Renal. Hepatorenal + rhabdomyolysis (07-25) (1) Flashcards
Hepatorenal. simple definition?
Acute renal failure due to hepatic cause, eg cirrhosis.
In general complication of end stage hepatic disease
Hepatorenal. Characterized by 3?
significant decr. GFR in the absence of another clear cause of renal dysfunction
Minimal hematuria (<50rbc/hpf)
Lack of improvement with volume resuscitation
Hepatorenal. pathophysiology in cirrhosis?
cirrhosis –> splanchnic arterial dilation (due to incr. NO release in splanchnic circulation due to portal hypertension) -> decr. vascular resistance –> activation of RAAS –> renal vasoconstriction –> decr. perfusion and GFR
Hepatorenal. 2 most common inciting factors?
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
GI bleeding
Hepatorenal. what is response to standard renal treatment?
do not respond to Iv fluids and withdrawal of diurestics, and renal function continues to decline
Hepatorenal. table. risk factors?
advanced cirrhosis with portal hypertension and edema
Hepatorenal. table. precipitating factors? 4
reduced renal perfusion
GI bleeding, vomiting, sepsis, excessive diuretic use, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Reduced glomerular pressure and GFR (NSAIDs use –> constricts afferent arterioles)
Hepatorenal. table. diagnosis 5?
Renal hypoperfusion
FeNa< 1proc. (or urine Na < 10 mEq/L)
Absence of tubular injury
No RBC, protein, or granular casts in urine
No improvement in renal function with fluids
Hepatorenal. table. treatment? 3
address predisposing factors (hypovolemia, anemia, infection)
Splanchnic vasoconstrictors (midodrine, octreotide, NoA)
Liver transplantation
UW. Rhabdomyolysis.
etiology? 3
Skeletal muscle lysis/necrosis due to:
a) Crush injury or prolonged immobilization
b) Intense muscle pain activity (seizure, exertion)
c) Drug/medication toxicity (eg statin)
UW. Rhabdomyolysis.
Clinical features. 5
Muscle pain and weakness
Dark urine (myoglobinuria/pigmenturia)
+blood on urinalysis and no RBC on microscopy
Incr. serum K and PO4, decr. serum Ca, incr. AST>ALT
Acute kidney injury
UW. Rhabdomyolysis.
Diagnosis? 2
CK > 1000 U/l
consistent clinical features
UW. Rhabdomyolysis. management?
aggressive IV resuscitation
Sodium bicarbonate in some cases
UW. Rhabdomyolysis.
drug induced.
Direct myotoxic - 4?
Statins, fibrates
UW. Rhabdomyolysis.
drug induced.
Vasoconstrictiive ischemia - 2?