctiva
• Dyspnoea, foamy nasal discharge, coughing
• Circulatory problems —> lung oedema —> protein rich exudate —> appears in alveoli and bronchi —> forced breathing —> egg-white like, protein rich foam produced —> gas exchange not possible if lung is filled with this foam
• Sudden death (within 24 hours)
*Acute, Respiratory form:
• Fever (40-41℃), respiratory symptoms, foamy nasal discharge
• Death within one week due to congestive heart failure, anoxia or both
*Subacute, Cardiac, Oedematous form:
• The most frequent form
• Oedema of the subcutaneous tissue
• Oedema around the eyes, lips, head, tongue, throat —> Hippo Head
• Later, oedema in the neck and chest
• Lung oedema —> excess load on the right side of heart, right ventricle will need stronger force to pump blood —> cardiac failure
• In final stages, haemorrhages appear in conjunctiva and under the tongue
• Death due to cardiac dysfunction 4-8 days after the onset of clinical signs
• If animals survives, oedema disappears within 3-8 days
*Mixed form (Respiratory and Cardiac):
• Fever (40-41℃), milder respiratory signs
• Oedema and death
*Chronic, Febrile form:
• Recurrent fever, higher in afternoons (max 40℃), lower in mornings
• Rarely other clinical signs, maybe reddened conjunctiva
• Mainly in donkeys, zebras and immune/ vaccinated horses
*Mortality varies:
• Horse: 70-96%
• Mule: 50%
• Donkey: 10%
• Zebra: 0% —> survives the infection but carriers and sheds the virus for a long term
African Horse Sickness
*Pulmonary oedema, hydrothorax, hyperaemia
• Septae of the lung become visible, looks much more like a cattle’s lung
*Oedema under the skin in the connective tissues
*Mucosal haemorrhages
*Hyperaemic visceral organs
*Fibrinous exudate in thoracic cavity
*Haemorrhages on serosal surfaces, renal cortex and spleen
*Epicardial and endocardial damage
*Ascites in abdominal cavity
African Horse Sickness
Seasonality, clinical signs, PM lesions —> suspicion of disease —> further testing required since disease is notifiable!
Detection of virus: RT-PCR
Virus isolation in suckling mouse brain, BHK, vero cells
Detection of antigens: ELISA
Serology: ELISA, CF, AGID, V
African Horse Sickness
Prevention and immunity
No effective treatment
African Horse Sickness
*In AHS free countries:
• Avoid introduction of infected animals
• Restriction of equine importation (especially zebras for zoos) from endemic countries
• If permission of importation granted —> animal should spend 30 days in quarantine and should be tested for the
• Insecticide treatment against ectoparasites
• Dogs are potential carriers so monitor dogs as well
• Outbreak control:
• Sanitary prophylaxis
• Restriction, Slaughtering of affected/viraemic animals
• Insect control
• Vaccination of all animals within the safety zone with live (attenuated) or inactivated type specific vaccines twice
• Long term surveillance and monitoring
*In endemic countries:
• Immunisation with attenuated, polyvalent vaccines offer protection for
a few years
Equine Encephalosis
Species affected
Equids —> Horses, Donkeys, Zebras —> Clinical signs only in horses!
Elephants (rare)
Equine Encephalosis
Most susceptible
All age groups
Equine Encephalosis
Southern parts of Africa Israel outbreak (2009)