Anatomy Flashcards
How would you anatomically describe the kidneys?
Paired retroperitoneal organs situated in the posterior part of the abdomen, and on each side of the vertebral column.
What is the anatomical location of the kidneys?
Upper pole of each kidney is opposite the twelfth thoracic vertebra, and lower pole is opposite the second or thoird lumbar vertebra with the right kidney more caudal.
What is the normal size of the kidney?
Approx 11-12 cm in length 5.0-7.5 in width and 2.5-3.0 cm in thickness
What are some of the anterior anatomical relations of the left kidney?
The supradrenal gland, the spleen the stomach, the left colic flexure and the jejunum
What are some of the anatomical relations of the posteiror kidney?
The diaphram, the 11th and 12th ribs, the psoas major, the quardartu lumrum and the tranversus abdominus muscles.
What are some of the anterior relations of the right kidney?
The supradrenal gland, the liver the duodenum and the right colic flexure
What are some of the posterior anatomical relations of the right kidney?
Diapthram the 12th rib, the psoas major, the quadratus lumrum and the traversus abdominius muscles
What is the different between paranephric fat and perinephric fat?
Perinephric fat is around the kidney whereas paranephric fat is around the kidney fascia
Where does the renal atery enter the kidney?
The Hilium
What is the sequence of blood vessels found in the kidney?
Renal atery - Segmental artery - Interlobar ateries (each side of the renal pyramid)- acrute ateries- interlobular ateries- efferent arterioles (in a Perittubular network)- glomeruli
What is the drainage of the kidneys?
The paillae drain into the minor calcyces, which drain into the major calcyes
Where do the renal calcyes drain?
The renal pelvis
What does a renal sinus contain?
Blood vessels
What are some of the structural features of the ureters?
Two thick tubes which act to transport urine, each about 25 cm long, smooth muscle in them contracts to produce peristalic waves, which propels urine towards the bladder..
Describe some of the locational features of the ureters?
Go from retroperitoneal to peritoneal at the pelvic rim,
Where are the three most common areas in the ureter for obstructions?
The uteropelvic junction, the pelvic rim and where the ureter enters the bladder.
What is the most common cause of trauma to the ureters?
Uteres run under the uterine Atery and so in a hysterectomy the ureteris could be damaged as the uteric atery is closed
What is the ligament associated with the bladder?
The median umbilical ligament
What is the trigone in the bladder?
The area which is smoother (contains no rugae) and where the orifices are found
What are the two spinchters controlling the outflow of urine?
The internal and external urethral spinchters
What is the specalised smooth muscle found in the bladder?
The detrusor muscle
What are the different nerve supplies to the bladder?
Sympatheic is the hypogastric nerve (T12-L2), Parasympathic is the pelvic nerve(S2-S4) and the rest is supplied by the pedudal nerve.
What are the differing types of structure within the prostate gland?
2/3 is glandular and 1/3 is fibromuscular
What is the aterial supply of the prostate gland?
The prostatic ateries help to provide the blood supply
What are the four areas of the male urethra?
The pre-prostatic, the prostatic, the membranous and the spongy urethra
What are the two angles in the male urethra?
The prepubic and the infrapubic angles
What are the two surfaces the female urethra passess through?
The perineal membrane and the pelvic floor
Where does the ureter cross the pelvic brim?
At the level of the sacroiliac joint, anterior to the bifurcation of the common iliac artery to pierce the inferior surface of the bladder
Where does the ureter enter the bladder?
The posteriolateral surface
What structures does the ureter pass around in males?
Passes under the ductus deferens and the seminal vessels
What structures does the ureter pass around in women?
Descends posterior to the ovary and into the base of the broad ligament, passing underneath the uterine atery
What is the blood supply of the ureter?
Supplied by branches of the common and internal iliac aterys and the uterine, and is drained by the veins of the same name
Where is the bladder found anatomically?
Posterior to the pubic bones and the pubic symphysis
What is the ridge in the bladder between the two openings called?
The interura fold
Where is the site of attachement for the urachus on the bladder?
Anterior angle or the apex of the bladder
What is the urachus?
The fibrous remnant of the allantois
What is the arrangment of detrusor muscle in the bladder?
Fibres running transversely, inferiorly nd onluqaully, and in the region of the bladder next the detrusor muscle runs circulalry and helps to act as a spincther
What is the bladder mucosa known as?