Renal. Urologic cancers Flashcards
FA. Protate.
most common nonskin cancer in male
second cause of death in men
FA. Protate. 2 risk factors?
advanced age and family history
FA. Protate. initial symptoms? 2
asymptomatic, may present with obstructive urinary symptoms
FA. Protate. symptoms. additional?
Constitutional symptoms
lymphedema (from metastases obstructing lymphatic drainage) and/or black pain (bone mestastases)
FA. Protate. DRE?
palpable nodule or an area of induration.
Early carcinoma is usually not detectable
FA. Protate. Diagnosis. 2
Clinical findings and/or increased PSA (> 10 ng/ml)
FA. Protate. Diagnosis. most accurate test?
transrectal US guided biopsy
FA. Protate. Diagnosis. additional need to do what?
Look for metastases with CT of the abdomen/pelvis
a bone scan (metastatic lesions shows an osteoblastic or incr. bone density)
FA. key fact. leading causes of cancer death in men? 4
lung, protate, colorectal, pancreatic
FA. Protate. incr. in PSA can be caused by what other diseases?4
BPH, prostatitis, prostatic trauma, carcinoma
FA. Protate. treatment. older adults with low grade.?
watchful waiting, as many cases are slow to progress.
FA. Protate. treatment. radical prostatectomy assoc with what?
incr. risk for incontinence and/or erectile dysfunction
FA. Protate. treatment. radiation therapy, assoc with what?
incr. risk for radiation proctitis and GI symptoms.
erectile dysfunction posttreatment.
FA. Protate. treatment. PSA for what purpose used?
contraversial for screening
used to follow patient post treatment to evaluate for disease recurrence
FA. Protate. treatment. metastatic disease treatment?
androgen ablation (gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, orchiectomy, bicalutamide)
FA. Protate. treatment. metastatic disease treatment.
Radiation therapy bone?
useful to manage bone pain from metastases after androgen ablation
FA. Protate. prevention.
screening guidelines contraversial :)))) THE FUCK
Males should discuss pros and cons of anual DRE and/or PSA starting at 50 y/o.
FA. Protate. prevention. in what patients start earlier than 50 yo?
black males and in those with first-degree relative with prostate cancer
FA. Bladder.
second most common urologic cancer and the most frequent malignant tumor of urinary tract. THE FUCK
FA. Bladder. what usually carcinoma?
transitional cell carcinoma (now called urothelial carcinoma)
FA. Bladder. in what age?
most prevalent in 60-70 decade in males
FA. Bladder. risk factors?
smoking, diet rich in meat ant fat, schistosomiasis (squamous cell carcinoma), past treatment of cyclophosphamide, ocupational exposure to anilin dye
FA. Bladder. symtoms.
Gross, painless hematuria
Terminal hematuria (end of voiding) suggests bleeding from bladder
FA. Bladder. other symptoms than most common?
frequency, urgency, dysuria can also be seen.
Most patients are asymptomatic in the early stages
FA. Bladder. diagnosis.
Sceening - not recommended
UA - hematuria (microscopic or macroscopic)
cystoscopy + biopsy is diagnostic
urine cytology - dysplastic cells
MRI, CT, bone scan - for muscle invasion and metastases
FA. Bladder. diagnosis. which method is diagnostic?
cystoscopy + biopsy
FA. Bladder.
diagnosis. when recommended cysto+ biopsy?
in adults > 35 yo with unexplained hematuria
FA. Bladder. treatment. depends on what?
extent of spread beyond the bladded mucosa
FA. Bladder. treatment. Carcinoma in situ?
intravesicular chemotherapy or transuretheral resection.
FA. Bladder. treatment. superficial cancers?
Complete transuretheral resection or intravesicular chemotherapy with mitomycin C or BCG (TB vaccine)
FA. Bladder. treatment. Large, high grade recurrent lesions.
intravesicular chemotherapy
FA. Bladder. treatment. invasive cancer without metastases.
radical cystectomy or radiation therapy for patients who are deemed poor candidates for radical cystectomy and for those with unresectable local disease.
Nonadjuvant systemic therapy and radiosensitization is often considered.
FA. Bladder. treatment. invasive cancer with distant metastases.
Chemotherapy, immunotherapy, novel targeted agents are considered.
FA. key fact. key step for diagnosis in an adult with unexplained hematuria is cystoscopy to evaluate for bladder cancer.
FA. RCC. origin?
Adenocarcinoma from tubular epithelial cells
FA. RCC. spread way?
spread along the renal vein the the IVC and metastasize to other sites (lungs, bone, brain, liver)
FA. RCC. Risk factors?
male, smoking, obesity, acquired cystic kidney disease in ESRD, genetic conditions eg von Hippel Lindau disease.
FA. RCC. symptoms?
gross hematuria, flank pain, scrotal varicoceles, palpable flank mass.
FA. RCC. metastatic disease symtoms?
weight loss, malaise, symptoms according to metastases site
FA. RCC. paraneoplastic symptoms? gali isskirti EPO
anemia, erythropoiesis, thrombocytosis, fever, cachexia, hypercalcemia, polymyalgia rheumatica
FA. RCC. best initial test?
Diagnosed via CT.
allow to characterize renal mass and stage for lymp nodes/metastases.
FA. RCC. how confirmed diagnosis?
after CT –> histology on nephrectomy specimen
FA. RCC. what about UG?
rarely used
FA. RCC. treatment. 2
surgical resection
thermal ablation
may be curative in localized disease.
FA. RCC. treatment. metastases?
may improve survival in metastatic disease.
FA. RCC. key fact. triad? same UW
hematuria, flank pain, palpable flank mass
these all 3 occur in only 5-10proc. patients.
FA. RCC. response to radiation therapy/chemo?
15-30 proc. only
FA. RCC. newer tyrosine kinase inhibitors (axitinib, lenvatnib, cabozatonib) for treatment?
it shows promising results.
it decrease tumor angiogenesis and cell proliferation
FA. RCC. key fact. what typical scenario?
middle age individual with a history of smoking and left sided varicocele —> CONSIDER RCC.
UW. RCC. in what proc. seen hematuria?
40 proc.
UW. RCC. left varicocele. in what percent and what position?
10 proc.
do not empty when patient is recumbent - this failure shows that there is secondary cause of varicocele (eg tumor mass obstructing venous flow)
UW. RCC. Constitutional symptoms? 20 proc.
fever, night sweats, anorexia, weight loss, easy fatigabilty
UW. RCC. diagnosis?
CT scan
UW. RCC. paraneoplastic symptoms?
If ectopic EPO production –> polycytemia
cachexia, fever
FA. Testicular cancer. origin of 95 proc.?
germ cells and virtually all are malignant.
FA. Testicular cancer. risk factors?
cryptochidism, Kleinfelter syndrome, family history
FA. Testicular cancer. in what age?
15-34 y/o
FA. Testicular cancer. symptoms?
painless enlargement of the testes
firm ovoid mass with possible nodules
dull abdominal pain
metastatic symptoms
FA. Testicular cancer. what age for seminomas?
40-50 y/o
FA. Testicular cancer. diagnosis? 2 instrumental
testicular UG
xray and CT of abdomen/pelvis for metastases
FA. Testicular cancer. whats about screening?
tumor markers are useful for diagnosis and in monitoring treatment response
FA. Testicular cancer. biopsy?
contraindicated due to risk of spillage of cancer
FA. Testicular cancer. treatment. 2
radical orchiectomy + classification as seminoma or nonseminomatous germ cell turmor
FA. Testicular cancer. treatment. Seminoma?
chemotherapy or radiation for low stage disease
FA. Testicular cancer. treatment. non-seminoma?
retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for low-stage disease
FA. Testicular cancer. treatment. what chemo for advanced disease?
platinum based for advanced disease of either type (seminoma or non-seminoma)
FA. Testicular cancer markers.
what are germ cell tumors? 95 proc.
Seminoma (most common)
yolk sac
FA. Testicular cancer markers.
what are non- germ cell tumors? 5 proc.
leydig cell, sertoli cells, testicular lymphoma
FA. Testicular cancer markers. Seminoma?
usually negative;
beta-hCG in some cases
FA. Testicular cancer markers. Yolk sac?
inc. alfa-fetoprotein (AFP)
FA. Testicular cancer markers. Choriocarcinoma?
incr. beta-hCG
FA. Testicular cancer markers. Teratoma?
AFP and/or beta-HCG
usually negative;
beta-hCG in some cases?
inc. alfa-fetoprotein (AFP)?
Yolk sac (endodermal sinus tumor)
AFP and/or beta-HCG?
incr. beta-hCG?
FA. Testicular cancer markers. leydig cells?
incr. testosterone and estrogen (causing dec. LH and FSH)
FA. Testicular cancer markers. sertoli?
FA. Testicular cancer markers. testicular lymphoma?
none. arises from metastasis to testes
incr. testosterone and estrogen (causing dec. LH and FSH)?
none marker in what testicular cancer?
testicular markers?
none. arises from metastasis to testes
testicular lymphoma
UW. Bladder cancer. risk factors. age, family history.
what chronic exposure?3
smoking - carcinogens
workplace - aromatic amines or aluminum
well water - arsenic
UW. Bladder cancer. why screening is not recommended? 3
Current tests have lowe sensitivity/specificity
most of them are detected at an early stage anyway
generally have good prognosis, hence early diagnosis really doesnt help us much
UW. RCC. origin of what part shows worst prognosis?
collecting duct
UW. RCC. spread to 2 most common places?
lungs and bones
UW. RCC. spread route?
–> DVT or piece of tumor in renal vein
UW. RCC. thrombus in liver (hepatic vein), what syndrome?
Budd Chiari
CT scan or US
CT thorax and bone scan for stagin
UW. RCC. Treatment?
Resection –> nephrectomy
UW. Bladder cancer. Increased risk in what patients? 2
smokers and exposure to industrial carcinogens
UW. Bladder cancer.
Painless hematuria
Irritative voiding symptoms
Regional pain
UW. Bladder cancer.
what gold standard?
gold - Flexible cystoscopy with biopsy
Urine cytology
UW. Bladder cancer.
staging, what methods?
Upper urinary tract imaging (IVP, MRI, CT)
UW. Bladder cancer. Treatment.
1. no muscle invasion. methods? 2
TURBP and itravesical immunotherapy
UW. Bladder cancer. Treatment.
2. muscle invasion. methods? 2
radical cystectomy and systemic chemotherapy
UW. Bladder cancer. Treatment.
3. metastatic? 2
Systemic chemotherapy and immunotherapy
UW. indications for cystoscopy. 5.
Gross hematuria with no evidence of glomerual disease or infection
microscopic hematuria with no evidence of glomerual disease or infection BUT increased risk for malignancy
Recurrent UTI
Obstructive symptoms with suspicion for stricture, stone
Irritative symptoms without UTI
Abnormal bladder imaging or urine cytology