Renal. UTI (08-03) Flashcards
FA. what is the way of UT infection?
Urethra –> prostate (prostitis) –> bladder (cystitis) –> kidney (pyelonephritis) –> systemis (urosepsis)
Due to this ascention these infections share common microbiologic profiles.
FA. Cystitis presentation?
Dysuria, frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain, WBC in urine (BUT NOT WBC CASTS).
FA. fundamental Pyelonephritis symtoms?
CVA tenderness, flank pain
hematuria, WBC CASTS
Systemic symptoms: fever, chills
FA. Uncomplicated UTI criteria.
Lower UTI is acute, simple cystitis (symptoms in other card) in otherwise healthy, nonpregnant woman who has not failed a/b therapy
FA. Uncomplicated UTI treatment.
TMP-SMX for 3 days
Nitrofurantoin for 5-7 days - only for cystitis, if suspected pyelo, when clearance < 60 ml/min or complicated UTI, dont use nitrof.
FA. Uncomplicated UTI. When culturing?
ONLY when treatment failed
UW. Uncomplicated UTI. when avoid TMP-SMX?
When locaql resistance > 20 proc.
UW. Uncomplicated UTI. What single shot drug?
Fosfomycin single dose
UW. Uncomplicated UTI. When fluoroquinolones?
Only when previously mentioned options cannot be used (TMP-SMX, nitrof, fosfomycin)
FA. Complicated UTI. criteria? summarized
summarized: one that does not meet criteria for uncomplicated.
FA. Complicated UTI. criteria detailed.
Symptoms same as in uncomplicated.
Everything depends on populations which are at higher risk for complexity.
patient with comorbidities (such as diabetes),
infants and toddlers, and male sex;
immunocompromise or stents or urinary catheters, as well as those with recurrent or refractory UTls
A complicated UTI would also be any patient with systemic symptoms of UTI that might suggest pyelo nephritis.
FA. Complicated UTI. treatment? stable
fluroquinolones, third-/fourth-generation cephalosporins,
Peroral is hemodinamically stable and can be treated outpatient
FA. Complicated UTI. treatment? unstable
Unstable hemodynamic - iv a/bs
IV third-/fourth-generation cephalosporins
typically given, or fluroquinolones
UW. Complicated UTI. treatment?
Fluoroquinolines (5-14 days)
extended spectrum eg ampic-sulbactam for more severe
UW. Complicated UTI. sampling
Obtain prior treatment and adjust ab if needed
UW. Uncomplicated UTI. nitrofurantoin complication HY?
Nitrofurantoin induced pulmonary injury 3-9days after drug + rashes + eosinophilia + lung findings
UW. Complicated UTI. what ab dont use and what use instead in pregnancy?
dont use fluoroquinolones
considercefpodoxime, cephalexin, amoxiclave, fosmomycin
UW complicated UTI in cases?
DM, pregnancy, renal failure, indwellin cath, urinary procedure (eg cystoscopy), urinary tract obstruction, immunosupression and hospital acquired.
FA. pregnancy UTI.
what is routinely performed and why in pregnant?
Urinalysis is routinely performed to screen for asymptomatic bacteriuria
FA. pregnancy UTI. increased risk for what?
patients are at increased risk for pyelonephritis and urosepsis
FA. pregnancy UTI.
asymptomatic bacteriuria treatment?
normally does not require treatment;
BUT, due to increased risk for com plications, pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteria are treated with either nitrofurantoin
or amoxicillin
Treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis would be as for
treatment of complicated UTI
FA. pregnancy UTI.
asymptomatic bacteriuria. what to do after treatment?
follow-up culture to confirm
FA. pregnancy UTI. cystitis treatment?
as for complicated UTI.
But dont give fluoroquinolones in pregnancy, choose other drug
UW. pyeolonephritis. treatment outpatient?
Fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin)
UW. pyeolonephritis. treatment inpatient?
iv ab’s
fluoroquinolone, aminoglycoside+/- ampicillin
UW. pyeolonephritis. sampling?
obtain prior abs and adjust abs as needed
FA. prophylaxis for UTI. what patients?
Recurrent UTls (two or more infections in 6 months or three or more infections
in 1 year);
FA. prophylaxis for UTI.
What are methods? 3
behavioral modifications are first line and include i fluid intake (promoting urinary flow so that microbes cannot as easily ascend the urinary tract),
postcoital voiding/stoppage of spermicide use,
and vaginal estrogen in postmenopausal females
FA. what is recurrent UTI. criteria?
two or more infections in 6 months
three or more infections in 1 year
FA. prophylaxis for UTI.
what if behavioral is not effective?
Antibiotic prophylaxis (TMP-SMX or nitrofurantoin) after intercourse, first sign(s) of symptoms;
the physician can prescribe antibiotics at a low dose for 3-6 months or continuously
FA. Bladder pain syndrome (BPS) + UTI mimics.
what is other name for BPS?
Interstitial cystitis = bladder pain syndrome
FA. Bladder pain syndrome + UTI mimics.
What symptoms?
CHRONIC suprapubic pain/discomfort, dysuria, frequency, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, relief after voiding that lasts
>6 weeks without an underlying medical cause;
FA. Bladder pain syndrome + UTI mimics.
in what patients?
classically in women with psychiatric disease (analogous to fibromyalgia, IBS)
FA. Bladder pain syndrome + UTI mimics. treatment?
!!!!First-line treatment: Avoid dietary triggers
Amitriptyline, pain management (phenazopyridine or methenamine), bladder hydrodistention
FA. what is UTI mimics? what diseases? 3
Bladder pain syndrome
hemorrhagic cystitis (after cyclophosphamide)
bladder irritation from radiation therapy to pelvis
FA. common UTI bugs. Mneumonic
Klebs. pneumonia
Staph. saprophyticus
Proteus mirabilis
FA. UTI m/os.
Leading cause?
E Coli
FA. UTI m/os. leading second cause, sexually active females?
Staph. saprophyticus
FA. UTI m/os. third leading cause?
Klebs. pneumonia
FA. UTI m/os. healthcare associated and drug resistant. red pigment
Serratia marcescens
FA. UTI m/os. healthcare associated and drug resistant? 2 mo/s
pseudomonas aeruginosa
FA. UTI m/os. produces urease, assoc. with struvite stones
Proteus mirabilis
FA. UTI m/os.
diagnostic markers? 2
Leukocyte esterase = evidence of WBC activity
Nitrite test - reduction of urinary nitrates by GRAM NEGATIVE m/os.
FA. UTI in what patients more common?
in females (shorters urethras colonized by fecal microbiota)
FA. UTI. risk factors?
Obstructio (stones, enlarged protate), kidney surgery, catheter, congenital malformations (vesicoureteral reflux), DM, pregnancy
FA. What symptoms absent in uncomplicated UTI/ simple cystitis?
systemic such fever
FA. uncomplicated UTI/ simple cystitis triad?
frequency, suprapubic pain, dysuria (burning)
FA. uncomplicated UTI/ simple cystitis.
Clinical diagnosis is sufficient
FA. uncomplicated UTI/ simple cystitis. First line abs? 2
TMP-SMX (3d) or nitrofurantoin (5-7d)
FA. uncomplicated UTI/ simple cystitis. drugs for pain relief? 2
Pentosan (relieves cystitis pain)
Phenazopyridine (relieves urinary tract pain)
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
what specific symtoms?
systemic (fever, chills, tachy)
CVA tenderness + flank pain
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
if suspect it, what further steps?
Collect urine +/- blood culture –> then urinalysis
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
If Urinalysis normal - unlikely pielonephritis
IF Urinalysis shows WBC –> likely pielonephritis. whats next? 3 groups of patients
High complication risk –> Imaging (CT, US) to assess for anatomic causes eg abscess
Hemodinamically stable, can tolerate p/os –> outpatient oral theraphy
ALL OTHER PATIENTS –> iv therapy
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
3 main steps?
Cultures - prior ab
Urinalysis - same as in cystitis + WBC CASTS
Imaging (US, CT) - for pts who have high risk of complications
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
what examines imaging?3
anatomic causes+abscess formation+emphysematous pyelonephritis
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis. algo
what if iv treatment fails?
do Imaging
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
Emphysematous pyelonephritis
Chronic pyelonephritis
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
Abscesses. where forms? 2
In the renal parenchyma and/or perirenal fat (perinephric abscess)
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
Abscesses. when do we suspect? symptoms
persistent fever + abdominal pain despite ab treatment
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
Abscesses. what to do to evaluate?
CT/UG –> diagnose abscess –> drainage (all perinephric, > 5cm renal) + continue abs
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis.
Emphysematous pyelonephritis. what causes and in what patients?
gas producing bacteria.
In DM or immunocompromise
UW. Dipstic proteinuria (albumin). trace?
15-30 mg/dl
UW. Dipstic proteinuria (albumin). +1
30-100 mg/dl
UW. Dipstic proteinuria (albumin). +2
100-300 mg/dl
UW. Dipstic proteinuria (albumin). +3
UW. Dipstic proteinuria (albumin). +4
> 1000 mg/dl
FA. Chronic pyelonephritis. causes?
recurrent pyelonephritis (in children with vesicouretheral reflux)
Obstruction in adults (stones, BPH, cervical carcinoma)
FA. Chronic pyelonephritis. anatomic changes?
blunted calyces + corticomedullary scarring of the kidneys (on imaging)
FA. Chronic pyelonephritis.
what is imaging characteristic for vesicouretheral reflux?
seen upper/lower pole scarring
FA. Chronic pyelonephritis.
Pathologic findings?
Interstitial fibrosis and thyroidization of kidney (athrophic tubules filled with eosinophilic proteaceous materials)
FA. Chronic pyelonephritis.
what is xantogranulomatous pyelonephritis?
severe form of chronic pyelonephritis.
FA. Chronic pyelonephritis.
xantogranulomatous pyelonephritis. causes?
infected kidney stone obstruction
FA. Chronic pyelonephritis.
xantogranulomatous pyelonephritis. seen on imaging?
infected kidney stone obstruction –> granulomatous inflammation –> multiple, dar round areas on CT (Bear Paw sign)
FA. key fact abs.
Nitrofurantoin and fosfomycin only achieve therapeutic concentrations where?
bladder + urine
they do not penetrate renal parenchyma, so they should be used only to treat cystitis, NOT PYELONEPHRITIS
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis. treatment HD stable, peroral. abs?
Fluoroquinolones or 3-4th generation cephalosporin or TMP-SMX 7-14d.
FA. Complicated UTI form - pyelonephritis. treatment HD unstable, critically ill, urinary obstruction. iv, abs?
ceftriaxone, ampicillin-sulbaktam, piptaz, fluoroquinolones
guided by culture and sensitivity patterns
UW. Bladder pain syndrome = interstitis cystitis.
epidemiology? 3
1.assoc. with psychiatric disorder
2.pain disorders - fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome)
- history of UTI
UW. Bladder pain syndrome = interstitis cystitis. clinical presentation?3
bladder pain exacerbated with filling, exercise, sexual intercourse, alchohol, prolonged sitting.
Relief with voiding
incr. urinary frequency, urgency
aka Lower urinary tract symtoms
UW. Bladder pain syndrome = interstitis cystitis.
diagnosis? 2
bladder pain with no other cause >= 6 weeks
normal urinalysis
UW. Bladder pain syndrome = interstitis cystitis. treatment? main idea
not curative, focus on improving quality of life
UW. Bladder pain syndrome = interstitis cystitis. conservative treatment? first line
FIRST LINE - behavioral modification, avoidance of triggers, physical therapy
UW. Bladder pain syndrome = interstitis cystitis. treatment drugs?
amitriptyline (for refractory), pentosan polysulfate sodium
analgetics for acute exacerbations
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
how ascends infection?
infection from urethra + reflux of infected urine –> prostate (acute or chronic prostatitis)
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
pathogens - predominant UTI. most common e coli.
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
acute in what patients?
young < 40 yo males
high-risk sexual behaviour incr. risk of n. gonorea or c. trachomatis
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
chronic in what patients?
older males 40-70 y/o.
may result from acute prostatitis
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Acute - symptoms?
ill appearance
+ prostatitis symptoms (perineal pain, low back pain, defecation pain
+ irritative urinary symptoms (dysuria)
+ frequency
+ urgency
–> urinary retention.
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Acute - DRE?
exquisitely tender + boggy prostate
Prostate massage should be avoided as ir can cause bacteremia.
its clinical diagnosis, so DRE can be even skipped
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic - symptoms?
patient does not appear ill
less symptomatic, fever usually absent.
Prostatitis symptoms - dull, poorly localized pain in lower back+ perineal+scrotal+ suprapubic
+ recurrent urinary symtoms (dysuria, frequency, urgency, obstructive symptoms, ED +/- bloody semen) with repeated isolation of the same m/o/.
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
DRE in chronic?
Enlarged, non-tender
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
How confirmed acute?
urinalysis (Sheets of WBC + bacteria)
urine culture (e coli).
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Acute. in what patients obtain blood culture?
in very ill or HD unstable
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic. suggested by what lab?
WBC in prostatic secretions
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic. when positive urine culture?
positive - in chronic bacterial prostatitis
negative - in chronic nonbacterial prostatitis.
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic. what test used to determine location?
four glass
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic. diagn. first glass?
initial urine = urethra sample
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic. diagn. second glass?
midstream urine = bladder sample
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic. diagn. third glass?
prostatic massage - prostate sample
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic. diagn. glass?
after prostatic massage - another prostatic sample
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic. alternatevely can be used 2 glass test - atitinka 4 glass paskutinius du zingsnius, kur meginys is prostatos
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Acute - treatment 2. severe?
hospitalization + iv abs (fluoroquinolones +/- 3th-4th gen. cephalosporins)
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Acute - treatment. mild?
outpatient TMP-SMX or fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin) for 4-6 weeks to achieve therapeutic levels in prostate.
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Acute - mild. what treatment if men in high-risk sexual activity?
consider N gonorrhoe and C trachomatis coverage (ceftriaxone + azitromycin or doxycyline)
FA. protatitis - form of complicated UTI.
Chronic prostatitis –> treatment?
TMP-SMX or fluoroquinolone (ciprof or levofluoc) for 6-8 weeks –> to achieve therapeutic levels in prostate.
Treatment is difficul, UTI recurrences are common.
UW. use fluoroquinolones. what adverse may occur?
esp. achilles. also in rotator cuff, biceps, thumb, hand
C/P: pain and/or tenderness 2-6 cm above the posterior calcaneous in achilles tendinopathy.
UW. Recurrent UTI table.
Definition? 2
> = 2 infections in 6 months
> =3 infections in 1 year
UW. Recurrent UTI table. risk factors? 4
history of cystitis at =< 15 y/o
spermicide use
new sexual partner
Postmenopausal status
UW. Recurrent UTI table. evaluation?2
urine culture
UW. Recurrent UTI table. prevention?3
Behavioral modification
Postcoital or daily ab prophylaxis
Topical vaginal estrogen for postmenopausal patients
UW. Recurrent UTI table. what ab is choice to prevent?
After 48 hours of symptomatic improvement, most hospitalized patients (complicated
UTI) can be transitioned to culture-guided oral antimicrobials.
UW. Renal abscess.
Risk factors. 5
Pyelonephritis, complicated UTI.
Renal calculi
Anatomic abnormality (tumor, PKD)
UW. Renal abscess.
Clinical? 3
1 ryskus yra
Fever, chills
Flank/abdominal pain
NO IMPROVEMENT ADTER 48-72h of broad spectrum antibiotics
UW. Renal abscess.
diagnosis. 2
Renal UG
CT scan of abdomen
UW. Renal abscess.
treatment? 2
I/v ab
+/- drainage
UW acute pyelonepf.
UW acute pyelonepf.
Uncomplicated 4 facts:population, mo, abs
otherwise healthy, nonpregnant
I/v abs if VOMITING, elderly, septic
UW acute pyelonepf.
complicated. 3 facts: patiets, incr risk for what and treatment?
DM!!!!, urinary obstruction, renal failure, immunosupression, hospital acquired
incr. risk of abs resistance/treatmetn failure
I/V!!! fluoroquinolones, AMG, extended spectrum beta lactam/cephalosporin