Renal Transplant Flashcards
involves transplanting a kidney from a living donor or deceased donor to a recipient who are longer has renal function
Kidney Transplant
Philippines’ Organ Donation Act of ?
“Any individual, at least 18 years of age and of sound mind, may give by way of legacy, to take effect after his death, all or part of his body for the purpose of medical or dental education, research advancement of medical or dental science, therapy or transplant”.
Republic Act 7170
“In all donations, the death of a person from whose body organ will be removed after his death for the purpose of transplantation to a living person, shall be diagnosed separately by two (2) qualified physicians neither of whom shall be: (2)
A member of the team of medical practitioners who will affect the removal of the organ from the body
Lead of hospital or designated officer authorizing the removal of the organ
Where do organs come from? (3)
Living Related Donor
Living Unrelated Donor
Deceased Donor
Pre-operative Nursing Care: Complete physical examination is performed (4)
Tissue Typing
Blood Typing
Antibody Screening
Psychosocial Evaluation
Pre-operative Nursing Care: Patient teaching
Post-operative pulmonary hygiene
Pain management options
Dietary restrictions
Early ambulance
Pre-operative Nursing Care: No BLOOD TRANSFUSION for at least ? prior to transplantation
2 weeks