Renal Replacement Thearpy Flashcards
What is end stage renal failure?
When death is likley without renal replacement thearpy, and eGFR < 15ml/min
What are some of the symptoms that a paitent with ESRD may expeirence?
Tiredness, increased infections, sexual dsyfunction, restless legs and cramps, nausea and vomiting as well as a reduced apeptities, and symptoms and signs of fluid overload
What are some of the options when the kdineys fail?
Hameodiayslis, pertioneal diysis, conservative care and transplant
How does hameodialysis work?
Blood is feed through a tube to a dialyser where diffusion can take place
What are some of the advantages of undergoing heamodialysis?
There is less responability and you get time off being treated
What are some of the disadvantages of undergoing heamoidialsysi?
You are tied to the dialysis schedule and the is a big restirction to your fluid and food intake
What are some of the contrainidcaitons for heamodialusis?
Heart failure is a relative contrainidcation, also coagualpahty, and failed vascular access as well as access failure
What is the proccess of peritoneal dialysis?
Diaylsis fluid is fed into the peritoneal caivt, and thepartially permebale membrane is the peritoneal membrane, and fluid diffuses across the membrane
What are the two types of pertionelal Diaylsis?
CAPD, continous ambulartory dialysis which happens throughout the day, and APD
What are some of the advantages of peritoneal dialysis?
You are self sufficent and independant, failry easy to travel and you have less fluid and food restirctions, and renal function is better preserved intially
What are some of the disadvantages of periontelaal dialysis?
There are frequnet daily bag changes, and there is also the reponsibility
What are some of the contradinidations for pertoneal diaylsis?
Failure of the peritojneal membrane, the patient or carer is unable to conect themselves, adehesions or previous abdominal surgery, and the patinet is obsese and has a high muscle mass
What are some of the complications of peritoneal dialysis?
Leaks, peritonitis, development of herniae and failure of the ultrafilitrate
What is Home HD?
You are connected up the a HD machine in your own home, which is generally better for the patient quality of life, however there needs to be someone present incase the patient starts to bleed
What are the different types of kidney transplant?
Liver donor who may be related or unrealted, deceasd after brian death and then diseased after circulatory death
What are some of the immunsupressing drugs that you might use after a kidney transplatnt?
Prograf, predisone and mycolat
What may be some of the symptoms seen in ESRD with end of life care
Bone pain, naesua and lack of appetite, prutisi, constopatidn